Will the left leaning supreme court come back to the center by voting

And I am a Strict Constructional Federalist.
Ok. I get your point, but it's wrong. Just because the majority can decide to do harm in a state against a minority group does not mean we should let that happen. But I get the idea that we should let the states decide. You'll have to change the 14th amendment to make that happen.

No, you don't. The 14th doesn't apply blanket equality. One first has to figure out what is equal, and what is not. Evidently age isn't equal, or we couldn't prevent 10 year olds marrying. Blood relations evidently aren't equal either, although ironically homosexual incestuous relationships remove the main issue with incest, i.e. genetically damaged progeny.

You are also allying yourself with people who only believe in equality in this ONE case, and will sell your ass under the bus when it comes to the 2nd amendment, or the next big fight, public accommodation, i.e. my favorite, the forcing of the cake baking.

The 14th does apply blanket equality- all Americans are entitled to them.

If a state wants to deny rights to anyone- then the State must have a compelling argument to deny that right.

I think we all agree that an individual has the right to own a gun. The 14th Amendment among other things says that States cannot ignore that right and are subject to the Constitution also- but the State can deny individuals the right to own guns- such as convicted felons- when there is a compelling state interest in doing so.

What states have not been able to do is provide any compelling interest in:
a) preventing mixed race couples from marrying
b) preventing a parent who owes child support from marrying
c) preventing a prisoner from marrying
d) preventing same gender couples from marrying.

The Supreme Court has ruled on a-c- and will be ruling on d.

NYC says I cannot carry a firearm outside my home without the permission of the NYPD, and they can deny said permission for any reason they want. This has been held up by countless lower courts.

Is the NYC law constitutional or not?

Yes. NYC is not the federal government. Cities and states have been restricting guns owners since the start of this nation.

So the 14th amendment somehow ONLY applies to gay marriage?

If the 14th does incorporate the bill of rights onto the States, and The States control municipalities, how can NYC tell me I can't carry a handgun?
That's the next step when you force people to bake cakes they don't want to.
That's Public Accomodation Law territory. Don't like them, get your Representative to get rid of them.....INCLUDING the part that protects members of religions when they request services from businesses.

Most religious people will be smart enough not to patronize people who don't want them around. Only homosexuals evidently feel the need to force their morality on people.
What about the ones who aren't smart enough? No rights for them?

Then they GASP, walk away and go somewhere else. They don't go mewling like a wet cat to big momma government to punish those who "wronged" them.
Is that what Blacks should have done? Just gone somewhere else for lunch?

Please try to remember that counter laws were just that, laws. Woolworth had no choice in the matter.
It's an issue of whether the right to life includes marriage, which it does, and whether gays are consenting adults, which they are, and whether the states may by majority opinion draft laws taking the right to life away from gays simply because the people in the state are spiteful toward gay people living in their state.

Public accommodation laws... liberty is not the liberty to do others harm. The question for the baking incident is who is being harmed the baker in being asked to bake a cake or the baker's customer in being asked to move along because this baker doesn't bake cakes for gay people, black people, jewish people or any other type of person they are bigoted against.

If you can justify forcing someone to either bake a cake for something they do not want to or go out of business/face sanctions, you have ZERO right to call yourself ANY form of libertarian, be it small "l" or big "L".

That goes double for your apparent belief that a government mandated contract being denied someone somehow deprives them of their right to life.
Public accommodation laws are the law. It's pretty basic stuff. If you don't want to sell to everyone in the public, then you don't make your products available to the general public. It's a pretty simple concept. WRT the liberty issue this is a situation where one person wants to do harm to another it's pretty obvious. However, you being a person that hates gays sees harming that gay person by pushing them out of the public marketplace as a good thing. In fact you see that gay person demanding the right to buy in the public marketplace just like any other citizen is the person causing you harm. IOW you are upside down on this one to. And apparently for the same reason. Someone told you gays are bad, thus you think doing harm to gays is good.

Again, you are as much of a Libertarian as Farkey is a Republican.

Government force is government force. And you are cowardly as well because you let the government do your dirty work for you.

Fucking pussy.

What is it with these right wing conservatives?

They have the vocabulary of 13 year old boys on the school ground.

