Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

...Says the guys who think a man poking another mans ass is normal and men with tits are women.
1. please stop projecting your sexual aberrations on your fellow posters, my little Internet fruit-loop

2. your ad hominem attack does not detract from the idea that your Orange Baboon-God is in trouble over this and other critical failures of leadership - bigly
When you "science experts" start realizing that normal people dont agree with you shitstains, then i will stop posting how you insane people think. One of these people actually has a vagina, can you tell who it is.
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Somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning, child? Your boy is in trouble and there's only four months left 'til the November 3rd general election.
Tell me, oh high and righteous one, have you figured out who has the vagina in the pictures i posted?
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?

PROGS like to dress stuff up huh? Need a safe space?
...What action should Trump have taken?...
1. release the information to the general public
2. place severe economic sanctions on the Russian Federation
3. convince allies to do the same
4. shift our troop and equipment concentrations further east within Europe
5. seize sufficient Russian assets to compensate the families of those American and allied troops killed as a result of such bounty activity
6. abandon all plans to reintegrate Russian into the G8

...Last time I checked Trump talked about pulling us out of Afghanistan and that's when warmongering assholes started calling him a threat to the constitution. Trump proposes pulling our troops out and Democrats and their neocon friends start squealing like stuck pigs.
Maybe true. Maybe not. But either way, it is entirely irrelevant to the idea that Rump needed to show balls and leadership once the bounties became known to him.

And, as with virtually every crisis that has assaulted our country since he took office, the Orange Baboon-God has failed to measure up, leaving a vacuum of leadership.

He's an empty suit, and, come November 3rd, he's gotta go.
And maybe worse is the Republican senate who won't open their FN mouths over all the bs trump is responsible for America is in deep doo doo thanks to repub scum
What part of "Trump was not briefed" did you not understand?
He knew and still was trying to get Russia back into the G7 Trump is at best ,incompetent at worst a traitor who believes Putin over our intelligence
And maybe worse is the Republican senate who won't open their FN mouths over all the bs trump is responsible for America is in deep doo doo thanks to repub scum
What part of "Trump was not briefed" did you not understand?
He knew and still was trying to get Russia back into the G7 Trump is at best ,incompetent at worst a traitor who believes Putin over our intelligence

How the fuck did he know when every intel agency said it was not briefed? Are you a fucking moron who cannot read?
...What action should Trump have taken?...
1. release the information to the general public
2. place severe economic sanctions on the Russian Federation
3. convince allies to do the same
4. shift our troop and equipment concentrations further east within Europe
5. seize sufficient Russian assets to compensate the families of those American and allied troops killed as a result of such bounty activity
6. abandon all plans to reintegrate Russian into the G8

...Last time I checked Trump talked about pulling us out of Afghanistan and that's when warmongering assholes started calling him a threat to the constitution. Trump proposes pulling our troops out and Democrats and their neocon friends start squealing like stuck pigs.
Maybe true. Maybe not. But either way, it is entirely irrelevant to the idea that Rump needed to show balls and leadership once the bounties became known to him.

And, as with virtually every crisis that has assaulted our country since he took office, the Orange Baboon-God has failed to measure up, leaving a vacuum of leadership.

He's an empty suit, and, come November 3rd, he's gotta go.
Dude.....Trump is the very opposite of an empty suit.
The empty suit left office in 2017.
Of course not

Trump called POWs cowards and mocked Gold Star Families and our military still stood by him
That just shows how toxic most voters see democrats.
Sad really that Veterans are so willing to sell out their values.

If a Democrat attacked POWs and Gold Star families, Veterans would be outraged
Democrats did...see Jessica Lynch.
Republicans threw her under the bus
Bolton reportedly told some of his colleagues that he personally briefed Trump on this story.
And he never put it in his book. Now that's pretty strange. If it was that important, and Bolton really did know. He would have put it in his tell all. Bolton never reportedly told anyone anything.
...Dude.....Trump is the very opposite of an empty suit. The empty suit left office in 2017.
Rump has failed the leadership test in connection with the pandemic...

Rump has failed the leadership test in connection with the recent spate of nationwide race-riots and protests...

Rump has failed the leadership test in connection with our allies and has either lost or gravely damaged our alliances and the level of trust placed by others in our country...

Rump may feign leadership skills in his autocratic real estate business and his unreality TV productions where his word is the law, however...

Rump couldn't lead his way out of a wet paper bag in the national political arena, outside of thumping Mexicans and Muzzies...

He is, indeed, an empty suit... a one-trick pony who is in wwwaaaaaaaayyy over his head...

God willing, he'll be voted out on November 3rd, and headed back to Florida for good on January 20th...
What I'm hearing is that there was some disagreement and a lack of consensus about the credibility of the intel, so Trump was not briefed. What are they supposed to say to Trump, we think this might be true but some of us aren't sure? But even if he was briefed, is he supposed to take some kind of action against Russia without sufficient evidence and a lack of agreement? That would be pretty reckless, wouldn't it?

So far, since then (it was back in March or thereabouts), the intel has yet to be confirmed as far as anybody knows. So it appears all we have here is yet another uncorroborated story from an unnamed source. IOW, a political hit piece to hit Trump with. Not the first and won't be the last.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

And you think the New York times, and the Washington Post are real news......


The NYT has been around for about 170 years. Gatewaypundit ... 4.

Only sane folks reference the Gray Lady which has the 3rd highest circulation in the nation among real news publications. It's you fringe rightards who need to be fed fake news by gatewaypundit, infowars, breitbart, etc...

And yet literally every major story ends up being false.
Alot of ignorant folks, staying ignorant is all that signifies.

They've printed up literally millions of articles. You can find an infinitesimal percentage they got wrong. And when they do, like all real news sources, they issue corrections. Unlike fake news cites like gatewaypundit which simply delete web pages when their articles prove to be false.
And maybe worse is the Republican senate who won't open their FN mouths over all the bs trump is responsible for America is in deep doo doo thanks to repub scum
What part of "Trump was not briefed" did you not understand?
He knew and still was trying to get Russia back into the G7 Trump is at best ,incompetent at worst a traitor who believes Putin over our intelligence

How the fuck did he know when every intel agency said it was not briefed? Are you a fucking moron who cannot read?
Well he certainly knows now -- what's he doing about it?

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