Will the United States again respect Science?

Gender is just another name for sex. If not, then what is it?

That is the right question.

The words "gender" and "sex" are sometimes confused, but a person's sex refers to biological characteristics determined at conception or in utero; a person's gender is understood by many researchers to be influenced by a range of societal and environmental factors as well as biological factors. A person can be biologically female and experience gender dysphoria or gender incongruence, because they do not identify with their assigned sex.
A person might identify as transgender has a gender identity that does not correspond to their biological sex. The term "cisgender" refers to a gender identity that corresponds to one's biological sex. People whose gender identity feels neither masculine nor feminine, may identify as non-binary.

Sorry, turd, but gender is the same thing as your biological sex. That's how the word has been used for hundreds of years. If you are a biological female, then your gender is female. What you're spouting is pure quackery. It's leftwing horseshit.

That's your conception of science: 132 genders.

There is no way to demonstrate what someone's "gender identity" is. There's no way to measure it or quantify it. When we talk about imaginary qualities, we call it Voo-Doo.

Here are the genders that are scientifically quantifiable:

XY chromosome - male
XX chromosome - female

That's science.
God made it easy just look in a mirror and you know what you are.
This is all part of the feelings vacating facts agenda being pushed by social losers

Yeah, but I don't see much of a difference. If you went to a friends house, approached his door and heard scratching, then walked in to see WTF was going on and found him on all fours barking at you, I don't think that's something you would accept.

You wouldn't teach him any tricks, you wouldn't let him in the backyard to pee or poop, you wouldn't throw a ball around so he could fetch it. You would get him some help. Yet at the same time, when we see a guy in a dress, our new society accepts that he magically became a female. He can't be a female no more than he can be a dog no matter what he thinks.

What's sad about it is they have such a high suicide rate. They take all these pills, get surgeries, and at times even get amputated. Only then they finally come to the realization that they can never be a woman, and worse yet, never be able to enjoy sex again. That's something we should have helped him realize when he first gave indications of what he was thinking.
how much money do you have in your IRA that you pay capital gains tax? ...
You realize that if a capital gains tax hike makes stock prices go down, stocks in IRAs go down.

Wait a minute ... capital gains is taxed when the asset is liquidated ... why are you investing in companies that are being liquidated? ... God, I hope you have an investment manager ...

Companies typically roll over capital gains ... there's several ways to do this ... the only time capital gains would be taken out of the company is if the shareholders voted for a cash payment ... and either pay 20% capital gains tax or 20% dividend tax ... not both ...

The poster that started this already admitted he's some Middle Class slob ... so in every way, he'd be better off paying straight income tax of 15% on this ... capital gains tax is for the Rich so they don't have to pay the 38% income tax rate ...

In general, share prices depend on dividend payments ... so there's nothing about a rarely used tax rate that would change these payments ... IBM sell a factory, they'll just invest in another factory ... they don't go out buying TV's and airplanes with the money ... sheesh ...

Wait a minute ... capital gains is taxed when the asset is liquidated ... why are you investing in companies that are being liquidated? ...

When I sell shares of Microsoft, the company isn't being liquidated.

Companies typically roll over capital gains ... there's several ways to do this ... the only time capital gains would be taken out of the company is if the shareholders voted for a cash payment ..

Ummmmm......if I buy a share at $50 and sell at $100, that has nothing to do with the company "rolling over capital gains" or a "shareholder vote".

In general, share prices depend on dividend payments

And future growth and earnings. And tax rates. And morons adding regulations.

... so there's nothing about a rarely used tax rate that would change these payments ...

Rarely used? Then why does dopey Joe want to hike the rate to 40%?

If you could sell your shares today and keep 80% of your gains or sell
them in 2021 and keep 60% of your gains, what are you more likely to do?

God, I hope you have an investment manager ...

Based on what you've shown here, I hope you have nothing more
complicated than a mutual fund.

Horsefeathers ... you buy $400,000 worth of stock, then sell at $800,000 ... you don't pay any taxes ... see instructions for the 1040, qualified dividend and capital gains tax worksheet, line 15 ... yes, I contacted a tax professional about this ... it's as real as real gets ... you're just another Middle Class slob who shouldn't be commenting on high finance ... and this is only if you use the money to buy comsumer goods like an airplane for personal use ... those options for rolling over the gain is available to you as well ...

Ah ... you must earn over a million a year to be worried about the hike in capital gains taxes ... and that would be the normal income tax rate of 37% ... did you know we've added $25 trillion in debt since George XLIII dropped the cap gains rate from 25% to 15%? ... and still you whine about a tax rate you'll never pay ... if tax breaks for the Rich work, we wouldn't be in this deep of debt ...

Yes yes yes ... I know ... without a massive tax hike on the Middle Class ... the debt won't get paid ... or hyperinflation is the typical result ... just raising taxes on the Rich isn't enough money to run government ...

I will admit being a little weak on IRA's ... the $50 you bought Microsoft with wasn't taxed at all if you're playing by the rules ... you sell for $100, then you pay income taxes on the entire $100 ... plus a 10% penalty if you're not 59-1/2 years-old yet ... or perhaps you're not clear on the claim I was responding to ... that making the Rich pay regular personnel income tax rates on moneys they draw out of their IRA somehow effect the values of some Middle Class slob's IRA ...