Is it just a limited vocabulary- or is it just a limited imagination- or is it because of stunted maturity?
It's just anger. I'm a hetero libertarian right wing christian conservative. He's mad cause his bigotry is being exposed. Where before it was the norm.

I'm just as guilty as the next guy about getting angry. Question is angry about ... what?

How can I be a bigot if I have been on record as saying that I have no issue if Gay marriage goes on the book via State legislative action, and that I would probably vote for it?
No, you don't. The 14th doesn't apply blanket equality. One first has to figure out what is equal, and what is not. Evidently age isn't equal, or we couldn't prevent 10 year olds marrying. Blood relations evidently aren't equal either, although ironically homosexual incestuous relationships remove the main issue with incest, i.e. genetically damaged progeny.

You are also allying yourself with people who only believe in equality in this ONE case, and will sell your ass under the bus when it comes to the 2nd amendment, or the next big fight, public accommodation, i.e. my favorite, the forcing of the cake baking.
How are Gay people equivalent to 10 year olds, in this matter?

They don't have to be equivalent, but once you recognize a State's ability to regulate marriage in one way, you open the door to other ways, and your whole argument over "due process" and equality go from absolute to a question of degree.
As Mr. Brown has pointed out, there is the harm factor with 10 year olds. Not so for teh gheys.

How so? So in India all arranged marriages result in harm?
This isn't India. But I would argue there is harm. So would most Indian women.

Are you arguing for a World Government?

If they do, then we might as well tear up the document and start over, because we would then be ruled by 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers instead of by ourselves.

We should just paint a sign on the SC Building, "All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others"
Besides your math being egregiously wrong (9-3=6, not 5), did you say that we should have ripped up the Constitution after the 5-4 Citizens United ruling?

5 of 9 is all that is required to get ANY decision, not just this one. try to keep up.
I asked you about Citizens United, and you dodged.

Citizen's United WAS unconstitutional.

Thanks for playing.
Are all 5-4 decisions unconstitutional?

No, now your are being a twat.
If they do, then we might as well tear up the document and start over, because we would then be ruled by 5 of 9 un-elected lawyers instead of by ourselves.

We should just paint a sign on the SC Building, "All people are equal, but some people are more equal than others"
Nonsense. You are just making shit up. Their job is to rule on the clear meaning of the constitutional amendments we are living under. Not the version you wish we were living under. If you want the SCOTUS to make different decisions, you should start with a drive to change the 14th due process clause. Eg. You appear to prefer a 14th amendment that allows the states to restrict the rights of it's citizens by majority vote.


You treat the 14th as this apparent destroyer of everything you don't like, when that is clearly not the case.
The due process clause as written sucks. But I'm not saying all of the words are wrong in it.

Let me be more clear.

The due process clause of the 14th currently says:
"nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"

What the 14th should have said:
"nor shall any state hold any person to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any state subject any person to the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any state compel any person in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law as set forth by federal guidelines for the 5th amendment; nor any state take private property for public use, without just compensation."

How you get from that statement to forcing gay marriage on states is beyond me.
The feds can't force gay marriage on you, but they can stop you from restricting gay marriage. Do you understand the difference between raping someone and stopping someone from raping someone?

Really? A rape comparison?

Talk about losing the argument....
Marty, if you are arguing what the hetero-fascists have against marriage equality, your side will lose, period.
Ok. I get your point, but it's wrong. Just because the majority can decide to do harm in a state against a minority group does not mean we should let that happen. But I get the idea that we should let the states decide. You'll have to change the 14th amendment to make that happen.

No, you don't. The 14th doesn't apply blanket equality. One first has to figure out what is equal, and what is not. Evidently age isn't equal, or we couldn't prevent 10 year olds marrying. Blood relations evidently aren't equal either, although ironically homosexual incestuous relationships remove the main issue with incest, i.e. genetically damaged progeny.

You are also allying yourself with people who only believe in equality in this ONE case, and will sell your ass under the bus when it comes to the 2nd amendment, or the next big fight, public accommodation, i.e. my favorite, the forcing of the cake baking.

The 14th does apply blanket equality- all Americans are entitled to them.

If a state wants to deny rights to anyone- then the State must have a compelling argument to deny that right.

