will the left demonize the Supreme Court if they strike down Colorado's ballet ruling ?

Another lying left wing asshole heard from.
These leftards are only here to tweak our beaks. I don't even think THEY believe the silly stuff they post.

This is the faith these fool leftards have in our system? Trump is going to destroy it with his personality? Wow, that Trump must be a pretty powerful dude. No wonder the leftards are scared of him. He brings down entire political systems with a few mean tweets.

And that's one of the main problems with this. We're in need of reason and intellect right now, and these attempted political knockout punches will only fan the flames.

What's the old saying - "Don't wrestle with pigs; you only get dirty and the pig likes it".
Is that Russian or something? I never heard that one.
We've been saying that all along. This ruling will not change it no matter which way it goes.
My guess is that this will have been a bad idea. This is definitely not a time for punitive measures, even if they are based on reality. Or the Constitution.

Does punishing a jihadi make other jihadis think twice and repent? It sure doesn't.

We're in uncharted territory right now. Reason doesn't apply, logic doesn't apply, and that's when things start falling off the cart.
Can you imagine that if it is a SC decision of 9 to 0, will the Marxists go bonkers saying that it was only a Conservative court that overruled to Colorado decision?

If the Marxists of the SC allow the Colorado court to do its dirty deed, then any Red state can then strike any Democrat from their ballots and right now there are more Red states than blue.

Harry Ried ended the filibuster, which then prevented the brown turd Obammy from putting Merrick the dick sucking Garland on the Supreme Court. The Marxists went crazy when Mitch McConnel stopped that appointment, all because of Dirty Harry.
They never learn
My guess is that this will have been a bad idea. This is definitely not a time for punitive measures, even if they are based on reality. Or the Constitution.

Does punishing a jihadi make other jihadis think twice and repent? It sure doesn't.

We're in uncharted territory right now. Reason doesn't apply, logic doesn't apply, and that's when things start falling off the cart.
There is one thing you can count
On....SCOTUS is going to protect its jurisdictional purview. The State Court has ventured out of its jurisdiction.

i believe 2 or 3 leftist radicals will rule in Colorado's favor .. Justice Ketanji Jackson will more than likely one of them ..but it wont matter either way the left is going to screech and call foul play when Colorado loses .
I wouldn't be so sure. I see a strong possibility of 9-0 on this one because it's not really about Trump....it's about Jurisdiction.
We're in uncharted territory right now.
Uhhhhh, not really. The US has been falsely accusing much of the outside world of deeds undone and even internally there have been lots of CIA false flag operations and lies spread about American citizens.
Reason doesn't apply, logic doesn't apply ...

... and that's when things start falling off the cart.
Let's hope most of it escapes destruction and can be put back on the shelf again whenever (if ever) reason & logic are reinstated.
My guess is that this will have been a bad idea. This is definitely not a time for punitive measures, even if they are based on reality. Or the Constitution.

Do you ever stop being a total pussy? You're always so concerned with how the Bingos on the right will respond. Should we really temper our decisions based on their stubborn and persistent stupidity and childish threats of violence?
Does punishing a jihadi make other jihadis think twice and repent? It sure doesn't.

We're in uncharted territory right now. Reason doesn't apply, logic doesn't apply, and that's when things start falling off the cart.
Reason always applies but sometimes bitches like you argue for doing what scares you the least rather then being unapologetically confident in what you know to be right.

Do you ever stop being a total pussy? You're always so concerned with how the Bingos on the right will respond. Should we really temper our decisions based on their stubborn and persistent stupidity and childish threats of violence?

Reason always applies but sometimes bitches like you argue for doing what scares you the least rather then being unapologetically confident in what you know to be right.
You're not required to read my posts.

Try to calm down.
You're not required to read my posts.

Try to calm down.
I read them because your consistent cowardice is entertaining to me. I'm just wondering if you were born a bitch or if it was life that eventually beat it into you.
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