Will the illegal immigration problem ever be solved?

charles brough

Jun 16, 2011
Its like the drug abuse, terrorism, health crisis, nuclear proliferation, world hunger and climate change problems. They won't be solved.

Let me explain . . . In the case of illegal immigration across the Mexican border, many of our agricultural/industrial businesses need cheap labor to compete in the world market. Does anyone see our unemployed masses going to the garment factories to work or the stoop-labor farms to harvest needed fruit and vegetables? The govenment does not even have the political strength to bring back the WPA and have the unemployed repairing the nation's infrastructure. :(

I say look at it this way: we are economically in "the new normal" and should be realistic enough to realize that it and many of our other problems will gradually (but unevenly) growing worse and that, individually, we can deal with it better if we will accept that civilizations rise and then they fall. Nothing leasts forever.:cool:
Soft on illegal immigration...
Obama Administration Stresses ‘Discretion’ in Deporting Illegal Aliens
Monday, June 20, 2011 – The Obama administration is directing federal immigration officials to use "prosecutorial discretion" in deciding which illegal aliens to detain and deport.
The intention is to kick out the worst offenders and release the all the others – specifically victims of domestic violence and other crimes; witnesses to crimes; or people who are charged with minor traffic violations. The apparent goal is to make the Secure Communities program more palatable to the states and activists who have criticized it. But the changes to the Secure Communities program, announced last week, did not mollify critics who are calling for a moratorium. One group called the changes inadequate – amounting to “little more than lipstick on a pig.”

Secure Communities is a voluntary, three-year-old partnership between Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and state and local law enforcement to identify and deport "criminal aliens.” Under Secure Communities, the fingerprints of every single individual arrested and booked into custody, including U.S. citizens, are checked against immigration records. Immigration advocates say too many law-abiding undocumented immigrants are being deported under the program. They also say it encourages racial profiling and undermines public safety.

In a June 17 memo, ICE Director John Morton clarified that "it is against ICE policy to initiate removal proceedings against people who are victims or witnesses to a crime." The same goes for people who are pursuing “legitimate” civil rights complaints and those who are involved in union organizing or who have legitimately complained to authorities about employment discrimination or housing conditions. Morton said federal officials must “exercise all appropriate discretion on a case-by-case basis” when deciding how to handle such cases to avoid discouraging individuals from reporting crimes or standing up for their civil rights.

Unless the illegal alien poses national security concerns, has a “serious criminal history,” poses a threat to public safety, is a human rights violator or is involved in “significant” immigration fraud, “exercising favorable discretion, such as release from detention and deferral or a stay of removal generally will be appropriate,” Morton said. ICE also announced it will establish an advisory committee -- including police chiefs, sheriffs, prosecutors, court officials, ICE agents, and immigration advocates – to recommend policies that will stop the deportation of individuals charged with, but not convicted of, minor traffic offenses if they have no other criminal history.

Soft on illegal immigration...
Obama Administration Stresses ‘Discretion’ in Deporting Illegal Aliens
Monday, June 20, 2011 – The Obama administration is directing federal immigration officials to use "prosecutorial discretion" in deciding which illegal aliens to detain and deport.

Since Federal Immigration Law is Adiminstative, the federal government has the authority to make the rules...

Adminstrative law is the body of law governing administrative agencies- -that is, those agencies created by Congress or state legislatures, such as the Social Security Administration...

...Administrative agencies administer law through the creation and enforcement of regulations; most of these regulations pertain to providing some type of benefit to applicants. Frequently, an applicant objects to an agency's decision to deny, limit or terminate the benefits provided and seeks to have the decision reviewed. This review is called an administrative hearing and is held before an administrative law judge (A.L.J.).
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There is no will to change the status quo. Liberals defend the illegal entry into our county for humanitarian reasons and conservatives defend the illegal entry into our country by making a hue and cry about their presence but enjoy the greater profits in their exploitation.

