Will Trump take the 5th?

Whoever the lawyers he has now found still willing to defend him would be woefully incompetent if they did not recognize that Trump under oath is merely a prelude to charges of perjury if he were to stray from parroting his spawn's repetition of the 5th ad infinitum, and succumbed to his ego-driven compulsion to blurt out lies and inanities if he gets in a tizzy over a question.

For them, his stint on the stand will be like watching a drunk stagger across a minefield.

He's certainly an attorney's worst nightmare. Of course, they get what they deserve if they sign on.

From what I've seen, more people seem to think he'll plead the Fifth. But you're right, it's possible he really does think he's a stable genius and a great communicator, and can't get wait to kick those lawyers' asses in deposition.
You can believe whatever your worship of the Cry Baby Loser dictates, and pretend that his amorous affinity for the KGB thug and contempt for NATO had no impact whatever.

Again, expert opinion is otherwise.
Well dummy...tell me how Trump emboldened Putin from the golf course at Mar-a-Lago....
He's certainly an attorney's worst nightmare. Of course, they get what they deserve if they sign on.

From what I've seen, more people seem to think he'll plead the Fifth. But you're right, it's possible he really does think he's a stable genius and a great communicator, and can't get wait to kick those lawyers' asses in deposition.
If he throws a tantrum, every defense attorney in the nation will be simultaneously be registering the plea, "mental incompetence!"
Well dummy...tell me how Trump emboldened Putin from the golf course at Mar-a-Lago....
Well, buttercup, by having habitually hauled his fat ass around the golf corse at Mar-a-Lago instead of safeguarding U.S. interests via exerting international leadership among democratic nations.

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Whoever the lawyers he has now found still willing to defend him would be woefully incompetent if they did not recognize that Trump under oath is merely a prelude to charges of perjury if he were to stray from parroting his spawn's repetition of the 5th ad infinitum, and succumbed to his ego-driven compulsion to blurt out lies and inanities if he gets in a tizzy over a question.

For them, his stint on the stand will be like watching a drunk stagger across a minefield in clown shoes.

I doubt President Trump will be charged with anything.

For 6 years, we've been hearing daily on MSNBC and CNN how "the wallls are closing in " on Trump, and he's still out and free and enjoying life.

Why do you think that this is suddenly changing?

Will Trump take the 5th?​

He should. If they’re really out to get you, it’s not just paranoia. And if they’re really out to get you, you should never play with them or allow them to try to play with you.

It is an absolute fact that they (in this case, the NY partisan political AG and her Office) WILL trumpet any invocation by President Trump of his 5th Amendment right to remain silent as a partisan hack political tool to smear him in the eyes of everyone. They don’t care if he chooses not to answer any questions. Indeed, that’s just more fuel for their arson.

But, if the former President doesn’t heed caution, but instead chooses to answer any “questions,” there is also no doubt that the partisan hacks (now referring to the NYC DA’s Office) WILL try to manipulate anything he says against him in the bogus partisan political “criminal” investigation. Guaranteed.

It is very unfortunate that Trump once made legally absurd claims about the right to remain silent. Despite those words, he should now take full advantage of our uniquely American right. I don’t know that he would listen, but I’d happily give that advice to our former President to his face.
I doubt President Trump will be charged with anything.

For 6 years, we've been hearing daily on MSNBC and CNN how "the wallls are closing in " on Trump, and he's still out and free and enjoying life.

Why do you think that this is suddenly changing?
I do not follow MSNBC, nor CNN, so I acknowledge your letting me know what you've been hearing.

Trump is now confronting the confluence of his various waterloos in multiple legal proceeding and congressional investigations without the refuge of immunity, and with an unbroken string of adverse rulings in his desperate attempts to hide whatever he thinks he needs to hide.

I do not speculate concerning verdicts in any resulting prosecutions.

I enthuse over the truth being revealed.

Transparency in these matters accrues to the benefit of the public.
No he is not...and look at this moron....lets see...Russia invading has several definitions...

but 'puppet' only has one.

sanctions change daily....

they start low & increase the pressure. that's the SMART way to do it, instead of blowing yer load & have nothing to bargain with.


so many goal posts moved by Joe invited Putin to invade the Ukraine last night...


gas is now over $6 per gal in CA and Oregon and AZ....

well ya. how about gas becoming obsolete. russia is one big gas station & making that product worthless = cutting vlad off at the knees.

Enjoy the Biden years dummy.....

he's the man for this job. not an ankle grabber like donny.

Maybe you are fine with calling a senile idiot and national embarrassment your president but I am not....

is that why the US, led by biden & our NATO allies ... ALL OF THEM are ALL UNITED as one coalition that is standing up to putin?

lol ...

Well, buttercup, by having habitually hauled his fat ass around the golf corse at Mar-a-Lago instead of safeguarding U.S. interests via exerting international leadership among democratic nations.

Your little party of get Trump is ending...

How lazy can you be? Gheeze....So, he triggers you when he gives a speech...So what?


LOL!!!!! that would be all his flying monkeys he ginned up to storm the capital, & go hunting for congress critters. thankfully none were found.
The two top prosecutors resigned this morning and said there is nothing more to find...investigation is over.....
NY dems asking the state AG to stop wasting NY tax dollars on Trump....
If he throws a tantrum, every defense attorney in the nation will be simultaneously be registering the plea, "mental incompetence!"
Its over tard...the NY AG is catching flak from her own party to stop wasting money on Trump.....
The party is over.....

no it's not. the SDNY may or may not continue - but lest ye forget, letitia james is going after him civilly - & she already dissolved his fraudulent foundation. she very well could shutter trumpco. he's already going broke & not only are his loans coming due very soon, upwards of 1/2 billion dollars - AND all the other civil suits pending & permitted to go fwd; donny is still in a BIG world of hurt.

not to mention the criminal cases against his from the DOJ, the DC AG, & georgia.

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