Will the Ukraine-Russia war give GOP the chance to de-Trump itself to success, or will Donald bull-moose them?

Who said I was drafted? You always have the choice to stop talking to me. The fact that you have not been paying attention to what Trump has been up to is on you. It's not my job to catch you up on current events. BTW When did I get on your payroll? Before you leave, when can I expect my severance pay?


Precious. If you're not willing to support your claims don't make them, it's simple. When you refuse to it simply shows you have nothing but bluster.

Some things are quite obvious.
Those are fabrications, you claimed he weakened NATO.

What he actually did was make the face the cold hard reality that it was time they started paying a fair share of their own defense and warned if they did not Russia would again go on the march.

He has of course now been completely vindicated and proven right.

Germany was at the fore of the countries poopooing him at the time and now suddenly overnight they saw he was correct and doubled their defense budget and is working the rest of the EU and NATO member states to do the same thing.

Sometimes people living in a fantasy world need a cold hard slap and someone how things really are.

They got used to 8 years of Obama running around the world kissing ass and apologizing for what a horrible country we are after at our expense The Soviet Union was broken and disbanded thinking that as long as they appeased Putin buying petroleum and metals from him he'd be satisfied with what he had and enjoy getting rich off of the backs of the working people in Western and Southeastern Europe, while continuing to ride the working men and women of this country to blindly continue paying for their defense instead of themselves.

We've become the largest debtor nation on earth and continuing with the status quo from the Pre Trump Era was and is simply no longer an option.

Yes they laughed and mocked him and everyone who did is now regretting it and Europe is already seeing it's first major war since WWII and there's nothing to hold Putin back from repeat performances unless he's forcibly stopped in Ukraine and stripped of his national wealth in reparations and through sanctions until he can no longer even consider funding an expeditionary force and instead draws back within his own borders to defend whatever remains.
They're regretting it? Really? They saw what everyone with the ability to reason saw, a fuckin' buffoon idiot who is dangerously narcissistic and delusional. They saw a clearly mentally ill clown and like any other clown, he drew laughter. Forcibly stopped? Are you suggesting American boots on the ground? Hey, we have our very own strongman dictator so why not send him in there and show us just how tough he can be on Russia? Vindicated? That's the standard bullshit line to excuse everything he does. Was he vindicated in the Trump-Russia investigation or was he just insulated by his sheep denying subpoenas, taking the fifth or just flatly refusing to show up?
Debtor nation? How well did your boy do in the spending department? Gave himself a nice raise that we will all pay for. The GOP is always so concerned about deficit spending when they are not in office. Otherwise, they spend and they cut taxes to their corporate bosses as if money, (taxpayer money) grew on trees.

Precious. If you're not willing to support your claims don't make them, it's simple. When you refuse to it simply shows you have nothing but bluster.

Some things are quite obvious.
When did you become the authority on the obvious? Trump and his family have been committing crimes in front of you for years but you can't see any of it? He's been doing Putin's bidding and you can't see it.

And as far as being a debtor nation, he bragged about how he was gonna bring an end to all that. His tax cuts and spending and his complete mishandling of the Covid pandemic along with his "brilliant" trade deals resulted in the third highest increase in deficit spending in history and increased the debt exponentially. And I will only mention in passing how his tariffs on China resulted in China finding another supplier of soy beans (Brazil) and cost farmers their livelihood and farms had to shut down even with Trump's attempt to unfuck what he fucked up by spending taxpayer money. He's an idiot. Has always been an idiot and we are lucky to be rid of him. Still waiting for Mexico to pony up all of that Wall money. Guess you didn't see that either. This is so fuckin' easy.

Biden has already done more damage to the country in innumerable ways than Trump ever did or even could have with successive terms.

Your retirement savings are shrinking at a 9% annual rate right now and gasoline is at all time highs.

IF the CPI was part of the inflation calculation we'd already be above 10% and still rising.

The biggest military blunder of the last fifty years was out botched withdrawal from Afghanistan stranding tens of thousands of US citizens and SV Holders, to be captured, tortured, killed, or held hostage over the US in the future.

Add to that move than a billion dollars worth of our best hardware and people trained not only to use it but to teach how to do so and our security files on every Afghan national cooperating with or working directly for the US DOD and Embassy.

We not only showed all of our potential enemies we now lack the stomach for a fight and can't even organize a damned collapsing ring phased withdrawal.

The Videos of those Afghans falling off of wings and landing gear as the last planes departed will never be forgotten.

It will take decades to rebuild our credibility if even it could be done in that time. In the mean time we're losing valuable human intel assets, translators, and trainers all around the world for as far as we can see into the future.

Add to that the ridiculous covid mandates not supported by any actual science and the destruction of public trust in institutions like the CDC and all other state and local gov't health authorities.

