Will Tsarnaev testify at his Boston Bombing trial? Oh that's right - your govt removed his larynx


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.


may 1 2013
Dzhokhar Has his Larynx Removed, at Israeli Hospital

They grabbed DT from the boat. In this video, an eyewitness (at the 4:50 mark) SWAT team member Campbell describes the throat wound. He calls it a small cut, like a knife cut. Various accounts describe some massive shoot-out, so let’s emphasise that the suspect was not armed: “The suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials” Washington Post.

Then he was taken into a Jewish hospital, Beth Israel – which was far away from Watertown where the race finished, compared to othernearby but non-Jewish hospitals: …he “ may never speak again, according to the Israeli director of the Boston hospital where Tsarnaev is being treated.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered in the boat and then had his larynx removed in the Israeli hospital – Jim Stone. After that, he was taken straight to prison - a patsy must not be allowed to communicate with anyone.
And lets not forget the two FBI agents involved in dzhokhar's capture who then "fell out of a helicopter" to their deaths a month after the capture.
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.


may 1 2013
Dzhokhar Has his Larynx Removed, at Israeli Hospital

They grabbed DT from the boat. In this video, an eyewitness (at the 4:50 mark) SWAT team member Campbell describes the throat wound. He calls it a small cut, like a knife cut. Various accounts describe some massive shoot-out, so let’s emphasise that the suspect was not armed: “The suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials” Washington Post.

Then he was taken into a Jewish hospital, Beth Israel – which was far away from Watertown where the race finished, compared to othernearby but non-Jewish hospitals: …he “ may never speak again, according to the Israeli director of the Boston hospital where Tsarnaev is being treated.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered in the boat and then had his larynx removed in the Israeli hospital – Jim Stone. After that, he was taken straight to prison - a patsy must not be allowed to communicate with anyone.
So tell us what you believe really happened.
Not to worry...

Once we convict the little wanker, we can work on getting him pulled apart with a team of four horses...one for each extremity.

We can even give the families of the victims first 'dibs', on holding the whips, to jump-start the horses.

Maybe we can sell tickets.

Vendors could make a fortune as well... hot dogs, cheese nachos, sodas, bottled water, energy drinks, peanuts, candies... the works.

Hey, we can even bury what's left in a liquified vat of pig schitt and drop it down an abandoned mine-shaft.

Should be great fun.
Is that true? I didn't hear that story. (the FBI agents)

Since doing a search is too complicated for you - here

2 FBI Agents Involved in Dzhokhar Tsarnaev s Arrest FALL Out of Helicopter and Die - 12160

If you were me you'd know that doing a search is not too complicated but it might be too tiring to do tonight. (I've been doing a great deal of typing in past few days) Thank you, Shootspeeders, for the link. I will read it and for the record - as I recall there was a story as I recall about some people in Florida who claimed there was more to the story of what happened in Boston - there were Russians behind the attack or some story to that effect. They were allegedly using the two brothers for the fall guys was the story if I recall correctly. Did you ever hear of that?
Another false flag event and another patsy brutalized. The israeli hospital goons probably didn't even use an anesthetic. Here's an article from 2 years ago about what they did to him.


may 1 2013
Dzhokhar Has his Larynx Removed, at Israeli Hospital

They grabbed DT from the boat. In this video, an eyewitness (at the 4:50 mark) SWAT team member Campbell describes the throat wound. He calls it a small cut, like a knife cut. Various accounts describe some massive shoot-out, so let’s emphasise that the suspect was not armed: “The suspect in the Boston Marathon bombing had no firearms when he came under a barrage of police gunfire that struck the boat where he was hiding, according to multiple federal law enforcement officials” Washington Post.

Then he was taken into a Jewish hospital, Beth Israel – which was far away from Watertown where the race finished, compared to othernearby but non-Jewish hospitals: …he “ may never speak again, according to the Israeli director of the Boston hospital where Tsarnaev is being treated.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev surrendered in the boat and then had his larynx removed in the Israeli hospital – Jim Stone. After that, he was taken straight to prison - a patsy must not be allowed to communicate with anyone.

You are mistaken. He wasn't in an Israeli Hospital. ( he was operated on here in the USA )
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Like a cat scratching sand to cover their shit the nutters have to make up something to cover up those smelly facts. After the US was stupid enough to give this family refugee status with a full complement of welfare Tamarlyn Tsarnaev went to a terrorist training camp in Chechnya. The Russians warned us that he had received terrorist training and was back in the states. The FBI stopped drinking and whoring long enough to ask him if he was on a humanitarian mission. Then they let him go.

Dzhokar deliberately put his bomb close to where children were standing.

He still got the best of care. His trachea was rebuilt. Thanks suckahs. He should have had his head removed and sent back to Chechnya in a cooler.
You are mistaken. He wasn't in an Israeli Hospital. ( he was operated on here in the USA )

I didn't say the hospital was in israel. It's called Beth-Israel hospital and it's here in america but is controlled by israel.
Muslim Terrorists did 9/11. It had nothing to do with the Jews.

HAHAHA. Thanks for admitting you're a govt shill. There is no question 9-11 was an inside job and our govt was involved. I didn't jews were involved though it's likely they were.

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