Will This Latest Disney Story Hurt Ron DeSantis??

Did I say you personally? Let me ask you, do you support liberals fighting against DeSantis's bill?

Geez. It's like they have the memories of a dog.
OK then. Here's your lesson Fido...

"Why do you want 4 to 8 year olds to be taught about sex? "

Your quote boy.
Now sit Uboo, sit.
So you just made it up and puked your hate all over the board?

Go cuddle with your Adolf doll...
Are you seriously asking whether I made up the fact that something didn't exist because it didn't exist?

What a moron!
My god man, how do you gather the intellect to draw breath?

Geez. the stupid of you people is beyond human comprehension. Every time it seems you've reached the bottom of the stupid well, you dig further.
Try sucking DuhDumbAsses dick.
Oh wait, It's sunday. Pretty sure this is your cheeto sucking day.
In any case. enjoy your perversions.
Try sucking DuhDumbAsses dick.
Oh wait, It's sunday. Pretty sure this is your cheeto sucking day.
In any case. enjoy your perversions.
Right.....Every developed area surrounding Disney would've been built, but that particular section would still be a swamp.

The really amusing thing here is that you haven't a clue how fucking stupid you sound.

"Gov. Ron DeSantis continued escalating his battle against The Walt Disney Co. this week, calling for a new era in Florida where the company no longer gets to wield its mighty influence and “dictate policy” to state leaders. He singled out a special carveout that legislators approved for Disney in a 2021 bill that aimed to crack down on conservatives having their accounts banned by “Big Tech” social media companies. The bill was a DeSantis priority, but has since been blocked in court. That’s in part because the Republican bill sponsors added a last-minute amendment exempting companies that own theme parks.

“At the eleventh hour when the Legislature was doing this, Disney got them to put in a carveout for theme parks,” DeSantis said Thursday during a news conference. “I’m thinking to myself, ‘This is ridiculous.’ Honestly, it was embarrassing,” he added, saying he considered vetoing the legislation because of the carveout. But DeSantis’ own staff helped write it. Emails between staff working for the governor’s office and the House Commerce Committee show that DeSantis’ legislative affairs director, Stephanie Kopelousos, was in communication with Disney to propose bill language written by the company. The emails were first reported by the Seeking Rents newsletter, which shared them with the Tampa Bay Times."

Now, to anyone who isn't in a cult; they would see this as a typical politician saying one thing when the cameras are on and actually DOING A TOTALLY DIFFERENT THING when the cameras are off....but...to the cult....they will find a way to give DeSantis a pass for being full of shit as long as they believe he hates the same people they hate.....gays...trannies....those others....and as long as any Conservative politician can campaign on their manufactured culture war BS; they won't ever have to pass a single bill that structurally improves the lives of their constituency....sure, I still can't afford to refill my wife's insulin prescription; but at least we cracked down on those trannies!! -- that DeSantis is really looking out for us!!

This goofy ass culture war BS has these so-called "small government" -- "let the free markets decide" -- "corporations are people" conservatives now demanding governments punish corporations; not for price gouging, not for shady business practices, not for hiring illegal workers, no -- they want governments to punish corporations for not sharing in their passion to punish the fags or whatever minority group they are currently the most outraged about.
I personally have nothing against members of the LGBTQIA community and I definitely don’t hate them. I have worked with a number of people from that community including one man in the process of becoming a women. I viewed all as good workers and very intelligent people. However I an straight. The LGBTQIA lifestyle holds no interest for me.

However I do not want some teacher in kindergarten through third grade implanting ideas into my grandchildren's heads that they might be a boy in a girl‘s body or vice versa. I also am opposed to my grandchildren being groomed to be gay.

Why would Disney want to push grooming young children anyway? Why would Disney go along with the myth that the bill stops people from saying “gay”. Why does the main stream media continue to mislabel the bill by calling it the “Don’t say gay bill.”

Young children, many who still believe in Santa Claus don’t need to be exposed to adult lifestyles. Let the young kids just be kids. Teach them how to read, write and do math.

And trying to penalize trans folks in some way or another makes fragile conservatives feel better about all of what is going on in the world??


As for me, I have never gotten comfort from the belief that we are cracking down on LGBTQ folks....which is also why im not religious
Oh yeah---people are just penalizing trans crazies for no no reason. It has nothing to do with the gay community's sexual obsession with children. Can't figure out why parents would get upset.
And trying to penalize trans folks in some way or another makes fragile conservatives feel better about all of what is going on in the world??


As for me, I have never gotten comfort from the belief that we are cracking down on LGBTQ folks....which is also why im not religious
You realize that opposing the trans and gay agenda has nothing to do with religion, especially the Christian religion. You could be a staunch anti Christian Muslim and oppose perverts like they do in the middle east. You could be a stringent atheist and prohibit pervert propaganda like they do in China. You never thought that atheist China was pro gay did you?
There is a commercial on TV that expresses the nonsense of ttans propaganda. Like a lot of commercials it portrays a black family. A father tells a boy about four years old to put on his pants. The boy says "I'm a dinosaur. We don't wear pants."

To the trans agenda this isn't a child with an active imagination. This is a child whose dinosaurishness needs to be respected. He doesn't even need to go to school at all. He's a dinosaur. For now and forever.
I didn't say "move"
I said rebuild.
Got English?

Oh, well that's almost even more stupid.

Why would they have to rebuild? Where would they rebuild? Orlando? No need for that, all their shit's already there.

What, exactly, would they have to rebuild and where would they do that?

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