I think we all agree that an individual has the right to own a gun. The 14th Amendment among other things says that States cannot ignore that right and are subject to the Constitution also- but the State can deny individuals the right to own guns- such as convicted felons- when there is a compelling state interest in doing so.

What states have not been able to do is provide any compelling interest in:
a) preventing mixed race couples from marrying
b) preventing a parent who owes child support from marrying
c) preventing a prisoner from marrying
d) preventing same gender couples from marrying.

The Supreme Court has ruled on a-c- and will be ruling on d.

NYC says I cannot carry a firearm outside my home without the permission of the NYPD, and they can deny said permission for any reason they want. This has been held up by countless lower courts.

Is the NYC law constitutional or not?

Yes. NYC is not the federal government. Cities and states have been restricting guns owners since the start of this nation.

So the 14th amendment somehow ONLY applies to gay marriage?

If the 14th does incorporate the bill of rights onto the States, and The States control municipalities, how can NYC tell me I can't carry a handgun?
First, the 14th does not only apply to gay marriage. Not sure why you asked that silly question.

Second, the 14th does not incorporation all of the federal restrictions to the states. If it incorporated the 2nd amendment it would have also said something like, nor shall the states infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Third, you "ask how can NYC tell me I can't carry a handgun." The same way any city sets up laws. It passes a law stating that you can't carry a handgun within the city limits then it enforces that law.
If you can justify forcing someone to either bake a cake for something they do not want to or go out of business/face sanctions, you have ZERO right to call yourself ANY form of libertarian, be it small "l" or big "L".

That goes double for your apparent belief that a government mandated contract being denied someone somehow deprives them of their right to life.
Public accommodation laws are the law. It's pretty basic stuff. If you don't want to sell to everyone in the public, then you don't make your products available to the general public. It's a pretty simple concept. WRT the liberty issue this is a situation where one person wants to do harm to another it's pretty obvious. However, you being a person that hates gays sees harming that gay person by pushing them out of the public marketplace as a good thing. In fact you see that gay person demanding the right to buy in the public marketplace just like any other citizen is the person causing you harm. IOW you are upside down on this one to. And apparently for the same reason. Someone told you gays are bad, thus you think doing harm to gays is good.

Again, you are as much of a Libertarian as Farkey is a Republican.

Government force is government force. And you are cowardly as well because you let the government do your dirty work for you.

Fucking pussy.

What is it with these right wing conservatives?

They have the vocabulary of 13 year old boys on the school ground.

Is it just a limited vocabulary- or is it just a limited imagination- or is it because of stunted maturity?
It's just anger. I'm a hetero libertarian right wing christian conservative. He's mad cause his bigotry is being exposed. Where before it was the norm.

I'm just as guilty as the next guy about getting angry. Question is angry about ... what?

How can I be a bigot if I have been on record as saying that I have no issue if Gay marriage goes on the book via State legislative action, and that I would probably vote for it?
YOU were talking about public accommodation laws, try to keep up.
Nonsense. You are just making shit up. Their job is to rule on the clear meaning of the constitutional amendments we are living under. Not the version you wish we were living under. If you want the SCOTUS to make different decisions, you should start with a drive to change the 14th due process clause. Eg. You appear to prefer a 14th amendment that allows the states to restrict the rights of it's citizens by majority vote.


You treat the 14th as this apparent destroyer of everything you don't like, when that is clearly not the case.
The due process clause as written sucks. But I'm not saying all of the words are wrong in it.

Let me be more clear.

The due process clause of the 14th currently says:
"nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"

What the 14th should have said:
"nor shall any state hold any person to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any state subject any person to the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any state compel any person in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law as set forth by federal guidelines for the 5th amendment; nor any state take private property for public use, without just compensation."

How you get from that statement to forcing gay marriage on states is beyond me.
The feds can't force gay marriage on you, but they can stop you from restricting gay marriage. Do you understand the difference between raping someone and stopping someone from raping someone?

Really? A rape comparison?

Talk about losing the argument....

So you don't understand the difference between raping someone and stopping someone from raping someone?
No, you don't. The 14th doesn't apply blanket equality. One first has to figure out what is equal, and what is not. Evidently age isn't equal, or we couldn't prevent 10 year olds marrying. Blood relations evidently aren't equal either, although ironically homosexual incestuous relationships remove the main issue with incest, i.e. genetically damaged progeny.

