Will Trump take the 5th?

Just like every criminal investigation in history...until they did produce something.
Criminal investigations do not require putting a suspect under oath. That completely violates the Constitution. A DA has to prove guilt, and a suspect is not obligated to help them.
A lie you just made up. Cult self soothing. You could not possibly know the truth of that, and your cultish behavior is very embarrassing and childish.
I do know it because of what they are doing. They can’t charge him with shit and they want to be able to claim he “lied under oath” about some nonsense.
Criminal investigations do not require putting a suspect under oath.
Well that is stupid and wrong. Yes, grand juries can and do subpoena people for depositions, under oath, during investigations

This is just getting sad at this point. You should probably shut up immediately.
do know it because of what they are doing.
Winning every court challenge?

Since when do people not get asked to testify or depose themselves under oath for grand juries?

Since never.

No really, you should shut up immediately. You are embarrassing yourself.

It's a fraught situation. We have not yet quite joined the modern world and typically do not hold our presidents accountable for crimes. We have always felt our democratic republic and institutions are too strong to be upended by a nefarious, criminal president, so it was not necessary.

Now we know better.
As backhanded, unethical, and dishonest he tried to destroy any integrity concerning the office.
Yes, this country deserves better.

Of course he won't; he absolutely will not!! In the past he has derided the 5th claiming that it proves guilt and that "the mob takes the 5th.

Besides, Trump is a stand up guy who is totally innocent, so he says. Therefore he would have no problem with truthfully answering "witch hunt" questions, and, I am sure, would insist that his kids do the same.
why would anyone answer witch hunt questions? the truth isn’t relevant in a mob witch hunt

the 5th was created for this very purpose
Conroe, TX, 1/29/22: "tens of thousands"

Florence, AZ, 1/15/22: 15,000


My bad...there was 80,000 not 180,000...I made a mistake...but 80,000 still makes my point...the man hasn't even said he is running again...and can still draw 80,000 patriots...be afraid tard...be very afraid....

I think Joe had 8 people go to see him in Ohio...Buuuuaahahahaha...keep slurping up loser juice tard...
Book? Oh no, not at all.

Rather, I was inquiring if your avatar could back up his word....be reliable in what he claims?

That was my intent with the query on the "180,000" number.

Which, obviously, brings us right back to the original query: Can you prove it?
Can you support it?
Do you have a credible authoritative source?

Or, did you simply imagine it in order to project an aura of an 'in-the-know' trait you think you may need to debate effectively?
hey Cillicothe....I made a mistake...I meant to say 80,000 not 180,000...I'm sorry about that...but 80,000 still makes my point...
But it isn't surprising at all to see the D's trying to rig the 2024 elections for Brandon by trying to disqualify the opposition from even running.
What isn’t surprising is how devoid of political acumen the blind partisan right truly is.

Democrats would love nothing more than for Trump to be the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee.
What isn’t surprising is how devoid of political acumen the blind partisan right truly is.

Democrats would love nothing more than for Trump to be the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee.

That's bullshit.

There is no way in heck that the Republicans have a chance in hell if they forfeit the votes of 74 million Little Trumpsters by nominating an ultramoderate or nevertrumper.

My bad...there was 80,000 not 180,000...I made a mistake...but 80,000 still makes my point...the man hasn't even said he is running again...and can still draw 80,000 patriots...be afraid tard...be very afraid....

I think Joe had 8 people go to see him in Ohio...Buuuuaahahahaha...keep slurping up loser juice tard...

But that's not different than 2020, when Biden mopped the floor with Trump. 100+ million people vote. How can you be dumb enough to think you made a good point? Nobody is that dumb. You are not that dumb.. I don't get it.

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