Will we ever evolve past this kind of mindless hate?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
lol, occupy democrats....

the site for mindless sheep of the Democrat party...

and look who swallows their stuff hook, line and stinker....gawd save us from this dumb shit...
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Really? You find the wierdest, most ignorant hate mongers and then you whine and label him 'conservative'?

This dude isn't conservative. He's a nut. Want to drag out some of the far, far left weirdos that are out there and lets label them as a 'main stream liberal'.

You're better than this...
lol, the two biggest HATERS on the board whining about people evolving and NOT be HATERS...

now that is a real hoot..

GAWD save us
Why does the left dig this stuff up? So they can portray themselves as victims? You can't even hear Stan Soloman unless you have a short wave radio or subscribe to satellite radio. Not surprised he says he has "God on his side"? It seems that hate speech goes both ways.
No one knows how many lives were saved by taking out a thug like trayvon martin? We will never know.
Why does the left dig this stuff up? So they can portray themselves as victims? You can't even hear Stan Soloman unless you have a short wave radio or subscribe to satellite radio. Not surprised he says he has "God on his side"? It seems that hate speech goes both ways.

It keeps the sheep coming to their pathetic site to PAY THEIR BILLS...
they know what SELLS to the mindless, garbage they dig up from the bottom of the gutter
Really? You find the wierdest, most ignorant hate mongers and then you whine and label him 'conservative'?

This dude isn't conservative. He's a nut. Want to drag out some of the far, far left weirdos that are out there and lets label them as a 'main stream liberal'.

You're better than this...

If you're talking to me personally, I didn't label him as conservative but I'd bet that's what he calls himself.

In any event, go read my post. Pay special attention to where I called him "sick" and that he "belongs in a straight jacket".

What I want to know is why you don't believe the posters here who agree with this sick twitch are not "better than this"?

By leaving that out, are you saying they are not "better than this"?

Are you saying they're as sick as this jerk?

BTW, just an aside, has anyone else noticed that the groups the haters go after are the very same groups that Hitler tried to obliterate, wipe off the face of the planet?
Really? You find the wierdest, most ignorant hate mongers and then you whine and label him 'conservative'?

This dude isn't conservative. He's a nut. Want to drag out some of the far, far left weirdos that are out there and lets label them as a 'main stream liberal'.

You're better than this...

If you're talking to me personally, I didn't label him as conservative but I'd bet that's what he calls himself.

In any event, go read my post. Pay special attention to where I called him "sick" and that he "belongs in a straight jacket".

What I want to know is why you don't believe the posters here who agree with this sick twitch are not "better than this"?

By leaving that out, are you saying they are not "better than this"?

Are you saying they're as sick as this jerk?

BTW, just an aside, has anyone else noticed that the groups the haters go after are the very same groups that Hitler tried to obliterate, wipe off the face of the planet?

keep digging, not working
he didn't label himself conservative BUT I BET he does...you see people that's all we need to buy this crap...
Why does the left dig this stuff up? So they can portray themselves as victims? You can't even hear Stan Soloman unless you have a short wave radio or subscribe to satellite radio. Not surprised he says he has "God on his side"? It seems that hate speech goes both ways.

Interesting that you know you can't hear him without sat radio.

It would take some little bit of research to find that out.

Nonetheless, I'm glad that a couple of the worst haters here on this board are not saying they're fans of this monster.

Hey, its a start.

Oh and before one of you trots out the usual lie, no, I have not and would not say he should be taken off the air.
No one knows how many lives were saved by taking out a thug like trayvon martin? We will never know.

absolutely! We should ignore the insane rants of the Republican Martin Luther King Jr. and start judging people on the color of their skin, not their character! That way of thinking makes it ever so easy to call Trayvon a thug and deserving of death.
Why does the left dig this stuff up? So they can portray themselves as victims? You can't even hear Stan Soloman unless you have a short wave radio or subscribe to satellite radio. Not surprised he says he has "God on his side"? It seems that hate speech goes both ways.

Interesting that you know you can't hear him without sat radio.

It would take some little bit of research to find that out.

Nonetheless, I'm glad that a couple of the worst haters here on this board are not saying they're fans of this monster.

Hey, its a start.

Oh and before one of you trots out the usual lie, no, I have not and would not say he should be taken off the air.

It's not that interesting really. I never heard of the guy so I googled him up. Lo and behold it seems that nobody else has heard of him either except a few fans on shortwave or satellite sand the "victims" who never stop whining.
Who the fuck is Stan Solomon?

It's like us quoting Rdean as representing the Democrat Party
most people that claim all Afro-Americans are bad have never had to serve during war time with an Afro-American in their fox hole fighting for their lives and came to realize that the color of the soldier next to you does not matter.
most people that claim all Afro-Americans are bad have never had to serve during war time with an Afro-American in their fox hole fighting for their lives and came to realize that the color of the soldier next to you does not matter.

Damn, ain't that the truth.
The strategy is easy to understand. Hitler used it with success. Find some obscure incident or statement and magnify it's importance in order to gin up outrage. The left is so good at it because there are tax exempt entities (media-matters) who's sole stated mission is to mine the airwaves for selected (right wing) speech. Next thing you know the left wing is filled with righteous indignation and they are free to engage in their own brand of hate speech.

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