You are also allying yourself with people who only believe in equality in this ONE case, and will sell your ass under the bus when it comes to the 2nd amendment, or the next big fight, public accommodation, i.e. my favorite, the forcing of the cake baking.

The 14th does apply blanket equality- all Americans are entitled to them.

If a state wants to deny rights to anyone- then the State must have a compelling argument to deny that right.

I think we all agree that an individual has the right to own a gun. The 14th Amendment among other things says that States cannot ignore that right and are subject to the Constitution also- but the State can deny individuals the right to own guns- such as convicted felons- when there is a compelling state interest in doing so.

What states have not been able to do is provide any compelling interest in:
a) preventing mixed race couples from marrying
b) preventing a parent who owes child support from marrying
c) preventing a prisoner from marrying
d) preventing same gender couples from marrying.

The Supreme Court has ruled on a-c- and will be ruling on d.

NYC says I cannot carry a firearm outside my home without the permission of the NYPD, and they can deny said permission for any reason they want. This has been held up by countless lower courts.

Is the NYC law constitutional or not?

Yes. NYC is not the federal government. Cities and states have been restricting guns owners since the start of this nation.

So the 14th amendment somehow ONLY applies to gay marriage?

If the 14th does incorporate the bill of rights onto the States, and The States control municipalities, how can NYC tell me I can't carry a handgun?
First, the 14th does not only apply to gay marriage. Not sure why you asked that silly question.

Second, the 14th does not incorporation all of the federal restrictions to the states. If it incorporated the 2nd amendment it would have also said something like, nor shall the states infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.

Third, you "ask how can NYC tell me I can't carry a handgun." The same way any city sets up laws. It passes a law stating that you can't carry a handgun within the city limits then it enforces that law.

The wording of the 2nd amendment states the people's rights to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. If the 14th amendment precludes the States from "make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States." If that is the case, how can a State "infringe" on my right to carry a firearm. I'm not talking about making me get a CCW permit as infringing, NYC states I have to have a reason THEY approve of.

You treat the 14th as this apparent destroyer of everything you don't like, when that is clearly not the case.
The due process clause as written sucks. But I'm not saying all of the words are wrong in it.

Let me be more clear.

The due process clause of the 14th currently says:
"nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law;"

What the 14th should have said:
"nor shall any state hold any person to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any state subject any person to the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall any state compel any person in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law as set forth by federal guidelines for the 5th amendment; nor any state take private property for public use, without just compensation."

How you get from that statement to forcing gay marriage on states is beyond me.
The feds can't force gay marriage on you, but they can stop you from restricting gay marriage. Do you understand the difference between raping someone and stopping someone from raping someone?

Really? A rape comparison?

Talk about losing the argument....

So you don't understand the difference between raping someone and stopping someone from raping someone?

I reject the comparison out of hand as not material to the conversation.

the founders believed exactly as I believe. They founded this country to escape dictatorial rule, and you fools want to return to that.”

Clearly not.

The Founding Generation created a Constitutional Republic, where citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; measures seeking to deny gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate in is of proof of that.

One does not forfeit his civil liberties merely as a consequence of his state of residence, nor are citizens' civil rights subject to 'majority rule' – as the Framers in fact sought to prohibit the tyranny of the majority, as well as a dictatorship of the majority.

The states have no authority to deny same-sex couples their equal protection rights, where the states have only themselves to blame for their unwarranted and un-Constitutional measures being invalidated by the courts.

In europe they were subject to rule by dictatorial kings and queens. The founded this country on one man/one vote and majority rule. They did that because minority rule suppressed freedom and made citizens slaves to the government.

if a majority of americans want gay marriage, then so be it. But the people must be allowed to speak and vote on the issue,.
Public accommodation laws are the law. It's pretty basic stuff. If you don't want to sell to everyone in the public, then you don't make your products available to the general public. It's a pretty simple concept. WRT the liberty issue this is a situation where one person wants to do harm to another it's pretty obvious. However, you being a person that hates gays sees harming that gay person by pushing them out of the public marketplace as a good thing. In fact you see that gay person demanding the right to buy in the public marketplace just like any other citizen is the person causing you harm. IOW you are upside down on this one to. And apparently for the same reason. Someone told you gays are bad, thus you think doing harm to gays is good.

