Will Trump take the 5th?

Trump had a real victory over Hillary. Biden couldn't bring in 12 people to his rallies but he has 81 million votes?
If it was so honest of an election, why would NINETEEN STATES pass voter laws to ensure that this election fraud doesn't happen again?

I don' follow these developments all that rigorously, so......may I ask: Did all, any?, of those "19" states say their 2020 election was a fraudulent election?
If so, which ones?
And exactly what did they declare?
And if they did so declare.....well, did they define how they would handle all of the subsequent invalid down-ballot elections?

And then, over DTrump's "real victory" over Hillary Clinton.
Well, yes, it seems.
At least in the Electoral College vote.
But more Americans wanted Hillary Clinton as President than wanted Don Trump as president.
Popular vote: Clinton = 65,854mm Electoral votes = 227
Trump = 62,985 Electoral votes = 304


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The Big Steal.
Trump had a real victory over Hillary. Biden couldn't bring in 12 people to his rallies but he has 81 million votes? :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

If it was so honest of an election, why would NINETEEN STATES pass voter laws to ensure that this election fraud doesn't happen again?
We don't count the tears and genuflections of worshipping Trump cultists.

We count votes.

I hope that helps.
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What was stolen?
How do you know?
And can you be persuasive about your conviction?
We owe this nation no loyalty as it is now. We may be forced into the situation, but that means we are done as a civilization in a way of life unless changes occur. other longer nation has had this situation, up to many ties.
Well, he didn't really have many. Maybe 3. The most idiotic being the tax cuts.
Tax cuts created jobs especially in the inner cities which gave us a record low for unemployed Blacks and Hispanic Americans....you prove my point...you have no idea why you hate Trump and can't name one bad policy of his...just like as if you were hypnotized to squawk like a chicken when you here the bell ring...the media sure worked your ass over...and they screwed you in the process....

Of course he won't; he absolutely will not!! In the past he has derided the 5th claiming that it proves guilt and that "the mob takes the 5th.

Besides, Trump is a stand up guy who is totally innocent, so he says. Therefore he would have no problem with truthfully answering "witch hunt" questions, and, I am sure, would insist that his kids do the same.
I sure hope he uses it for every question asked of him.
Tax cuts created jobs especially in the inner cities which gave us a record low for unemployed Blacks and Hispanic Americans....you prove my point...you have no idea why you hate Trump and can't name one bad policy of his...just like as if you were hypnotized to squawk like a chicken when you here the bell ring...the media sure worked your ass over...and they screwed you in the process....
I don't care about your ignorant rant about the tax cuts. They were idiotic by every principal of economics and fiscal management. You don't know what you are talking about
Trump had a real victory over Hillary. Biden couldn't bring in 12 people to his rallies but he has 81 million votes? :abgg2q.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg:

because biden didn't want to hold super spreader events. there is a thing called the interwebs, & other social media platforms that got his message out. of course you aren't including alllllllllllll the (R)s that flipped & wanted donny outa office. the indies & all the youngin's that turned 18 since his election in 2016.

If it was so honest of an election, why would NINETEEN STATES pass voter laws to ensure that this election fraud doesn't happen again?

lol... you mean like TX & FLA, who went for donny anyways? what you are describing as 'voter laws' are actually voter suppression.

in TX - one ONE drop box per COUNTY? or rejecting applications for a mail in ballot if one doesn't offer the absolute same info as they did when they originally registered, possibly going back decades? & in georgia - you can't even give anyone water that is standing in line.

The Big Steal.

Trump-Appointed Judges Balk at President’s Efforts to Overturn Election

Trump-Appointed Judges Balk at President’s Efforts to Overturn Election

U.S. judiciary, shaped by Trump, thwarts his election challenges

U.S. judiciary, shaped by Trump, thwarts his election challenges

The most remarkable rebukes of Trump’s legal case: From the judges he hand-picked

At least nine Trump-appointed judges or Supreme Court short-listers have declined to bolster his claims of election fraud. None have ruled in his favor.​


The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud

By Nick Corasaniti, Reid J. Epstein and Jim Rutenberg
Published Nov. 10, 2020Updated Nov. 6, 2021

The president and his allies have baselessly claimed that rampant voter fraud stole victory from him. Officials contacted by The Times said that there were no irregularities that affected the outcome.
The Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud (Published 2020)

Exhaustive fact check finds little evidence of voter fraud, but 2020’s ‘Big Lie’ lives on

Dec 17, 2021 6:30 PM EST
Exhaustive fact check finds little evidence of voter fraud, but 2020's 'Big Lie' lives on

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The liberal wet dream of criminalizing opposing political views, and the imprisoning of a former President because this former President 'triggers' them, can not stand....Otherwise we are on a perilous path...
The liberal wet dream of criminalizing opposing political views, and the imprisoning of a former President because this former President 'triggers' them, can not stand....Otherwise we are on a perilous path...

what pablum. if donny committed any crimes, he should be held responsible.

"Wow , your a special type of dickhead."

What a strange and notable comment.
What does that avataree, 'Whodat', intend with such a pejorative assertion?

What happened that he now feels provoked enough to come on to a public forum and use an epithet to castigate another contributor?

Can you explain, poster 'Whodat'?

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