Will This Latest Disney Story Hurt Ron DeSantis??

It looks like the war against disney has begun.
All orporations have a responsibility to ensure that their employees work in a safe environment. It sounds like Florida has gone full blown crazy.
Maybe |Disney would do better in a more civilised state ?
Like Khalistan? Uzbek?

Actually, some of Florida has gone nutso.
No one need trust me, just read the news.


Look at the idiots protesting Disney and calling the company pedophilic.
It's DISNEY for Jeebers sake!
Disney is the one place on earth where I would turn a 10 yo loose, alone, and know the kid would be safe.

I think all the fools should just boycott Disney. Refuse to go.
Their absence will make the "Happiest Place on Earth"...HAPPIER.
Why do you want 4 to 8 year olds to be taught about sex? That's what the bill does. So the liberal agenda sexualizing little kids has been stopped. What's the problem?
Show where I said anything of the kind, LIAR.
You can't LIAR.
Know why? LIAR
Because you are a LIAR. LIAR.
Enough, the bill doesn't say "don't say gay"

The Constitution doesn't say you get to own a gun without being in the militia.

What it says and what it means.

If the bill doesn't mean that then why the vitriol against those who oppose it?
Why call Disney a groomer?
Why call me a pedophile?

The bill is nothing more than a vehicle for people like you to express their hate.
It will hurt people who've harmed no one.
AND, worst of all...
It will keep children ignorant and allow your hate to be spread to them absent any conflicting message.
Knowledge is poer and as long as you can keep the kids ignorant you can be sure that your churches, Scouts, coaches will have free protected access for the predilections you so obviously share..
No disney...
No Villages
No Sea World
No Universal Studios
Property taxes double
brand spanking new income tax
OIA traffic drops by 80%

But you just go on worshipping the stupid because it gives reason to share your hate.
None of the entities after Disney hasthe special rules under which they've been operating.

The Constitution doesn't say you get to own a gun without being in the militia.

What it says and what it means.

If the bill doesn't mean that then why the vitriol against those who oppose it?
Why call Disney a groomer?
Why call me a pedophile?

The bill is nothing more than a vehicle for people like you to express their hate.
It will hurt people who've harmed no one.
AND, worst of all...
It will keep children ignorant and allow your hate to be spread to them absent any conflicting message.
Knowledge is poer and as long as you can keep the kids ignorant you can be sure that your churches, Scouts, coaches will have free protected access for the predilections you so obviously share..
Try the decaf....Most people say you can't tell the difference.
Think back a few months.
Say, October 2021.
Check the news and opinions.
"saying gay" in the classroom wasn't even on the horizon.
Yes, the hate was there. The anger was there. But ...

Then some hater in the Florida House decides to pursue his personal hate through legislating that hate into law.
Desantis, always the opportunist, always the King of Pander, decided this was a great opportunity to gin up the "base" ahead of the elections.
So, in his pandering ways, he not only decided to support the bill...
But to criminalize those who oppose it by calling them "groomers"
Of course, the haters, and you know who you are, found this a great line to use against those who recognize this bill for what it is.

Then Disney saw the light.
Disney, whose employee based includes thousands of LGBTQ+ people decided to speak out against the bill.
So now, in the minds of the haters, Disney is the home to all perversion.
Disney must be destroyed for speaking its mind.
I thought you types said corporations are "people" and have their free speech rights.
Apparently in MAGA land the only "free speech" is their own.

Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd will never admit to being played by Desantis.
Obviously, the MAGA Hater Crowd loves this because it institutionalizes their hate much as the laws preventing interracial marriage, White's only, and opposing same sex marriage institutionalized their hate.

But, why are you, the MAGA crowd, not angry over being played this way?
This law will be tossed by the courts.
And you will accuse the courts of being "groomers."
Desantis plans on repealing this Reedy Creek dissolution in the next session but, what if Disney says "No thanks!"
WE (disney) just dumped a billion in debt and 300 non-revenue creating employees over an issue that will be tossed by the courts.
Enjoy the doubling of property tax rates in Orange/Osceeola counties.
Enjoy the collapse of the real estate market in Florida when the property taxes go from $2500/yr to $5k-$6k-10k to cover those costs.

Oh, and if Disney decides to move?
Enjoy that 15% unemployment rate and your brand spanking new income tax.

Perhaps if the MAGA crowd could think 2 inches beyond their hate they'd see all this for what is is.
They've done CRT.
They've done math.
They've done Da Gayz.
They've done Da Illegal.
What's next?
Yes, it is. I gave you the facts.

{Often, the first violations are boundary issues but not physical violations. The abusive activity might consist in describing a fantasy, or telling a story supposedly about what someone else has done. If there is a negative reaction, the primary aggressor can shift gears and deny he has the same interest or even feign disapproval. In the same vein, pornography may be introduced.}

Grooming for Abuse

Grooming is what public schools are doing.

