Will Trump take the 5th?

by trying to disqualify the opposition from even running.

I don't want trump disqualified, I want him to be held accountable for his crimes. If those crimes disqualify him, then so be it.

He is a dirty POS, as is his family, and he needs to answer.
But he won't answer, he will sue or plead the 5th if forced to court.

This is no witch hunt. He HAS to plead the 5th, otherwise he will expose all his crimes with EVERY word out of his lying dirty mouth.
I see him con-tinuing to lie under oath.
by trying to disqualify the opposition from even running.

I don't want trump disqualified, I want him to be held accountable for his crimes. If those crimes disqualify him, then so be it.

He is a dirty POS, as is his family, and he needs to answer.
But he won't answer, he will sue or plead the 5th if forced to court.

This is no witch hunt. He HAS to plead the 5th, otherwise he will expose all his crimes with EVERY word out of his lying dirty mouth.

You might not personally want the 74 million Little Trumpsters disqualified or cancelled. But that is the goal of the Democrats- get Trump out of there to pave the way for a 2nd Biden Administration.

But it isn't a crime to oppose Biden any more than it is for the truckers of Canada to oppose Trudeau.
This thread is about President Biden?


Who do you think is behind these false accusations against President Trump?

This is just like Hillary and Mueller's lies about Trump hiring hoes to ruin hotel mattresses.

A load of shit.
It's creepy and almost sickening when the radical left ignores the reality of Biden's first year in office to dwell on an imaginary situation of Trump and the 5th Amendment. It looks as if TDS is really a mental condition.
I suppose that Biden and his cronies could try that.

:heehee: why? they weren't even in office during donny's fraudulent activities when it all started.

nice try though.

But don't you think it would be better for Sleepy Joe to do a tremendous job and have accomplishments that Americans could be proud of, and actually earn reelection on his own merits instead of a quest of personal destruction against fellow Americans.

what ^^^ ridiculousness ^^^
you spew. trump's finally gonna be held accountable for at least some of the crimes he committed.


ha ha & neener neener.
a civil suit that

A) can break him financially

B) has the AG working in tandem with the SDNY; the dept. who has top notch feds ( including the dude who brought down john gotti ) working the RICO angle.

Trump is going to sell off assets as he already is.
:heehee: why? they weren't even in office during donny's fraudulent activities when it all started.

nice try though.

what ^^^ ridiculousness ^^^
you spew. trump's finally gonna be held accountable for at least some of the crimes he committed.

View attachment 603088

ha ha & neener neener.

Trump hasn't committed any crimes. If he had, the billions of dollars that the libs wasted on Fake investigations wouldn't have turned up bupkis.
Trump is going to sell off assets as he already is.

but the question is - does he have enough assets to cover all the loans that are coming due? melania tried to hawk the hat she wore for the inauguration & got nothing close to the asking price ... lol - rumor has it, that nobody even bidded on it & she bought it back to save face.
these false accusations against President Trump?
Your BDS, ODS, CDS allows you to think that these people have committed heinous crimes, (which they may have) but the worst part is that you think trump is innocent of ALL crimes.

That is the disturbing part.
If Obama, Clinton or Biden committed crimes, then go ahead and charge them.
I won't be protecting them if they are charged and guilty.

But you guys think every accusation against trump is a witch hunt.
The man is no saint, he is a con man.
A Dirty Con Man.
Trump hasn't committed any crimes.


Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter
Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM

In court documents, the office has said that its investigation is focused on "possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct" at the Trump Organization, the umbrella company for Trump's various business interests.

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump


Trump’s taxes in hand, Manhattan DA’s probe heats up


Trump's taxes in hand, Manhattan DA's probe heats up

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 12:00 PM
• 2 min read

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New grand jury seated as Trump criminal probe continues

By MICHAEL R. SISAKNovember 4, 2021
New grand jury seated as Trump criminal probe continues


Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Tom Porter
Feb 19, 2021, 6:51 AM

In court documents, the office has said that its investigation is focused on "possibly extensive and protracted criminal conduct" at the Trump Organization, the umbrella company for Trump's various business interests.

Manhattan's district attorney hired a top prosecutor who pursued mafia bosses to investigate Trump

Trump's taxes in hand, Manhattan DA's probe heats up

Trump’s taxes in hand, Manhattan DA’s probe heats up


Trump's taxes in hand, Manhattan DA's probe heats up

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New York prosecutors have met for an eighth time with former former Donald Trump attorney Michael Cohen as part of a criminal investigation of the former president's finances
By JIM MUSTIAN Associated Press
March 19, 2021, 12:00 PM
• 2 min read

NY prosecutors interview Cohen an 8th time in Trump inquiry

New grand jury seated as Trump criminal probe continues

By MICHAEL R. SISAKNovember 4, 2021
New grand jury seated as Trump criminal probe continues


If the best that the Democrats have is to interview Convicted and Admitted Liar Mike Cohen multiple times, it shows that they have really hit the bottom of the barrel.