Yep, a partisan offering, but one which is essentially true. Small business thrives on the explotation of labor, payroll taxes (for those with forged documents) provide revenue for benefits which the employee will never use and labor laws can be easily ignored or manipulated. Of course many undocumented workers take cash which further benefits the small business owner in terms of less taxes paid.

But, don't forget the liberal establishment allows the exploitation and illegal activity to continue, forgetting that those who play by the rules fall further and further behind and suffer the same bias as those who cheat.

And please don't forget that the Feds, every president in my working lifetime has ignored enforcement of immigration laws as a way of transfering the costs to the states and local governments. Today we house thousands of undocumented aliens in our jail and prisons, treat many more at our county hospitals and provide general assistance, all at state and local expense. Funds which might be used to provide greater police and fire protecton, cleaner streets and parks, lower fees for permits, lower taxes and reduce the cost of a taffic ticket below that of a new car.

Let those employed here have an opportunity to stay, legally. Fine the business and collect back taxes and toss out any none resident alien who commit non violent felonies and high grade misdemeanors; add an enhancement of ten years to any sentence to St. Prison for crimes against a person and five years for other felonies.

Illegal entry after a formal deporatation should be a felony and the convicted imprisoned in a Federal Prison for not less than five years, in addition to any other sentence s/he may have recieved.

Any foreign aid given to a nation which has a national in a Federal Prison, or housed by a state or local institution, should be reduced on a dollar for dollar basis for the cost of imprisonment, medical care or other costs, including education.

These actions might get the attention of those who enter our nation illegally and the national leaders of foreign countries who close their eyes to, or encourage, such illegal activity.
How about a wall. But the machine guns in the towers have to face into the US. We can't shoot the illegals in Mexico that would be an act of war.
When Hispanics are the majority in America, illegal immigration will be solved.
How can our immigration laws be enforced and when we cannot even inquire of immigration status? Ask for identification without being accused of profiling? I am Hispanic looking and have no fear of being asked by identification proving I am a citizen. Green card allow one to work and if you do not have one it is reasonable suspicion that you are an illegal alien. How hard it that to understand. WE have 20 million illegal aliens in this country because our government is not doing it job and is stopping others of doing their job. It is perfectly legal to profile illegal aliens. The Federal Immigration and Nationality Act allow for it. We catch criminals by profiling and illegal aliens are criminals.
WE have to get the right people in office to get the illegal immigration problem solved.
Hispexicans takin' over Maryland...
Census paints Md.’s future a Hispanic hue
Thursday, August 11, 2011 - White population aging, having fewer children
The face of Maryland’s future will be vastly more colorful than its present, with nine of the state’s 24 jurisdictions already majority-minority among young children, detailed 2010 census figures released Thursday show. The numbers paint a portrait of a state in which a shrinking population of whites pushing well past middle age gives way to Hispanics with larger families, while their offspring eschew marriage in favor of a prolonged single life. For both new groups, homeownership is, for now, comparatively out of the picture.

While non-Hispanic whites make up 8 in 10 of Maryland’s oldest residents and 55 percent of the overall population, the figures show they make up less than 43 percent of those younger than 5. The youngsters who will inherit the communities in which they grow up make a decided majority out of racial and ethnic minorities in Washington’s northern suburbs, and the differences between the state’s youngest residents and their parents’ generation is enough to make a Caucasian kindergartner the exception even in Maryland’s quiet outposts such as tiny Dorchester County.

The diverse children, however, are accompanied by a marked atrophy of the family unit. According to the figures, the number of households containing very young children being raised by non-relatives increased by 55 percent. Those with young children being raised by relatives other than parents increased 40 percent. In Montgomery County, which shed 40,000 whites and added the most Hispanics in the state, compared with the prior census in 2000, non-Hispanic whites make up 36 percent of the population younger than 5. The 2010 census showed that the overall white population of Montgomery County inched just below the 50 percent mark for the first time.