That isn't what's going on.
Enough, the bill doesn't say "don't say gay"

The Constitution doesn't say you get a lawyer.
Try to understand what it means, the intent.
Or just go one being stupid.
It suits you.
Disney being put on the same grounds as far as tax policy and regulation as the rest of the state is something that should have been done long ago.

If they want to use their corporate might as a political bulldozer for the far left they can be treated like every other individual and business entity in the state.
You're in favor of
dumping a billion in debt on the people of orange and osceola counties.
those counties having to pick up millions in additional costs for employees and services Disney will no longer provide.
Using public money to build roads, bridges and other infrastructure around disney
doubling property taxes in Orange and Osceola counties.

All so you can ensure your hatred of people who are no threat to you, who've never harmed you is protected by the government.

You can't pack up and pick up one of the largest theme parks in the world and move it like you can a Baskin Robbins or Weinerschnitzel.
No but you can shut it down and build elsewhere.

If operating in Florida becomes a problem, moving becomes a possibility and


What state would NOT give Disney the same deal or better for moving there?
Remember bragging about all those companies moving to southern states because of the big incentives?
How about New Jersey or Delaware?
Be within a 5 hour drive of more than half the US population?

Be very careful what you wish for.
No but you can shut it down and build elsewhere.

If operating in Florida becomes a problem, moving becomes a possibility and


What state would NOT give Disney the same deal or better for moving there?
Remember bragging about all those companies moving to southern states because of the big incentives?
How about New Jersey or Delaware?
Be within a 5 hour drive of more than half the US population?

Be very careful what you wish for.
My sources?
Know why?
Because idiot, this crap wasn't in the papers, on the news, or anywhere but a few hate filled morons like yourself screaming at each other about your fantasies and predilections.

DuhdumbAss aka Cap'n Pander is playing you and you love it because it gives you the opportunity to display your hate in public.

So you just made it up and puked your hate all over the board?

Go cuddle with your Adolf doll...
Where was Disney World before Disney built it?


It didn't exist.

Moving Disney World, and all it encompasses, is a logistical impossibility.

First, they'd need to find 27,000 available acres, or roughly 43 square miles, in a location where people will not only want to visit, but which would be suitable to Disney's needs. With regards to people wanting to visit, anyplace which gets snow is out of the running right from the start. No one's going to wait on line for Pirates of the Caribbean when there's a foot of snow on the ground.

There are more than 36,000 hotel rooms within the confines of Disney World, and there are some 300 restaurants.

The Magic Kingdom took a year and a half to build, and that's just the theme park. The resort, in its entirety, took four and a half years. In 1971, the cost of building the Magic Kingdom was $400 million. or roughly $2.8 billion today. Factor in exponential cost increases and the cost to build Disney World today would far exceed that. Also, you have to add to that the costs for Disney's other attractions, including Epcot, Disney's Hollywood Studios and the Animal Kingdom theme park, as well as the costs for the remainder of the resort, which aren't figured into that $400 million.

Now, you have to pay for the removal of, literally, everything within the Magic Kingdom, from Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to Cinderella's Castle. After you pay to remove it, not you have to pay to relocate it. Much of it is over 50 years old and likely wouldn't travel well. Besides, how do you move the Haunted Mansion or Space Mountain?

Disney would take an absolute bath on selling off their resort properties and hotels, simply because they won't be needed and, therefore, wouldn't command a premium price.

So, you'd have to shell out untold millions and millions of dollars just to shut Disney World down, and you've yet to spend a nickel building its replacement somewhere else.

Florida has more to offer tourists than just Disney World, so anywhere they would move it would have to have other attractions. There are 1,197 miles of coastline in Florida, which means you're never more than an hour or so from any body of salt water. Cape Canaveral is a big tourist draw, as are Universal Studios and, to a somewhat lesser degree, Sea World in Orlando. The Keys are just a few hours south. Anything in Kansas rival Key West? I don't believe there is.

Disney's not going anywhere. They can't...
Obviously you have studied the subject in greater detail than I have.

I would be grateful if you could furnish an example of this depravity. It seems to be too shocking to be true.
It looks like the eagle is struggling to back up his claims.
Maybe he should delete his post and work on being an honest man ?
This is an excellent analysis of the political calculus of both sides.

It is a little long at 17 minutes but worth the time if you don't have a short attention span.

Try the decaf....Most people say you can't tell the difference.
Try sucking DuhDumbAsses dick.
Oh wait, It's sunday. Pretty sure this is your cheeto sucking day.
In any case. enjoy your perversions.
They've done CRT.
They've done math.
They've done Da Gayz.
They've done Da Illegal.
What's next?
Not to worry.
Their Butthurt of the Day collection is bottomless.
Much like their ethical well except the well is empty.

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