“If he goes in and follows my advice, which will be you cannot answer these questions without ... immunity because that’s what the law provides, and take the Fifth Amendment, that’ll be on every front page in the newspaper in the world. And how can I possibly pick a jury in that case?” attorney Ronald Fischetti said during Thursday’s hearing.

Trump would not be afforded “a blanket assertion” of his Fifth Amendment right but be required to invoke it “individually for each question that’s being asked,” said David S. Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor. “It’s a very long and drawn-out process,” he said.

That was the case in 1990, when Trump refused to answer 97 questions in a divorce deposition.

If the best that the Democrats have is to interview Convicted and Admitted Liar Mike Cohen multiple times, it shows that they have really hit the bottom of the barrel.

lest ye doesn't understand ... michael cohen has the receipts. AND he is well aware, that anytime he sat down with the feds - he is under the penalty of perjury. you think he's gonna lie to save donny after how he was thrown under the bus?

you do realize that mazars flipped as well. talk about receipts!!!

LOL!!!!! just wait until squid boy - his other lawyer pal starts to rat him out about jan 6th!

all the rats are turning on each other.

“If he goes in and follows my advice, which will be you cannot answer these questions without ... immunity because that’s what the law provides, and take the Fifth Amendment, that’ll be on every front page in the newspaper in the world. And how can I possibly pick a jury in that case?” attorney Ronald Fischetti said during Thursday’s hearing.

Trump would not be afforded “a blanket assertion” of his Fifth Amendment right but be required to invoke it “individually for each question that’s being asked,” said David S. Weinstein, a former federal prosecutor. “It’s a very long and drawn-out process,” he said.

That was the case in 1990, when Trump refused to answer 97 questions in a divorce deposition.

lest ye doesn't understand ... michael cohen has the receipts. AND he is well aware, that anytime he sat down with the feds - he is under the penalty of perjury. you think he's gonna lie to save donny after how he was thrown under the bus?

you do realize that mazars flipped as well. talk about receipts!!!

LOL!!!!! just wait until squid boy - his other lawyer pal starts to rat him out about jan 6th!

all the rats are turning on each other.

Mike Cohen isn't going to lie to save Trump, he's lying to try and hang Trump.

BTW, if Cohen had any real dirt on President Trump, it would have came out a long time ago. The man has been pissed at the Trumpster and been a darling of the left for several years.
lest ye doesn't understand ... michael cohen has the receipts. AND he is well aware, that anytime he sat down with the feds - he is under the penalty of perjury. you think he's gonna lie to save donny after how he was thrown under the bus?

you do realize that mazars flipped as well. talk about receipts!!!

LOL!!!!! just wait until squid boy - his other lawyer pal starts to rat him out about jan 6th!

all the rats are turning on each other.
The Mazars thing was a shocker. That's what this is gonna take.

It took Gotti's right hand man -- Gravano -- to ultimately take him down.
but the question is - does he have enough assets to cover all the loans that are coming due? melania tried to hawk the hat she wore for the inauguration & got nothing close to the asking price ... lol - rumor has it, that nobody even bidded on it & she bought it back to save face.
He has a $100M payment due soon.
First, I want to thank the OP.
It was a good article that he linked the forum to.
I thought it was fair, informative, and added context to the news of the judge's ruling.

Of course, it was reporting by the Associated Press, and they consistently do a good job on their journalism. To be sure, there will be folks who don't like such reports because it may cast shade on some fav-du-jour they currently admire. I get that.

Nonetheless, this forum could do a lot worse (too often does a lot worse) than requiring links to the AP.


And that leads my avatar to some recreational commentary on several subjects, and several posts.

First, this ...from the AP article itself:
“The problem with appearing — at least as his lawyers will see it — is that Trump can’t be controlled and he’s likely to say things that will cause more trouble for him and his family.”

Contributors to this venue will recognize that concept. It has been surfaced in any number of threads in the past. DTrump, seemingly, has a proclivity to shoot his mouth off....to his detriment. And worse, he then re-loads....to get the other foot.

Stupid rally's?...like the one last month with over 180,000 people attending? ...Buuuaaaaaahahahahaha
"180,000" ???
Paint me skeptical.
I believe the poster Rambunctious is in error. Either due to failure of due diligence, or he made up the number as he believes it advances the interests of his polemic.

