Will Trump take the 5th?

Of course, it was reporting by the Associated Press, and they consistently do a good job on their journalism.
TRANSLATION: Consistently liberal coverage

To be sure, there will be folks who don't like such reports because it may cast shade on some fav-du-jour they currently admire. I get that.
"You get that?" you're the most unabashed practitioner of that, should read "I am guilty of it that"...would you oppose a required link to Fox news in lieu?

Nonetheless, this forum could do a lot worse (too often does a lot worse) than requiring links to the AP.
ahhh the shackles of propaganda, one source fits all...let freedom ring eh Chills
IMHO?...try "IMO" it's a better fit
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Of course he won't; he absolutely will not!! In the past he has derided the 5th claiming that it proves guilt and that "the mob takes the 5th.

Besides, Trump is a stand up guy who is totally innocent, so he says. Therefore he would have no problem with truthfully answering "witch hunt" questions, and, I am sure, would insist that his kids do the same.

Oh GOD I hope so... It would be the first time he ever shut the fuck up...

The truth is, however, his ego, stupidity, and lack of self-awareness will all prevent him from doing the smart thing... He can't help himself, he will talk. As long as he is unaware of the fact that he is not the smartest person in the room, his gums will flap.
First, I want to thank the OP.
It was a good article that he linked the forum to.
I thought it was fair, informative, and added context to the news of the judge's ruling.

Of course, it was reporting by the Associated Press, and they consistently do a good job on their journalism. To be sure, there will be folks who don't like such reports because it may cast shade on some fav-du-jour they currently admire. I get that.

Nonetheless, this forum could do a lot worse (too often does a lot worse) than requiring links to the AP.


And that leads my avatar to some recreational commentary on several subjects, and several posts.

First, this ...from the AP article itself:
“The problem with appearing — at least as his lawyers will see it — is that Trump can’t be controlled and he’s likely to say things that will cause more trouble for him and his family.”

Contributors to this venue will recognize that concept. It has been surfaced in any number of threads in the past. DTrump, seemingly, has a proclivity to shoot his mouth off....to his detriment. And worse, he then re-loads....to get the other foot.

"180,000" ???
Paint me skeptical.
I believe the poster Rambunctious is in error. Either due to failure of due diligence, or he made up the number as he believes it advances the interests of his polemic.

So, let's do this: Let's ask the good poster to show us credible, authoritative sourcing for the "180,000" number.

If the good poster Rambunctious cannot, will not, does not....well, the clear conclusions must be that he is either careless, or incompetent, or mendacious.

Batter up, poster Rambunctious.
It's Show or Go time.

Well, actually, poster Polishprince.....in this particualr situation, it ain't a 'trial-in-the-media'. Rather, this is a legal subpoena, and a judge's ruling, in our courts of law. Generally, that has significant precedent over any 'trial-by-the-media'.
Trust me.

Oh boy!
Yet another Nazi war crime comparison.
A wrong one on the facts.
But a right one for showcasing some poster's ignorance of history, and his willingness to trivialize and minimize the tragedy of the Holocaust and Nazi tyranny.

Look, I'm gonna be uncharacteristically blunt with the good poster 'whitehall': Partner, your ignorance makes your avatar look silly, juvenile, irresponsible, and scatter-brained. Uneducated or under-educated.

In short, your avatar does not know what it is he is talking about. Nor does he comprehend the inappropriateness and the insensitivity of equating the supremely tragic deaths of nearly 20 million people in World War II, to the sad misteps of well meaning American leaders in their attempts to address a novel and advancing pandemic.

The whitehall avatar made a silly and ignorant statement in his attempt to advance his partisan polemic.
This forum deserves a better contribution. And expects one.
What...are you writing a book?...holy cow...
Care to bet?
Sure...lets bet...a former president dragged into court?...not gonna happen...even the elected dems don't want to set that precedent...especially with how corrupt the dems are....
It is also starting to look likely that Trump will be charged with a crime for mishandling classified documents.
What...are you writing a book?

Book? Oh no, not at all.

Rather, I was inquiring if your avatar could back up his word....be reliable in what he claims?

That was my intent with the query on the "180,000" number.

Which, obviously, brings us right back to the original query: Can you prove it?
Can you support it?
Do you have a credible authoritative source?

Or, did you simply imagine it in order to project an aura of an 'in-the-know' trait you think you may need to debate effectively?
Book? Oh no, not at all.

Rather, I was inquiring if your avatar could back up his word....be reliable in what he claims?

That was my intent with the query on the "180,000" number.

Which, obviously, brings us right back to the original query: Can you prove it?
Can you support it?
Do you have a credible authoritative source?

Or, did you simply imagine it in order to project an aura of an 'in-the-know' trait you think you may need to debate effectively?
My avatar??? what about my avatar?...if you have doubt in my post look it up....
Oh boy!
Yet another Nazi war crime comparison.
only the treatment of the elderly by each was a comparison chills,[something you saw no need to deny] the deaths [whether right or wrong] were "merely" a quantified measurement

A wrong one on the facts.
which in your opinion are?

But a right one for showcasing some poster's ignorance of history, and his willingness to trivialize and minimize the tragedy of the Holocaust and Nazi tyranny.
why don't ya just call him a Trudeau wannabe and be done with it?
Stupid rally's?...like the one last month with over 180,000 people attending?..

if you have doubt in my post look it up....
Conroe, TX, 1/29/22: "tens of thousands"

Florence, AZ, 1/15/22: 15,000

Just because you say that Trump is a racketeer doesn't mean that he is.

But I guess if you are devoted to Brandon, its important to get him elected by any means necessary.
Who said I was devoted to anyone, eh PP?

Keep guessing and crying for Trump while I laugh. Hah Ha Ha!

Of course he won't; he absolutely will not!! In the past he has derided the 5th claiming that it proves guilt and that "the mob takes the 5th.

Besides, Trump is a stand up guy who is totally innocent, so he says. Therefore he would have no problem with truthfully answering "witch hunt" questions, and, I am sure, would insist that his kids do the same.
It’s not a criminal trial he’s be testifying in, so don’t get your hopes up.

Who do you think is behind these false accusations against President Trump?

This is just like Hillary and Mueller's lies about Trump hiring hoes to ruin hotel mattresses.

A load of shit.
I see you and the choir have had a week to rehearse.
It is also a criminal investigation. Folks like you spend too much time in your mommas basement; https://www.usnews.com/news/busines...jury-seated-as-trump-criminal-probe-continues
Yea, a “criminal investigation” that has produced absolutely nothing.

So little in fact, their best hopes is to get President Trump to testify in a civil legal disposition and hope he says something to incriminate himself. Because unless President Trump admits to committing some crime, they have zilch.
It’s not a criminal trial he’s be testifying in, so don’t get your hopes up.
Yet his statements under oath can and will be used against him in their criminal investigation.

Which is why orange pussyboi will plead the 5th in the civil deposition.

If he has any brains left, anyway. Which, he may not.
Yet his statements under oath can and will be used against him in their criminal investigation.

Which is why orange pussyboi will plead the 5th in the civil deposition.

If he has any brains left, anyway. Which, he may not.
Thanks for proving my last post.

They have nothing on him, can’t charge him with anything. So their only hope is to put him under oath and hope he confesses to something. It’s complete desperation on the part of the AG.
And his problems in Georgia as well.

It's a fraught situation. We have not yet quite joined the modern world and typically do not hold our presidents accountable for crimes. We have always felt our democratic republic and institutions are too strong to be upended by a nefarious, criminal president, so it was not necessary.

Now we know better.

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