Will Trump lose support among veterans due to Bountygate?

and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump

They hate Biden and love Trump. I am glad I could clear that up for you.
Admiral The pos didn't have our soldiers backs Instead he played patty cake with Putin Either a coward or complicit And you support that POS ? I won't say what I really want to because I respect your service
Are you currently stationed in Afghanistan?
I have been stationed overseas when a President didn't have our backs. Clinton tried to put us under UN command and was prevented by congress to do so. We requested armored vehicles and our request was refused by Hillary and Bill. After over 100 soldiers were wounded and 18 killed October 3rd 1993 during one battle secretary of Defense Les Aspen was relieved of his position.....but it was Hillary's fault........ just another Benghazi.

This story has very long legs. There is still much that we don't yet know.
That's the usual pattern. The Democrats make up a story.....and it takes months...even years to discover that it was a total lie.....just like Russian collusion.

But you libs fall for it every time....not because it's true....but because you want their lies to be true so much.

Pathetic losers....
And maybe worse is the Republican senate who won't open their FN mouths over all the bs trump is responsible for America is in deep doo doo thanks to repub scum
What part of "Trump was not briefed" did you not understand?
He knew and still was trying to get Russia back into the G7 Trump is at best ,incompetent at worst a traitor who believes Putin over our intelligence

How the fuck did he know when every intel agency said it was not briefed? Are you a fucking moron who cannot read?
Well he certainly knows now -- what's he doing about it?
Knows what? He knows that someone leaked an unsubstantiated report ? What do you think he should do?
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
Don't you mean: WILL NY Times lose reader support for fake news that is doing Russia's will to cause a discord amongst our parties and intelligence agencies?
Even Adam Schiff with egg still on his face is still playing his embarassing failed logic Putin angle with comments that actually are doing Russias will in a way that makes you ask: Is Adam Schiff in the Russians pockets, is his peculiar infatuation due to receiving missinformation at one time and buying into it or is he deflecting his own communist or financier ties??
and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump

They hate Biden and love Trump. I am glad I could clear that up for you.
Admiral The pos didn't have our soldiers backs Instead he played patty cake with Putin Either a coward or complicit And you support that POS ? I won't say what I really want to because I respect your service
Are you currently stationed in Afghanistan?
I have been stationed overseas when a President didn't have our backs. Clinton tried to put us under UN command and was prevented by congress to do so. We requested armored vehicles and our request was refused by Hillary and Bill. After over 100 soldiers were wounded and 18 killed October 3rd 1993 during one battle secretary of Defense Les Aspen was relieved of his position.....but it was Hillary's fault........ just another Benghazi.

Google it.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

And you think the New York times, and the Washington Post are real news......


The NYT has been around for about 170 years. Gatewaypundit ... 4.

Only sane folks reference the Gray Lady which has the 3rd highest circulation in the nation among real news publications. It's you fringe rightards who need to be fed fake news by gatewaypundit, infowars, breitbart, etc...

And yet literally every major story ends up being false.
Alot of ignorant folks, staying ignorant is all that signifies.

They've printed up literally millions of articles. You can find an infinitesimal percentage they got wrong. And when they do, like all real news sources, they issue corrections. Unlike fake news cites like gatewaypundit which simply delete web pages when their articles prove to be false.

Factually False -

Are they going to give back the awards they won for promoting falsehoods?
and btw biden up in polls dow up 228 nas up 180 ,,,,,,the market either loves bide or hates the schmuck trump

They hate Biden and love Trump. I am glad I could clear that up for you.
Admiral The pos didn't have our soldiers backs Instead he played patty cake with Putin Either a coward or complicit And you support that POS ? I won't say what I really want to because I respect your service
Are you currently stationed in Afghanistan?
I have been stationed overseas when a President didn't have our backs. Clinton tried to put us under UN command and was prevented by congress to do so. We requested armored vehicles and our request was refused by Hillary and Bill. After over 100 soldiers were wounded and 18 killed October 3rd 1993 during one battle secretary of Defense Les Aspen was relieved of his position.....but it was Hillary's fault........ just another Benghazi.

