will the left demonize the Supreme Court if they strike down Colorado's ballet ruling ?

Clinton paid off a trailer park trash. That's Carville's words. Lol
Well, congratulations are in order.

Usually blob supporting mouth breathers want to discuss the Democrats of the 1800's and pretend that they have some relevance to today's politics. You're only reaching back 30 years.
The “left” may...but I won’t.

The ruling by the Supreme Court of Colorado was wrong in my view. Trump hasn’t been convicted of anything...yet. Once he is; then it’s a different matter. But even then...you should be able to vote for whomever meets the qualifications for President and gets their name on the ballot...or any other office for that case. This is why I’m against term limits.

Now, if there is a law in Colorado that says a convicted felon can’t run for dog catcher, that’s a different kettle of fish. But save for this conviction--which hasn’t happened to the blob--he should be able to run.

I’m sorry but the Supreme Court of a state doesn’t get to run a purity test on candidates. Trump is scum. His supporters act like scum. The OP is the scum-lord in my view. But if scum isn’t convicted in a court of law--we are a nation of laws--he should be able to get on the ballot. If the voters of Colorado elect scum..that is their choice.
One doesn't need to be already "convicted" of insurrection by a specific court. The SC of Col. obviously decided for themselves, in regards to Trumps obvious role on Jan.6th. "Fight like hell" etc. defying a democratic election result by force, held under his administration !!

If the US SC will see it/judge it the same way - we will see. I am not familiar with the US process in regards to the Federal court overruling a State's decision.

Can the US Supreme Court overrule a state supreme court decision?

Answer: No. It is a common misconception among pro se litigants that federal courts can revisit and perhaps overturn a decision of the state courts. Only if a federal issue was part of a state court decision can the federal court review a decision by the state court.
As such is it a federal issue? if an individual State bans someone form participating in a national election - in regards to their State? It's not that Colorado banned Trump from the ballots of other States.

And then there is this:
The president along with state governments can ignore Supreme Court decisions.

It will be interesting to see, as to how all the other 60/70? charges against Trump will be dealt with - as such a "qualification" for a Presidential Candidate will be decided upon in the weeks prior to the November 2024 election. Presently anti-MAGA's are just 'warming up" and testing the waters. aka is the GOP's (MAGA) party dogma in line with the US constitution?

Right and left-wing radical parties that are not in line with the respective constitution in e.g. Europe are generally banned - not just their "illustrious" Candidate.
No. The court has already lost any credibility it had.

Trump isn't going to win in any case.

This is just one more nail in the coffin of Republicans, with all of the other ones that got added this year.

Abortion will be the issue that eventually flips the court, as their unethical behavior, and radically out of touch decisions on every issue, will get a large enough majority in the Senate to flip it.

There will be at least two, if not three red states, that will flip to purple in the next ten years, and that will have huge implications on the direction of the country going forward.
No roe vs wade should be reconsidered.

It's the science, or are you anti science?
Well, congratulations are in order.

Usually blob supporting mouth breathers want to discuss the Democrats of the 1800's and pretend that they have some relevance to today's politics. You're only reaching back 30 years.
You making excuses for Clinton paying off trailer trash?
Anybody else remember people saying about Nazi Germany that it could never happen in the U.S.? Hitler was elected as head of his party and put in office first then became a dictator. What will our legacy be if Trump could have been "nipped in the bud," but failed to do so?
Another lying left wing asshole heard from.
i believe 2 or 3 leftist radicals will rule in Colorado's favor .. Justice Ketanji Jackson will more than likely one of them ..but it wont matter either way the left is going to screech and call foul play when Colorado loses .
Jackson should recuse herself because she was appointed by Biden.
You better read Gorsuch's opinions will serving on the appeal court in Colorado. He is pro states' rights. I think Roberts is as well. Barrett will be the swing vote.

This is not a state's rights issue because they referenced the 14th Amendment which makes it federal in its purview.
Anybody else remember people saying about Nazi Germany that it could never happen in the U.S.? Hitler was elected as head of his party and put in office first then became a dictator. What will our legacy be if Trump could have been "nipped in the bud," but failed to do so?
One thing fascists do is use the courts to eliminate the competition.....another is having their own opposition groups do the parties dirty work......you know, a dem sponsored terror group.......we call them Antifa.
we saw crowds of leftists protest outside the SC and near the homes of Justices that struck down Roe V Wade and even an arrest of an individual who was planning to assassinate one of the justices ... with the drama being dialed up by the left over the possible election of Donald Trump will leftists go insane if Colorado's decision to keep Trump off the Ballot is struck down ? will the left say the SC is illegitimate and call for the packing of the courts ! will they [like Schumer stated ] reap the whirlwind ?
We've been saying that all along. This ruling will not change it no matter which way it goes.
You better read Gorsuch's opinions while serving on the appeal court in Colorado.
nybody else remember people saying about Nazi Germany that it could never happen in the U.S.? Hitler was elected as head of his party and put in office first then became a dictator. What will our legacy be if Trump could have been "nipped in the bud," but failed to do so?

I was responding to this brain dead rant.
nybody else remember people saying about Nazi Germany that it could never happen in the U.S.? Hitler was elected as head of his party and put in office first then became a dictator. What will our legacy be if Trump could have been "nipped in the bud," but failed to do so?

I was responding to this brain dead rant.
Your shitass remarks means nothing. Trump is our American Hitler and needs to be nipped for the good of the country and our fellow citizens.
Baked into this question is an assumption that the power of a state supreme court to remove a candidate from a ballot could only ever happen for illegitimate reasons. But that isn't the case here. CO does in fact have a stipulation that people who engage in insurrection are not permitted to appear on ballots in CO. And they did in fact determine in court that Trump engaged in insurrection, per their understanding of what that word means.

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