Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

And you think the New York times, and the Washington Post are real news......


The NYT has been around for about 170 years. Gatewaypundit ... 4.

Only sane folks reference the Gray Lady which has the 3rd highest circulation in the nation among real news publications. It's you fringe rightards who need to be fed fake news by gatewaypundit, infowars, breitbart, etc...

And yet literally every major story ends up being false.
Alot of ignorant folks, staying ignorant is all that signifies.

They've printed up literally millions of articles. You can find an infinitesimal percentage they got wrong. And when they do, like all real news sources, they issue corrections. Unlike fake news cites like gatewaypundit which simply delete web pages when their articles prove to be false.

Factually False -

Are they going to give back the awards they won for promoting falsehoods?

I forget how uninformed you are sometimes.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?

My cousin, a general in the army, told me there is a lot of disappointment and low morale among officers and enlisted, there is no trust, pussygrabber disparaged POW's, and now looks the other way when his puppet master, Putin, kills our troops...

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Cant wait for Nov 2020 when this is going to happen again.

Who the fuck is leaking this?

Patriotic and duty-bound American officials and or military personnel. Folks who rhink Americans wearing military uniforms deserve priority status and protection. Individuals who place dury and honor before trivial Trump blind loyalty.


It's made up of whole cloth in the offices of the NYT, ya nit. Democrats rely heavily on headline propaganda, and they're good at it.

Yelling fake news and calling the New York Times funny names doesn't make Trump unaware of the bounty.

The intel sources NEVER briefed him on it because it was not credible. What part of that are you not getting, libtard?

do you also believe in unicorns? big foot? LOL...

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