Will We Be Alright With Loved Ones In Hell?

You will be eternally so alone it is not good, just likeAdam was before Eve was created. That's how it works if you actually read the WHOLE bible, which no Christian has ever done.

I've read the Bible cover to cover 4 times and I'm a Christian.
You only need to use the BIBLE and not follow MEN.

The only saints I FOLLOW are the apostles and prophets.

Mocking me does not disprove a single thing I say.



How do you interpret Matthew 13:36-43?
The explanation of the parable of the weeds.


Better. The harvest is the end of an age.

Matthew 13:36-43 36Then he left the crowd and went into the house. His disciples came to him and said, "Explain to us the parable of the weeds in the field." 37He answered, "The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. 38The field is the world, and the good seed stands for the people of the kingdom. The weeds are the people of the evil one, 39and the enemy who sows them is the devil. The harvest is the end of the age, and the harvesters are angels.

40"As the weeds are pulled up and burned in the fire, so it will be at the end of the age.

41The Son of Man will send out his angels, and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil.

42They will throw them into the blazing furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

43Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. Whoever has ears, let them hear.
I've burned weeds. They are ASHES. They arent burning today.

Remember I QUOTED the Bible when i said, "the wicked will become ASHES under the feet of the righteous?
But how do you reconcile your belief?

Because it seemed that you were arguing that God would not allow eternal suffering?
I believe God does not destroy what he creates.

I believe heaven is being eternally united with God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

and that hell is being eternally separated.
I believe God does not destroy what he creates.

I believe heaven is being eternally united with God, the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

and that hell is being eternally separated.

Muslims and Jews don't believe hell is forever.
Again.. we Christians are so glad you are here to reveal to us the REAL meaning of the Bible of which all of our thousands of years of knowledge, theology, study, and interpretation have missed, while your picking up the Bible in the 2020’s and reading it in English has revealed the truth.

yes, you are the grand wizard
... because they chose to reject Christ?
it's not bible, it's the single source 4th century christian bible - state church of the roman empire - the o p uses to draw their conclusion and has nothing to do with the first century liberation theology those people that reject christianity were willing to die for - against the o p and their dictatorial provocation of forgeries and fallacies of their own making.

- they have no loved ones in regards to their conclusion. they have false pretenses for a religion.
it's not bible, it's the single source 4th century christian bible - state church of the roman empire - the o p uses to draw their conclusion and has nothing to do with the first century liberation theology those people that reject christianity were willing to die for - against the o p and their dictatorial provocation of forgeries and fallacies of their own making.

- they have no loved ones in regards to their conclusion. they have false pretenses for a religion.
Exactly who were these 1st century liberation theology people that you are speaking of? Do you have any names?
You only need to use the BIBLE and not follow MEN.

The only saints I FOLLOW are the apostles and prophets.

Mocking me does not disprove a single thing I say.



wow are you all over the place.

You just claimed (and correct me if I'm wrong)
- Hell doesn't exist
- Humans don't have souls
- The Bible in 2021 English words means the exact same as what it meant thousands of years ago in hebrew and Greek

I'd say all of those are heretical if you're claiming to be Christian.
This question keeps running through my mind. I'm not really worried about this myself with the exception of not being sure with one person that I know that I'm keeping their identity secret for privacy and personal reasons, but does anybody know how this would work if we're not with everybody we love and care about in Heaven because they chose to reject Christ?
Exactly who were these 1st century liberation theology people that you are speaking of? Do you have any names?

they were persecuted for their beliefs - by those who in the 4th century wrote the christian bible - the state church of the roman empire.

no one is born a sinner, is the liberation theology the 1st century itinerant gave their life for.
But how do you reconcile your belief?

Because it seemed that you were arguing that God would not allow eternal suffering?
what's to reconcile in your mind.
Man will either be given the GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE in God's Kingdom, or he will DIE. Man doesn't have ETERNAL life. It is a GIFT for those who REPENT and choose Christ's sacrifice for their sins. All others will DIE in the Lake of Fire (not be tormented FOREVER in "hell")
what's to reconcile in your mind.
Man will either be given the GIFT of ETERNAL LIFE in God's Kingdom, or he will DIE. Man doesn't have ETERNAL life. It is a GIFT for those who REPENT and choose Christ's sacrifice for their sins. All others will DIE in the Lake of Fire (not be tormented FOREVER in "hell")
I don’t believe God destroys what he creates. Everything he creates is good.

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