So, let's do this: Let's ask the good poster to show us credible, authoritative sourcing for the "180,000" number.

If the good poster Rambunctious cannot, will not, does not....well, the clear conclusions must be that he is either careless, or incompetent, or mendacious.

Batter up, poster Rambunctious.
It's Show or Go time.

try the Trumpster in the media
Well, actually, poster Polishprince.....in this particualr situation, it ain't a 'trial-in-the-media'. Rather, this is a legal subpoena, and a judge's ruling, in our courts of law. Generally, that has significant precedent over any 'trial-by-the-media'.
Trust me.

Former governor Cuomo is guilty of the deaths of more senior citizens than the Nazis who were tried and hanged for their crimes.

Oh boy!
Yet another Nazi war crime comparison.
A wrong one on the facts.
But a right one for showcasing some poster's ignorance of history, and his willingness to trivialize and minimize the tragedy of the Holocaust and Nazi tyranny.

Look, I'm gonna be uncharacteristically blunt with the good poster 'whitehall': Partner, your ignorance makes your avatar look silly, juvenile, irresponsible, and scatter-brained. Uneducated or under-educated.

In short, your avatar does not know what it is he is talking about. Nor does he comprehend the inappropriateness and the insensitivity of equating the supremely tragic deaths of nearly 20 million people in World War II, to the sad misteps of well meaning American leaders in their attempts to address a novel and advancing pandemic.

The whitehall avatar made a silly and ignorant statement in his attempt to advance his partisan polemic.
This forum deserves a better contribution. And expects one.
First, I want to thank the OP.
It was a good article that he linked the forum to.
I thought it was fair, informative, and added context to the news of the judge's ruling.

Of course, it was reporting by the Associated Press, and they consistently do a good job on their journalism. To be sure, there will be folks who don't like such reports because it may cast shade on some fav-du-jour they currently admire. I get that.

Nonetheless, this forum could do a lot worse (too often does a lot worse) than requiring links to the AP.


And that leads my avatar to some recreational commentary on several subjects, and several posts.

First, this ...from the AP article itself:
“The problem with appearing — at least as his lawyers will see it — is that Trump can’t be controlled and he’s likely to say things that will cause more trouble for him and his family.”

Contributors to this venue will recognize that concept. It has been surfaced in any number of threads in the past. DTrump, seemingly, has a proclivity to shoot his mouth off....to his detriment. And worse, he then re-loads....to get the other foot.

"180,000" ???
Paint me skeptical.
I believe the poster Rambunctious is in error. Either due to failure of due diligence, or he made up the number as he believes it advances the interests of his polemic.

So, let's do this: Let's ask the good poster to show us credible, authoritative sourcing for the "180,000" number.

If the good poster Rambunctious cannot, will not, does not....well, the clear conclusions must be that he is either careless, or incompetent, or mendacious.

Batter up, poster Rambunctious.
It's Show or Go time.

Well, actually, poster Polishprince.....in this particualr situation, it ain't a 'trial-in-the-media'. Rather, this is a legal subpoena, and a judge's ruling, in our courts of law. Generally, that has significant precedent over any 'trial-by-the-media'.
Trust me.

Oh boy!
Yet another Nazi war crime comparison.
A wrong one on the facts.
But a right one for showcasing some poster's ignorance of history, and his willingness to trivialize and minimize the tragedy of the Holocaust and Nazi tyranny.

Look, I'm gonna be uncharacteristically blunt with the good poster 'whitehall': Partner, your ignorance makes your avatar look silly, juvenile, irresponsible, and scatter-brained. Uneducated or under-educated.

In short, your avatar does not know what it is he is talking about. Nor does he comprehend the inappropriateness and the insensitivity of equating the supremely tragic deaths of nearly 20 million people in World War II, to the sad misteps of well meaning American leaders in their attempts to address a novel and advancing pandemic.

The whitehall avatar made a silly and ignorant statement in his attempt to advance his partisan polemic.
This forum deserves a better contribution. And expects one.

I think that what people are failing to realize here is that America has been hearing that the "walls are closing in on Trump" and the end is nigh for the Trumpster since about 5 minutes after he disembarked from the Golden Escalator at Trump Tower in 2015.

Thinking that this is finally coming to fruition after so many false warnings is hard to fathom.

But if the people in this country think that Sleepy Joe is doing such a fantastic job and want to pave the way for a 2nd term , I guess they deserve what they will get.

I will tell you this for sure. I'm a never-nevertrumper. And if the Republican Party nominates Romney or Cheney or Kasich , I'll vote for Brandon to stop the nevertrump cult, even though I disagree with everything Biden does.

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