Will Trump take the 5th?


What a strange and notable comment.
What does that avataree, 'Whodat', intend with such a pejorative assertion?

What happened that he now feels provoked enough to come on to a public forum and use an epithet to castigate another contributor?

Can you explain, poster 'Whodat'?
Maybe one gets tired of listening to hypocrisy from hypocrites. Gets old , I was tired and lashed out in frustration by name calling. . Childish ? Probably. But lefties lie and invent things like a broken record. Seems little reason to even reply to you . I find it hard to believe there are people so stupid to type some of the things lefties type on here, so they get paid to do it or hate America and Americans. What one are you guys?
Taking the 5th would be an affront to his dignity as a statesman. More likely to claim amnesia.
Given his penchant for lying, it's entirely understandable that his lawyers would be weeing their frilling over the prospect of his answering questions under oath. Adding perjury to all his imminent criminal exposures is not a savvy stratagem.

His spawn's lips had sealed as tight as a superglued anus: Eric Trump pleaded the fifth more than 500 times when he sat under oath for six hours in October 2020, according to court documents.

The evidence that has been uncovered requires Ivanka and Junior to sit for testimony soon since they had leadership roles in the family syndicate. Will they refuse to come clean like their uncooperative sibling?

Trump's long time "fixer" who paid hush money to bimbos with whom the skank furtively rutted behind the backs of trophy wives opened this Trumpy can or worms when he alerted authorities to Trump's cooked books scam.

Given that a grand jury has also returned an indictment against Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg who’s worked for the Trump family since 1973 as well as the Trump Organization itself - Charges center on a tax evasion scheme spanning from 2005 to 2021 - a trickle could well become a deluge.

Of course, feeble mewling that the Cry Baby Loser is being persecuted because of politics, racism, or resentment of the privileged is irrelevant in our system of jurisprudence. The evidence that is uncovered will be assessed by an objective jury and result in convictions or acquittals.
Stupid rally's?...like the one last month with over 180,000 people attending?
Grievance-filled loser jamborees may be therapeutic, I suppose, but the certified reality that over 7 million more Americans voted against the Cry Baby Loser at their first opportunity since 2.9 million more had done so in 2016 is what actually matters.

Show biz hoopla is fine, but actual governance is a decidedly disparate matter.
You will see
You DO realize that we've been hearing these same, oh so sagacious rumblings since 2015, yeah? You folks are going to have a mental breakdown when he announces for office later this year. We are going to see true insanity in the media and then, on the streets. TICK... TOCK...
The evidence that is uncovered will be assessed by an objective jury and result in convictions or acquittals.
You people still cannot grasp why he is untouchable. It's all about your own arrogance, thinking you understand the beliefs and actions of tens of millions of other Americans. EVERY attempt to publicly take him down only boosts his appeal. The fact that you loathe those who support him and believe they are cultists or insane makes not a whit of difference... NONE.

Oh, and BTW... you could use this state or federal Kangaroo court, convict him - or, more accurately - his corporation and all you'll do is boost his appeal further. Even a conviction will NOT STOP HIM FROM RUNNING. What part of that fact is so difficult to grasp, pops?
Given his penchant for lying, it's entirely understandable that his lawyers would be weeing their frilling over the prospect of his answering questions under oath. Adding perjury to all his imminent criminal exposures is not a savvy stratagem.

His spawn's lips had sealed as tight as a superglued anus: Eric Trump pleaded the fifth more than 500 times when he sat under oath for six hours in October 2020, according to court documents.

The evidence that has been uncovered requires Ivanka and Junior to sit for testimony soon since they had leadership roles in the family syndicate. Will they refuse to come clean like their uncooperative sibling?

Trump's long time "fixer" who paid hush money to bimbos with whom the skank furtively rutted behind the backs of trophy wives opened this Trumpy can or worms when he alerted authorities to Trump's cooked books scam.

Given that a grand jury has also returned an indictment against Trump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg who’s worked for the Trump family since 1973 as well as the Trump Organization itself - Charges center on a tax evasion scheme spanning from 2005 to 2021 - a trickle could well become a deluge.

Of course, feeble mewling that the Cry Baby Loser is being persecuted because of politics, racism, or resentment of the privileged is irrelevant in our system of jurisprudence. The evidence that is uncovered will be assessed by an objective jury and result in convictions or acquittals.
They really need to push on with this business now. he will soon be facing charges for stealing classified documents.
trump will take the best 5th evah. and he will do it the most times evah, he might even take the 6th, 7th, and 8th up to the 11th, just to own da libs.
And will take it up your ass.
Grievance-filled loser jamborees may be therapeutic, I suppose, but the certified reality that over 7 million more Americans voted against the Cry Baby Loser at their first opportunity since 2.9 million more had done so in 2016 is what actually matters.

Show biz hoopla is fine, but actual governance is a decidedly disparate matter.
Loser jamborees have never drawn the numbers Trump has...you know it and everyone else knows it...no other American politician has drawn the kind of in person support that Trump has...and once again for the very slow...Biden did not win in the covid elections...they stuffed the box with unverified mail out ballots in every blue district that mattered....
Loser jamborees have never drawn the numbers Trump has...you know it and everyone else knows it...no other American politician has drawn the kind of in person support that Trump has...and once again for the very slow...Biden did not win in the covid elections...they stuffed the box with unverified mail out ballots in every blue district that mattered....
People will always turn out for a freak show.
Loser jamborees have never drawn the numbers Trump has
The Cry Baby Loser's grievance jamborees for losers are unique.

No other failed/disgraced politician has needed to resort to such whiny, vendetta-fraught mutual therapy sessions. But then, no losing presidential candidate in U.S. history has ever directed his goons to attack Congress, or tried to intimidate elected officials into falsifying election results after losing all recounts, audits, and dozens of frivolous legal appeals.

He could not handle the truth when he was defeated by over 7 million votes in 2020, having only lost the popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016, and been assigned relentless and consistent majority disapproval throughout his four years in virtually every public survey.

Not all the Loser's goons were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted. Those still at large flocking to Loser Jamborees allows decent, patriotic Americans to keep an eye on them.

... at least, not for normal folks.

The Cry Baby Loser's grievance jamborees for losers are unique.

No other failed/disgraced politician has needed to resort to such whiny, vendetta-fraught mutual therapy sessions. But then, no losing presidential candidate in U.S. history has ever directed his goons to attack Congress, or tried to intimidate elected officials into falsifying election results after losing all recounts, audits, and dozens of frivolous legal appeals.

He could not handle the truth when he was defeated by over 7 million votes in 2020, having only lost the popular vote by 2.8 million in 2016, and been assigned relentless and consistent majority disapproval throughout his four years in virtually every public survey.

Not all the Loser's goons were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted. Those still at large flocking to Loser Jamborees allows decent, patriotic Americans to keep an eye on them.

... at least, not for normal folks.

No other president has seen his second term stolen so blatantly and in the open and by the leadership of both our two party system....

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