Will Trump take the 5th?

stolen so blatantly and in the open and by the leadership of both our two party system....
Forgive me, poster Rambunctious but that is an easy conspiracy-laden accusation to make. Anybody can make it. For any damn reason they wish.

But you made it here, just now.
So, vet it.
Name names.
Which parties?
How did they do it?
How do you know?

This is serious merde' you allege, Rambunctious. It is an allegation against the most defining aspect of the American democratic governance. Therefore, it requires a most rigorous vetting because there is much at stake.

So, if you know deadsolidperfect that it was stolen then it is incumbent upon you, or any American citizen with such knowledge, to take it to appropriate authorities and push for justice. It is the American way. It is the essence of patriotism.

So, what have you done?
No other president has seen his second term stolen so blatantly and in the open and by the leadership of both our two party system....


neener neener.
No other president has seen his second term stolen so blatantly and in the open and by the leadership of both our two party system....
This paranoid delusion continually becomes more pervasive, and is essential to the cult's veneration, of course.

No credible evidence for their articles of faith that could stand up to the evidentiary requirements of our system of jurisprudence, just the mindless dogma of whiny victimhood at the hands of virtually everyone but his weird worshippers, crap on which they are suckled by their ideological media entertainers and regurgitate copiously.

The persecution complex is the Cry Baby Loser's fraying gossamer lifeline amidst a plethora of fact-based prosecutions.

Screen Shot 2021-02-08 at 8.08.47 AM.png

"Embrassez-lui le cul!
Embrassez-lui le cul!
Embrassez-lui le cul!"
This paranoid delusion continually becomes more pervasive, and is essential to the cult's veneration, of course.
I quite agree.
"Stop-the-Steal"...."It-Was-Stolen", have now become corrosive to America. It has now become un-American. Un-patriotic.

It is hurting America. Hurting how Americans view governance overall. Hurting America's goodwill and respect in the world.

The analogy that I have heard, and gives me pause:
Is accusing your wife's sister of adultery. Yet, never bringing credible evidence to prove it. And when you have gone to court to prove it.....the judge(s) have thrown out your accusation.

THAT, my good friends here, would be corrosive to a marriage.
You don't have to trust me on that one.
Just try it with your wife's family.
I quite agree.
"Stop-the-Steal"...."It-Was-Stolen", have now become corrosive to America. It has now become un-American. Un-patriotic.

It is hurting America. Hurting how Americans view governance overall. Hurting America's goodwill and respect in the world.

The analogy that I have heard, and gives me pause:
Is accusing your wife's sister of adultery. Yet, never bringing credible evidence to prove it. And when you have gone to court to prove it.....the judge(s) have thrown out your accusation.

THAT, my good friends here, would be corrosive to a marriage.
You don't have to trust me on that one.
Just try it with your wife's family.
In a rational world, one would simply present unaltered footage of the Cry Baby Loser's incitement of his goons via his unsupportable "Big Lie" and their consequent attack upon the United States Congress during which time the Loser was in dereliction of duty, AWOL for crucial hours, as prima face evidence that recidivism is not an option.

In the meantime, the Loser's big, beautiful defensive wall to repulse the prospect of substance-based, multiple prosecutions in the nation's courts is looking as insubstantial as a Potemkin Village's Maginot Line hastily erected on the Miami waterfront.

The goal of proponents of our criminal justice system: Dispassionately expose and present the empirical evidence.

The counter-strategy: Hide it all, whilst mewling, "WAAA! Everybody's being mean to me!"
This paranoid delusion continually becomes more pervasive, and is essential to the cult's veneration, of course.

No credible evidence for their articles of faith that could stand up to the evidentiary requirements of our system of jurisprudence, just the mindless dogma of whiny victimhood at the hands of virtually everyone but his weird worshippers, crap on which they are suckled by their ideological media entertainers and regurgitate copiously.

The persecution complex is the Cry Baby Loser's fraying gossamer lifeline amidst a plethora of fact-based prosecutions.

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"Embrassez-lui le cul!
Embrassez-lui le cul!
Embrassez-lui le cul!"
If it was Biden who lost with new rules for elections and voting we never had before and the count was halted in the middle of the night in blue districts in 5 states you would be voicing my words verbatim ....

neener neener.
No he is not...and look at this moron....lets see...Russia invading has several definitions...sanctions change daily....so many goal posts moved by Joe invited Putin to invade the Ukraine last night...gas is now over $6 per gal in CA and Oregon and AZ....

Enjoy the Biden years dummy.....

Maybe you are fine with calling a senile idiot and national embarrassment your president but I am not....
people turned out to vote & that's why biden is president.

that's all that matters.

ha ha

No they didn't...they received ballots in their mail without requesting them...some folks received more than one and addresses and signatures were not verified on ballots with Biden selected....
If it was Biden who lost with new rules for elections and voting we never had before and the count was halted in the middle of the night in blue districts in 5 states you would be voicing my words verbatim ....
The reality is that Trump was so incapable of handling the truth that had lost that, despite multiple recounts and audits that all confirmed the results, attempting to intimidate Republican politicians into falsifying their states' certified votes, and inciting his goons to attack Congress, he filed dozens of court challenges, all of which were rejected, by even Trump-appointed judges.