In just one year we went from relative peace at home to the worst jump in violent crime seen in history eating away all of the gains we'd made since the peak in the mid 90's.

Worse, after running to fix everything wrong with the Covid Response and crush the disease while claiming credit for everything Trump had accomplished with regard to PPE and Vaccines, he couldn't even manage to get the damned vaccines to the providers to give those vaccines in a timely manner resulting in more Covid deaths since he took office than under Trump.

The only thing saving us from Covid is "Omicron" a fast spreading variant that virtually always causes no worse symptoms and has no worse outcomes than a mild cold which is leaving those it infected with natural immunity to all know strains.
Inflation is an insidious tax. used for an eternity by leaders of any type in different ways. The worst part is that they stand at the podium in denial mode or dumb mode telling us different.
So what?


We've been carrying our allies for DECADES, and now their so-called 'leaders" are trying to destroy the world.

Every one of those idiots is on board with Klaus Schwab and his great reset. Merkel, Macron, Trudeau, all of them.

We just saw EXACTLY how our allies behave. That moron Turd-O up north showed us quite clearly.

We don't need allies who suck our coffers dry. As a matter of fact, we don't need allies at all
Great plan! No allies, huh? Nothing could go wrong with that. LOL Destroy the world? Just a tad dramatic, no?
What difference does the fucking trumpsters win or not? From them even more stench than from the left. If the Bushes had come it would have mattered.
Maybe. It does seem to be providing an off ramp from Trumpism
It's also exposing the Russian sock puppets and appeasers
It's also exposing the Russian sock puppets and appeasers
It is simple. Globalists or Nationalists. Global tyranny or World factions. We are already heading to tyranny as you see what is happening over the years. And perhaps by the next decade we will be incarcerating and killing people for unpure political thoughts.
The corrupt Democrat Politicians have been using Ukraine to launder bribes for years.
Biden's crackhead son said that the "big guy" gets a 10% cut from his influence peddling.
Hunter made millions in his fake Oil Consultant job in the Ukraine.
Did Biden pay any taxes on his 10% cut of the bribe money?
Ukraine was the #1 foreign donor to Hillary Clinton's fake money laundering charity.
Pelosi and Kerry have family members on the Ukraine payroll.
This will be an issue in the 2022 election.

When you say "corrupt Democrat Politicians", are you saying that to try to convince yourself that Democrats are corrupt? Because the political party with the history of criminal corruption, with the criminal charges and convictions to back it up, is the Republican Party.

You repeatedly calling Democrats "corrupt" or "evil" is a daily reminder of just which party has over 300 convictions against them for corruption and criminal activity in the White House, since Nixon. The Democrats have 3.

"TroglocratsRdumb" is a pretty good description of yourself. You elected a conman criminal to the Presidency. He was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him. He was impeached for attempting to extort the Ukrainian PM into both running a fake investigation against the Bidens, but also to "make a deal" with Putin.

Only someone who is truly "dumb" would vote for the graft, corruption, chaos, mismanagement and flat out criminality of the Trump Administration. Upon losing the election, Trump immediately tried every means possible to overturn the results, both legal and illegal, right up to an including planning an insurrection to prevent Congress from confirming Biden's victory.

And you're still here supporting this criminal. You're not only dumb, you're too stupid to be one person.
Truth? WTF would a cult member know about truth? Newsmax? Really? Hey, they're all scoundrels. Nothing new to me. But there are degrees of evil and whatever Biden might have done doesn't measure up to the damage your orange traitor has done, Comrade.
Bottom line, as always, you've got nothing. Who knew?

Trump fractured NATO, and tried to bully the Ukraine into surrendering to Putin. He tried to pull out of NATO, and his advisors would not allow it.
LOL total lies. Name one country that left NATO.

Yea…none. And no President Trump never even though about leaving much less try to “pull us out”. I worked for NATO the entire time he was President. Now shut your dumb Canadian mouth about subjects you know nothing of. All you do is regurgitate MSM fake news.
You don't know what you're talking about. They will pacify then occupy it with Russian Proxies and replace civil officials with Russian puppets.

The first thing they have to do is pacify it, and that's something they will never accomplish. It will be the never healing, ever bleeding gut wound they can do nothing about.

So you don't even recognize what regime change means huh?
Every day it looks like Biden might not last another month and the crazy angry left seems desperate to connect the former president to the Ukrainian mess. What's with these people?
I'm asking you, turd.

:rofl: Never mind. You've disproven my point by being alive. Let's not let differing opinions get in the way of being friendly neighbors. We should have a drink like civilized people. :beer: Would you care for some Brawndo?
The Ukraine-Russia conflict just gives American one more data point on Joe Potatohead being a shitty corrupt President.

Potatohead doesn't give a shit. He got his 10% share of the millions that the Russians gave Hunter.

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