Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

If it turns out that Rump had no knowledge of this, then he need only concern himself with getting to the bottom of this, and acting accordingly...

If it turns out that Rump knew about it, and took no action (public denouncement, sanctions, etc.), then he has definitely lost the Veteran Vote...

And there are one helluva lot of us to deal with...

A Commander-in-Chief who betrays the Armed Forces of the Republic would be voted out of office by a huge majority of loyal Americans - with Veterans leading the way.

If that's what happened...
What action should Trump have taken?

Last time I checked Trump talked about pulling us out of Afghanistan and that's when warmongering assholes started calling him a threat to the constitution.

Trump proposes pulling our troops out and Democrats and their neocon friends start squealing like stuck pigs.
How many US soldiers have been killed this yr in Afghanistan....I heard 2. Trump loves the money litary and this would be very out of character to point it's laughable. Tells me Smokin Joe is losing

It just absolutely reeks of desperation.

The left is all a twitter - they just found out Russia is against the US - should have listened to Mitt.

So everyone important knows that Russia is against the US -
They hear rumors about payments offered.
They investigate
How far up the chain of command it actually goes is irrelevant, it's being addressed, probably covertly and probably with much success.

So much success the left has to publicize it by leaking intelligence information.
So once again the NYT acts against the best interest of actual Americans

This is how they have earned the title - Enemy of the People.
NO 1000 times NO We just found out we have a real moron in our WH who SAYS he wasn't told about the Russian bounties on our men Doesn't the AH read his daily briefing? We might as well have Mickey Mouse in our WH
The president's daily briefing is not a comment over the urinal in the men's room. "Hey,Don, have you heard the latest?" The Briefing in a written document. Where is it? Where is the intelligence briefing about this matter?
So far they won't let it become available Hiding it to once more protect the POS in our WH
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

And you think the New York times, and the Washington Post are real news......


The NYT has been around for about 170 years. Gatewaypundit ... 4.

Only sane folks reference the Gray Lady which has the 3rd highest circulation in the nation among real news publications. It's you fringe rightards who need to be fed fake news by gatewaypundit, infowars, breitbart, etc...

And yet literally every major story ends up being false.
Alot of ignorant folks, staying ignorant is all that signifies.

Speaking of ignorant. "alot" is not a word!
and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Yep.....you folks think that making up new Russian stories is going to influence the election.
I've got news for you.....people are getting wise to your tricks.

Note the difference in media coverage.

If Obama was president all he'd have to do is read a speech on a teleprompter and you'd cheer him for doing something. Doesn't matter if he took no security measures.....you'd say he did something. He gave a speech. A useless speech, but that's at least something. Then you'll condemn Russia.

But since Trump is president he didn't do nothing. Nevermind the fact that he announced pulling back troops. You folks say he's doing nothing. So really all this is is just the leftist jerks in Washington and New York putting a negative slant on a story. A story that The White House and Intel experts say is total hogwash. It never happened.
If it turns out that Rump had no knowledge of this, then he need only concern himself with getting to the bottom of this, and acting accordingly...

If it turns out that Rump knew about it, and took no action (public denouncement, sanctions, etc.), then he has definitely lost the Veteran Vote...

And there are one helluva lot of us to deal with...

A Commander-in-Chief who betrays the Armed Forces of the Republic would be voted out of office by a huge majority of loyal Americans - with Veterans leading the way.

If that's what happened...
What action should Trump have taken?

Last time I checked Trump talked about pulling us out of Afghanistan and that's when warmongering assholes started calling him a threat to the constitution.

Trump proposes pulling our troops out and Democrats and their neocon friends start squealing like stuck pigs.
How many US soldiers have been killed this yr in Afghanistan....I heard 2. Trump loves the money litary and this would be very out of character to point it's laughable. Tells me Smokin Joe is losing

It just absolutely reeks of desperation.

The left is all a twitter - they just found out Russia is against the US - should have listened to Mitt.

So everyone important knows that Russia is against the US -
They hear rumors about payments offered.
They investigate
How far up the chain of command it actually goes is irrelevant, it's being addressed, probably covertly and probably with much success.

So much success the left has to publicize it by leaking intelligence information.
So once again the NYT acts against the best interest of actual Americans

This is how they have earned the title - Enemy of the People.
NO 1000 times NO We just found out we have a real moron in our WH who SAYS he wasn't told about the Russian bounties on our men Doesn't the AH read his daily briefing? We might as well have Mickey Mouse in our WH
The president's daily briefing is not a comment over the urinal in the men's room. "Hey,Don, have you heard the latest?" The Briefing in a written document. Where is it? Where is the intelligence briefing about this matter?
So far they won't let it become available Hiding it to once more protect the POS in our WH
So basically the dog ate your homework.
and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump

They hate Biden and love Trump. I am glad I could clear that up for you.
Admiral The pos didn't have our soldiers backs Instead he played patty cake with Putin Either a coward or complicit And you support that POS ? I won't say what I really want to because I respect your service
and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump

They hate Biden and love Trump. I am glad I could clear that up for you.
Admiral The pos didn't have our soldiers backs Instead he played patty cake with Putin Either a coward or complicit And you support that POS ? I won't say what I really want to because I respect your service
Are you currently stationed in Afghanistan?
I have been stationed overseas when a President didn't have our backs. Clinton tried to put us under UN command and was prevented by congress to do so. We requested armored vehicles and our request was refused by Hillary and Bill. After over 100 soldiers were wounded and 18 killed October 3rd 1993 during one battle secretary of Defense Les Aspen was relieved of his position.....but it was Hillary's fault........ just another Benghazi.
And maybe worse is the Republican senate who won't open their FN mouths over all the bs trump is responsible for America is in deep doo doo thanks to repub scum
It's called dereliction of duty and vets are pissed
I'm a vet.
I'm not pissed.
You're full of shit.
Then you're a fn traitor supporting a scum who did shit to back up our soldiers
Fuck you dirt bag.
Me ?But not the pos Trump?? FN traitor
My guess is you've never been in uniform or been in a fire-fight like I have.....
So fuck off you commie bastard.
...Says the guys who think a man poking another mans ass is normal and men with tits are women.
1. please stop projecting your sexual aberrations on your fellow posters, my little Internet fruit-loop

2. your ad hominem attack does not detract from the idea that your Orange Baboon-God is in trouble over this and other critical failures of leadership - bigly
When you "science experts" start realizing that normal people dont agree with you shitstains, then i will stop posting how you insane people think. One of these people actually has a vagina, can you tell who it is.
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Somebody pee in your Cheerios this morning, child? Your boy is in trouble and there's only four months left 'til the November 3rd general election.

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