What kind of moron makes over a million a year and then relies on an IRA for retirement? ... just another Middle Class slob who shouldn't be commenting on high finance ...

Horsefeathers ... you buy $400,000 worth of stock, then sell at $800,000 ... you don't pay any taxes ...

Wow! Thanks, funny.

see instructions for the 1040, qualified dividend and capital gains tax worksheet, line 15 ...


2019 Schedule D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) (irs.gov)


2019 Form 1040 (irs.gov)

Why don't I pay any taxes on the $400,000 I just entered on line 6 of my 1040?
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
/——/ As soon as you Libs stop politicizing science, we will.
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?

When YOUR POTUS, and Commander-In-Chief, Trump, has the THE TRUMP VACCINE ready for you will you take it to combat the Red Communist Chinese Flu?
Gender is just another name for sex. If not, then what is it?

That is the right question.

The words "gender" and "sex" are sometimes confused, but a person's sex refers to biological characteristics determined at conception or in utero; a person's gender is understood by many researchers to be influenced by a range of societal and environmental factors as well as biological factors. A person can be biologically female and experience gender dysphoria or gender incongruence, because they do not identify with their assigned sex.
A person might identify as transgender has a gender identity that does not correspond to their biological sex. The term "cisgender" refers to a gender identity that corresponds to one's biological sex. People whose gender identity feels neither masculine nor feminine, may identify as non-binary.

Tap dance bullshit

So you think psychology is not really a real science then?
Psychology is theoretical science with many avenues of application toward being successful. Covid lockdown is providing one application only which is unproven and seemingly discredited
how much money do you have in your IRA that you pay capital gains tax? ...
You realize that if a capital gains tax hike makes stock prices go down, stocks in IRAs go down.

Wait a minute ... capital gains is taxed when the asset is liquidated ... why are you investing in companies that are being liquidated? ... God, I hope you have an investment manager ...

Companies typically roll over capital gains ... there's several ways to do this ... the only time capital gains would be taken out of the company is if the shareholders voted for a cash payment ... and either pay 20% capital gains tax or 20% dividend tax ... not both ...

The poster that started this already admitted he's some Middle Class slob ... so in every way, he'd be better off paying straight income tax of 15% on this ... capital gains tax is for the Rich so they don't have to pay the 38% income tax rate ...

In general, share prices depend on dividend payments ... so there's nothing about a rarely used tax rate that would change these payments ... IBM sell a factory, they'll just invest in another factory ... they don't go out buying TV's and airplanes with the money ... sheesh ...

Wait a minute ... capital gains is taxed when the asset is liquidated ... why are you investing in companies that are being liquidated? ...

When I sell shares of Microsoft, the company isn't being liquidated.

Companies typically roll over capital gains ... there's several ways to do this ... the only time capital gains would be taken out of the company is if the shareholders voted for a cash payment ..

Ummmmm......if I buy a share at $50 and sell at $100, that has nothing to do with the company "rolling over capital gains" or a "shareholder vote".

In general, share prices depend on dividend payments

And future growth and earnings. And tax rates. And morons adding regulations.

... so there's nothing about a rarely used tax rate that would change these payments ...

Rarely used? Then why does dopey Joe want to hike the rate to 40%?

If you could sell your shares today and keep 80% of your gains or sell
them in 2021 and keep 60% of your gains, what are you more likely to do?

God, I hope you have an investment manager ...

Based on what you've shown here, I hope you have nothing more
complicated than a mutual fund.

Horsefeathers ... you buy $400,000 worth of stock, then sell at $800,000 ... you don't pay any taxes ... see instructions for the 1040, qualified dividend and capital gains tax worksheet, line 15 ... yes, I contacted a tax professional about this ... it's as real as real gets ... you're just another Middle Class slob who shouldn't be commenting on high finance ... and this is only if you use the money to buy comsumer goods like an airplane for personal use ... those options for rolling over the gain is available to you as well ...

Ah ... you must earn over a million a year to be worried about the hike in capital gains taxes ... and that would be the normal income tax rate of 37% ... did you know we've added $25 trillion in debt since George XLIII dropped the cap gains rate from 25% to 15%? ... and still you whine about a tax rate you'll never pay ... if tax breaks for the Rich work, we wouldn't be in this deep of debt ...

Yes yes yes ... I know ... without a massive tax hike on the Middle Class ... the debt won't get paid ... or hyperinflation is the typical result ... just raising taxes on the Rich isn't enough money to run government ...

I will admit being a little weak on IRA's ... the $50 you bought Microsoft with wasn't taxed at all if you're playing by the rules ... you sell for $100, then you pay income taxes on the entire $100 ... plus a 10% penalty if you're not 59-1/2 years-old yet ... or perhaps you're not clear on the claim I was responding to ... that making the Rich pay regular personnel income tax rates on moneys they draw out of their IRA somehow effect the values of some Middle Class slob's IRA ...