The Cry Baby Loser's feeble need to always blame someone else fizzles yet again.
The reality is that Trump was so incapable of handling the truth that had lost that, despite multiple recounts and audits that all confirmed the results, attempting to intimidate Republican politicians into falsifying their states' certified votes, and inciting his goons to attack Congress, he filed dozens of court challenges, all of which were rejected, by even Trump-appointed judges.

The Cry Baby Loser's feeble need to always blame someone else fizzles yet again.
Lots of accusations with no examples....once again...you are sounding like a bumper sticker....if Trump were still in office this Russian aggression would not be happening today....
But it isn't surprising at all to see the D's trying to rig the 2024 elections for Brandon by trying to disqualify the opposition from even running.

I am more taken by the fact that NY would dare even ask an ex-president to testify in a court proceeding! Do you ever think you will see Obumma or Biden in a courtroom being asked about their personal life? OF COURSE NOT, because in America, justice only swings one way, for the rich and for the connected. Remember your parents telling you as a child that CONNECTIONS ARE EVERYTHING? That it isn't what you know but who?

Aside from the usual ongoing witch hunt trying to harass Trump and keep him out of politics because they KNOW given the chance he would win again (and so won last time) and go after Big Government, you won't ever see any of these other ex-presidents in court because NONE OF THEM HAVE EVER HAD A BUSINESS OR JOB to question, other than bilking taxpayers out of money.
This is just like on crime shows when the cops have nothing so they bring in their so-called suspect and record an interview hoping the suspect screws up...we don't do that to former presidents....but if the dems want to set that precedent they do so at their own risk...what goes around comes around....
The reality is that Trump was so incapable of handling the truth that had lost that, despite multiple recounts and audits that all confirmed the results, attempting to intimidate Republican politicians into falsifying their states' certified votes, and inciting his goons to attack Congress, he filed dozens of court challenges, all of which were rejected, by even Trump-appointed judges.

The Cry Baby Loser's feeble need to always blame someone else fizzles yet again.
No doubt his lawyers don't want him in a situation in which he has to speak extemporaneously. He just can't do it without hurting himself.

Pleading the Fifth won't hurt him with his rubes, obviously. They're not worried about laws or rules he may have broken. They're at war, they don't give a crap.

Getting him involved is a big and dangerous step. He can now start playing the victim, even more than before if that's possible, and anything less than him behind bars will allow him to claim victory and complete exoneration.

It could be argued that this was over the day he was elected in 2016. That's the day this country found out what it really was, and how far we have fallen. This is just the ugly collateral damage.
Lots of accusations with no examples....once again...you are sounding like a bumper sticker....if Trump were still in office this Russian aggression would not be happening today....
More knowledgable folks differ, of course.

Not to persist in straying from the topic, but could you please list all the Cry Baby Loser's victories in recounts, audits, appeals, and litigations since he lost the 2020 election?

No doubt his lawyers don't want him in a situation in which he has to speak extemporaneously. He just can't do it without hurting himself.

Pleading the Fifth won't hurt him with his rubes, obviously. They're not worried about laws or rules he may have broken. They're at war, they don't give a crap.

Getting him involved is a big and dangerous step. He can now start playing the victim, even more than before if that's possible, and anything less than him behind bars will allow him to claim victory and complete exoneration.

It could be argued that this was over the day he was elected in 2016. That's the day this country found out what it really was, and how far we have fallen. This is just the ugly collateral damage.
Whoever the lawyers he has now found still willing to defend him would be woefully incompetent if they did not recognize that Trump under oath is merely a prelude to charges of perjury if he were to stray from parroting his spawn's repetition of the 5th ad infinitum, and succumbed to his ego-driven compulsion to blurt out lies and inanities if he gets in a tizzy over a question.

For them, his stint on the stand will be like watching a drunk stagger across a minefield in clown shoes.

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More knowledgable folks differ, of course.

Not to persist in straying from the topic, but could you please list all the Cry Baby Loser's victories in recounts, audits, appeals, and litigations since he lost the 2020 election?

Stop blaming Trump for the current president's mistakes...Biden is in charge not Trump...if anyone emboldened Putin it is the weak Biden administration that ran away from Afghanistan leaving our own people behind....
Stop blaming Trump for the current president's mistakes...Biden is in charge not Trump...if anyone emboldened Putin it is the weak Biden administration that ran away from Afghanistan leaving our own people behind....
You can believe whatever your worship of the Cry Baby Loser dictates, and pretend that his amorous affinity for the KGB thug and contempt for NATO had no impact whatever.

Again, expert opinion is otherwise.

As one pundit accurately opined, toward Putin, "Trump showed deference, adoration, admiration, obedience, and sought to wreck NATO, Putin's highest goals. Putin didn't need to buy the cow. The milk was free."

Putin is no fool. When he sought to help Trump and hurt Clinton in the 2016 election, he clearly had Russia's interests in mind.
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