Again, you are as much of a Libertarian as Farkey is a Republican.

Government force is government force. And you are cowardly as well because you let the government do your dirty work for you.

Fucking pussy.

What is it with these right wing conservatives?

They have the vocabulary of 13 year old boys on the school ground.

Is it just a limited vocabulary- or is it just a limited imagination- or is it because of stunted maturity?
It's just anger. I'm a hetero libertarian right wing christian conservative. He's mad cause his bigotry is being exposed. Where before it was the norm.

I'm just as guilty as the next guy about getting angry. Question is angry about ... what?

How can I be a bigot if I have been on record as saying that I have no issue if Gay marriage goes on the book via State legislative action, and that I would probably vote for it?
YOU were talking about public accommodation laws, try to keep up.

And I wouldn't have an issue working at a Gay wedding either. What I don't feel is the need to force my morality on others, more importantly I detest those who use the government to do it instead of doing it themselves.
The Redfishes do not vote on that which is good and right when it comes to civil rights, otherwise many of us would be in the concentation camps of the far right reactionaries.

SCOTUS makes these decisions, and the Redfishes will be forced to kneel and confess their error.

wrong, I am all for equality in all things. I fully support the civil rights act, I want gays treated equally and fairly. Where we differ is that I do not believe that a gay union is a marraige or that society should consider gay unions equally acceptable and normal as man/woman marriages.

Thats what I believe, Last time I checked we have the right to our beliefs in this country.

What I find very dangerous is the idea that beliefs can be mandated by the government----------and thats what this whole gay marriage debate really boils down to.

No one is taking away your right to believe, simply not force others to conform to your religious belief. The argument over marriage equality is secular not religious. You won't have to marry someone of your own sex.

nope, you on the left want the government to punish anyone who does not believe as the government dictates.

have you read Orwell and Rand? they saw it coming and wrote about it, but you are too stupid to see what is being rammed up your ass.

Says one of the more stupid posters of the Board.

Marry whom you will, honey. That is not punishment. Punishment is you distorting truth and saying marriage equality harms you. The fuck it does.

I, and billions of other human beings, believe that gay marriage would harm society. Its as simple as that. You disagree and thats fine too. When free people disagree they vote on which way to go.

So, lets vote. I will accept the will of the people, will you?
Ruling against constitutionally guaranteed rights is not centrist action.

Citizens United was not a liberal ruling.

ACA ruling was not a conservative ruling.

Your premise is severely flawed.
Ruling against constitutionally guaranteed rights is not centrist action.

Citizens United was not a liberal ruling.

ACA ruling was not a conservative ruling.

Your premise is severely flawed.

how were those "constitutional guaranteed rights" established? Any idea? Did they exist in this country before the constitution was ratified? Do they exist in north korea?
Simply because the majority should not be able to vote on what rights the minority should be allowed

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for supper

OMG, I cannot continue to deal with your stupidity. The majority decided on the rights of minorities. And Yes, a majority could limit the rights of a minority, For example, a majority could decide to limit the number of muslim immigrants allowed to enter this country. Minority rights do not include the right to attack and kill the majority.
Pretty sure that wouldn't stand Constitutionally.


She is dealing in the real world of our Constitution while you are engaging in Constitutional fantasy

Even you would not want to live in the world you propose

that is the world we live you flaming asshole. We vote on rights, we vote on what is right and what is wrong.

there is no magical set or human rights, each society sets its own based on what the majority believe.


The majority establishes what rights the minority are allowed to have?

What country do you live in?
Ruling against constitutionally guaranteed rights is not centrist action.

Citizens United was not a liberal ruling.

ACA ruling was not a conservative ruling.

Your premise is severely flawed.

how were those "constitutional guaranteed rights" established? Any idea? Did they exist in this country before the constitution was ratified? Do they exist in north korea?

By a group of men that got together and wrote them. How would constitutionally guaranteed rights exist before the Constitution was ratified? No, NK has not adopted the US Constitution. What does any of that have to do with voting against rights guaranteed by the Constitution today?

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