What kind of moron makes over a million a year and then relies on an IRA for retirement? ... just another Middle Class slob who shouldn't be commenting on high finance ...

Horsefeathers ... you buy $400,000 worth of stock, then sell at $800,000 ... you don't pay any taxes ...

Wow! Thanks, funny.

see instructions for the 1040, qualified dividend and capital gains tax worksheet, line 15 ...

View attachment 424686

2019 Schedule D (Form 1040 or 1040-SR) (irs.gov)

View attachment 424687
2019 Form 1040 (irs.gov)

Why don't I pay any taxes on the $400,000 I just entered on line 6 of my 1040?
You are talking to people who have no money but love to spout off about the unfairness of it. Money is like privledge, it’s neither fair nor unfair but rather earned.
Exactly where did you get this information? I'll bet it is covered in brown goo and smells like shit because you pulled it out of your ass. As a teacher and a parent, I know what my kids were taught. You are a fucking asshole who can't carry a debate due to your stupidity.
Your idea of debate to profane people who disagree with you.

I can imagine what happens to students in your classroom if they dare to disagree with you
Wow! Thanks, funny.

Just trying to help ... but if you like paying taxes ... be my guest ... just be another Middle Class scum ... your only purpose is to pay them taxes, so I guess you know your place in the world ...

Just trying to help ...

Telling me to not pay taxes on my $400,000 in capitals gains......not very helpful.

but if you like paying taxes ... be my guest

Who said anything about like? LOL!

just be another Middle Class scum ... your only purpose is to pay them taxes,

When you get a chance, give me the contact info of the " tax professional"
who gave you that advice. Maybe I can get you a refund? If he isn't already in jail......

so I guess you know your place in the world ...

Right now, pointing out your ignorance.
The people you go to for guidance all have a vested interest in AGW being true.
True. There is an ideological cult that maintains they can poop into the heavens with impunity forever and ever, but the overwhelming consensus of scientific organizations worldwide adhere to the science, because it is in their interest to be correct.

Other than the global pariahs - Angola, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, United States, and Yemen - the international community agrees that it also has a vested interest in mitigating climate change.

Of course, corporate America has its clear, profit-driven "vested interest" as well:

Big Companies Urge Biden, Congress to Address Climate Change
- as does the military, the agricultural sector, etc., etc., etc.

There is lots, and lots of "self-interest" for motivation.
True. There is an ideological cult that maintains they can poop into the heavens with impunity forever and ever, but the overwhelming consensus of scientific organizations worldwide adhere to the science, because it is in their interest to be correct.

Or because their paychecks come from government. In the US, they also get money from colleges, but the government funds the colleges too.
The people you go to for guidance all have a vested interest in AGW being true.
True. There is an ideological cult that maintains they can poop into the heavens with impunity forever and ever, but the overwhelming consensus of scientific organizations worldwide adhere to the science, because it is in their interest to be correct.

Other than the global pariahs - Angola, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Turkey, United States, and Yemen - the international community agrees that it also has a vested interest in mitigating climate change.

Of course, corporate America has its clear, profit-driven "vested interest" as well:

Big Companies Urge Biden, Congress to Address Climate Change
- as does the military, the agricultural sector, etc., etc., etc.

There is lots, and lots of "self-interest" for motivation.

Of course, corporate America has its clear, profit-driven "vested interest" as well:

Those bastards!!

So how much do we have to spend to stop the climate from ever changing again?
As with other disciplines, Americans have been subjected to a contempt for the science of climatology that has festered in the highest echelons of government recently.

The stark disparity between reality and crackpot notions has dire ramifications, and no, ingesting disinfectants will not protect you from the ravages of unchecked fossil fuel consumption.
Climate change is making people sick and leading to premature death, according to a pair of influential reports on the connections between global warming and health.

Scientists from the World Meteorological Organization released a preliminary report on the global climate which shows that the last decade was the warmest on record and that millions of people were affected by wildfires, floods and extreme heat this year on top of the global pandemic.

Separately, a sprawling analysis published Wednesday by the medical research journal The Lancet focuses on public health data from 2019, and finds that heat waves, air pollution and extreme weather increasingly damage human health. It is the most comprehensive annual report yet on the nexus of climate and health, and is routinely cited by climate policymakers. The authors include dozens of physicians and public health experts from around the world.

Both reports make an explicit connection between death, disease and burning fossil fuels.

This foolishness has not only been an embarrassment for the United States that has surrendered leadership in the global crisis. It is a perverse refutation that will have severe economic impact, provoke mass migrations, and destroy quality of life for humans as well as other species.

Will the nation step up to face this enormous challenge that is already wreaking havoc?
The Cult is strong in this one.
Or because their paychecks come from government. In the US, they also get money from colleges, but the government funds the colleges too.
Not altruists like dirty fuel profiteers? Oh, my!

The realty that only dogmatic ideologues are in denial of the empirically-confirmed reality increasingly embraced by the global community, military and agricultural authorities, corporate entities, etc., etc., etc. rather disposes of the crackpots who fantasize that it is all a Chinese hoax.

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