In Prince George’s County, the white population among the youngest children is half that of its general population, at 7 percent, and a quarter of its youngest residents are Hispanic — nearly twice that of their parents’ generation. There are one-third fewer whites in the nation’s wealthiest majority-black county compared with 10 years ago. In Baltimore, 18 percent of the children younger than 5 are white, versus 28 percent overall. Baltimore’s historic black culture gave way in spots to new ethnic enclaves, such as about 5,500 Salvadorans, where virtually none lived a decade ago.

Not unless you get someone ruthless to do the job. *points to self*

I'll be glad to rein down on illegal immigration and help get this country running again.
The invasion continues because the leftwing wants to change the demographics of this country for political purposes, namely the overturning of the predominance of white people, who provide the overwhelming majority of political opposition to them, plus the owners of labor intensive industries who want cheap exploitable illegal labor.

Getting rid of the invaders is no problem at all, and it could be done in a year by imposing and enforcing strong sanctions against scofflaw employers. It doesn't happen because of the interests who hope to gain from it, plus the fact that the great majority of average american people are kept uninformed about its consequences by the lib media which of course is on the invaders side.
Its like the drug abuse, terrorism, health crisis, nuclear proliferation, world hunger and climate change problems. They won't be solved.

Let me explain . . . In the case of illegal immigration across the Mexican border, many of our agricultural/industrial businesses need cheap labor to compete in the world market. Does anyone see our unemployed masses going to the garment factories to work or the stoop-labor farms to harvest needed fruit and vegetables? The govenment does not even have the political strength to bring back the WPA and have the unemployed repairing the nation's infrastructure. :(

I say look at it this way: we are economically in "the new normal" and should be realistic enough to realize that it and many of our other problems will gradually (but unevenly) growing worse and that, individually, we can deal with it better if we will accept that civilizations rise and then they fall. Nothing leasts forever.:cool:

Well if we take the sugar off the table maybe the ants will go away.

That is to say we COULD crack down on employers who hire illegal immigrants making it less profitable to hire illegals than it would be to not hire them thus reducing the draw due to reducing the available jobs for illegals.

We could put young people and people who need extra income to work in the fields for near minimum wage pay rates, yes we will pay more for our fruits and vegetables but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. As far as garment factories, that stuff isn't made here anymore its made on islands and in countries where they barely have to pay the workers anything.

We could also close down many of our unnecessary and expensive military bases around the world then rebuild those bases along our borders and use the troops as an added measure of border security to keep out both terrorists and those who seek to violate our immigration laws for their own personal gain.

I obviously disagree with your well thought out premise ;)
"yes we will pay more for our fruits and vegetables but I'm willing to make that sacrifice. As far as garment factories, that stuff isn't made here anymore its made on islands and in countries where they barely have to pay the workers anything."

I sincerely doubt you or various companies are willing to make that sacrifice. You will bitch and moan about the rising costs of produce and blame corporate greed or regulation and ignore why it is that way.
Soft on illegal immigration...
Obama Administration Stresses ‘Discretion’ in Deporting Illegal Aliens
Monday, June 20, 2011 – The Obama administration is directing federal immigration officials to use "prosecutorial discretion" in deciding which illegal aliens to detain and deport.

Since Federal Immigration Law is Adiminstative, the federal government has the authority to make the rules...

Adminstrative law is the body of law governing administrative agencies- -that is, those agencies created by Congress or state legislatures, such as the Social Security Administration...

...Administrative agencies administer law through the creation and enforcement of regulations; most of these regulations pertain to providing some type of benefit to applicants. Frequently, an applicant objects to an agency's decision to deny, limit or terminate the benefits provided and seeks to have the decision reviewed. This review is called an administrative hearing and is held before an administrative law judge (A.L.J.).

The only person responding who actually has a clue as to how immigration law works. What a change of pace!

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