Diamond Member
Specifics? You mean like, "Every family will save $2500 a year"?
There it is again.
What was the context of that comment? Are you allergic to honesty?
What was the context of that comment?
The context was dozens of speeches Obama gave trying to drum up support for Obamacare, before it came up for a vote in Congress.
Was he lying? Or were his economic forecasts just that inaccurate?
You are getting close! I'm proud of you. Now...where did he say that savings would come from if his plan was followed? And...was his plan followed?
This could be a great moment for you. A turning point!
Now...where did he say that savings would come from if his plan was followed?
He was going to lower premiums. By $2500 per family per year.
And...was his plan followed?
It passed. You tell me, was it followed?