Google it.

Don't have to Hillary was NOT part of Bill's cabinet, she made NO decisions that mattered. Bbbbbbuuuuutttt Hillary, JFC tRumptards are fucking pathetic.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
2010 Obama Iran bountygate
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
The intelligence community has repeatedly said that until the claim of bounties on our troops are verified, they are not going to brief the president. Further, this rumor was originally put out there in 2014, when Trump wasn't even president.
How many US soldiers have been killed this yr in Afghanistan....I heard 2. Trump loves the military and this would be very out of character to point it's laughable. Tells me Smokin Joe is losing

I hope he is losing............ joe biden....well, the democrat party handlers who control biden.....will finish off this country.......these other countries around the world had better hope Trump wins.....otherwise they will be facing an expanding Russia and China...Australia is increasing it's military spending because of the threat of China....but that won't happen if biden wins....he will pull any military sales to the countries that China wants to control....

This is the most dangerous internal threat our country has ever faced, and Trump is the only man standing in the way of it..............

People....you need to go out and vote in vast numbers for Trump.....the United States and the World depend on it.....the democrat party will allow China and Russia to expand, and our friends and allies around the world will suffer....

The guy in your video is a hack and the world isn't laughing at governors, rather, they laugh at doofus Don. But, what does your deflection post have to do with veterans turning on Bunker Boy Trump?

Veterans aren't turning on Trump.
They aren't going to abandon him over yet another fake story from the New York Slimes.
Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
"We learned....." from the NYT. HAAA HAAAA
Now it's turned out to be yet another fucking made up bullshit hoax.
When will you fucking LIB assholes ever learn!
So, the excuse now being used by tea bagger trumpoholics is there is no proof he read his written security briefing, meaning of which is actually an admission of dereliction of duty and less serious than complete betrayal.

Of course. Dereliction of duty is this *pResident's unofficial platform.
Trump allowing Russia to assassinate American military personnel is an issue that will never go away.
Besides talk tough what else can Trump do?
Tough talk would be “something” exclusion from the G7 and sanctions would also be something.
Even NOW... he’s doing and saying nothing... other than lying about his knowledge of this
Well has Trump showed ANY concern about Russia putting a bounty on American soldiers?

Yesterday we learned that Trump was briefed on Russia paying the Taliban for killing US troops (which resulted in US troops being killed) but did nothing about it
Will Trump's wife support among military members suffer because he didn't care about troops dying?
How many times are you gonna get duped on the same fake news story from a NYTs piece with no source?
NY Times the best most legit paper in America
You're saying that to rightards who think sites like gatewaypundit, infowars and/or breitbart are real news.

And you think the New York times, and the Washington Post are real news......


The NYT has been around for about 170 years. Gatewaypundit ... 4.

Only sane folks reference the Gray Lady which has the 3rd highest circulation in the nation among real news publications. It's you fringe rightards who need to be fed fake news by gatewaypundit, infowars, breitbart, etc...

And yet literally every major story ends up being false.
Alot of ignorant folks, staying ignorant is all that signifies.

They've printed up literally millions of articles. You can find an infinitesimal percentage they got wrong. And when they do, like all real news sources, they issue corrections. Unlike fake news cites like gatewaypundit which simply delete web pages when their articles prove to be false.

Factually False -

Are they going to give back the awards they won for promoting falsehoods?
That's the usual pattern. The Democrats make up a story
Suspicions of Russian Bounties Were Bolstered by Data on Financial Transfers
Analysts have used other evidence to conclude that the transfers were most likely part of an effort to offer payments to Taliban-linked militants to kill American and coalition troops in Afghanistan.

"American officials intercepted electronic data showing large financial transfers from a bank account controlled by Russia’s military intelligence agency to a Taliban-linked account, evidence that supported their conclusion that Russia covertly offered bounties for killing U.S. and coalition troops in Afghanistan, according to three officials familiar with the intelligence.

Though the United States has accused Russia of providing general support to the Taliban before, analysts concluded from other intelligence that the transfers were most likely part of a bounty program that detainees described during interrogations."

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