Will we ever have single payer health care in this country?

single payer healthcare??

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Okay, I'll assume you have no idea how these plans work.

The first big mistake people make when they don't know what they're talking about is extrapolate the costs of health care across the age spectrum. They/you assume that we're using the same anticipated expenditures across the age spectrum. That is a MASSIVE miscalculation.

The FACT is that 48.6% of our lifetime health care expenditures are incurred after age 65, Tables 3 and 4: The Lifetime Distribution of Health Care Costs

Another FACT is that free market health insurance (which in this case would be MA and MS plans) is FAR cheaper when we're younger and healthier. So the first step is to have an age-graduated Medicare coverage rate that increases as we age, requiring younger people's free market coverage to cover more when it's cheaper and when they're younger and healthier.

With me so far?

So the answer is, have the young healthy people over-pay for their insurance so that the old baby boomers who voted in all this madness can get their free shit.

Ok... well it was an answer, you could call it Obamacare II.

As for what masochist would allow this to happen, that I can't tell.
Yeah, that's about what I expected.

No. I was going to continue, but there's really no point.

Good luck holding off what's coming. And if it's Single Player, you'll be complicit.

You still don't get it. We don't have money for single payer. We don't have the money for even the current liabilities. Instead of trying to think how to provide medicare for everyone when the money has run out, you should be thinking about how to prepare for the coming purge/civil war.

Single payer... please let it be so. The purge will be here so much sooner.
I don't want Single Payer.

As I said, you don't know what you're talking about, therefore you don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of not getting it.


We are 22 trillion in debt and at least 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

I don't know what I am talking about? Ok... When are you going to spell which part specifically?
I'm not going to try any more. I was getting into it, and I could see I was wasting my time. There is a way to do this, and you don't want to know.

I'm just suggesting that you consider reality. We are not going back to Old West health care, in which everyone just pays for himself and off we go.

It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. Period. Really.

So you can work towards some kind of compromise we can all live with, or you can play this all-or-nothing game and have Single Payer shoved down your throat.
Yes - I think that the U.S. will eventually implement single-payer healthcare.

It's not all-that-radical a concept in most parts of the world, although it freaks-out Big Insurance and Big Pharma here.

The Devil's in the details, though, and I'm guessing we'll make huge mistakes during the early going.

But, I also think that the planets are going to have to align "just so", before it's even attempted.

Requiring a Democrat -controlled House, Senate, Oval Office and (quite possibly) Supreme Court.

That may take another half-generation or more before we see any such alignment.

I suggest you think in 1 hand and poo in the other and see which one fills up first.
So the answer is, have the young healthy people over-pay for their insurance so that the old baby boomers who voted in all this madness can get their free shit.

Ok... well it was an answer, you could call it Obamacare II.

As for what masochist would allow this to happen, that I can't tell.
Yeah, that's about what I expected.

No. I was going to continue, but there's really no point.

Good luck holding off what's coming. And if it's Single Player, you'll be complicit.

You still don't get it. We don't have money for single payer. We don't have the money for even the current liabilities. Instead of trying to think how to provide medicare for everyone when the money has run out, you should be thinking about how to prepare for the coming purge/civil war.

Single payer... please let it be so. The purge will be here so much sooner.
I don't want Single Payer.

As I said, you don't know what you're talking about, therefore you don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of not getting it.


We are 22 trillion in debt and at least 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

I don't know what I am talking about? Ok... When are you going to spell which part specifically?
I'm not going to try any more. I was getting into it, and I could see I was wasting my time. There is a way to do this, and you don't want to know.

I'm just suggesting that you consider reality. We are not going back to Old West health care, in which everyone just pays for himself and off we go.

It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. Period. Really.

So you can work towards some kind of compromise we can all live with, or you can play this all-or-nothing game and have Single Payer shoved down your throat.

We. Are. Not. Going. To. Have. Government. In Charge. Of. Our. Health. Ever.

They can't even stop insurance companies from unnecessarily raising premiums, you think we're gonna trust them with the whole Enchilada? Oh hell no! :cuckoo:

Just listen to the VA horror stories, derp! There's your government healthcare.
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Yeah, that's about what I expected.

No. I was going to continue, but there's really no point.

Good luck holding off what's coming. And if it's Single Player, you'll be complicit.

You still don't get it. We don't have money for single payer. We don't have the money for even the current liabilities. Instead of trying to think how to provide medicare for everyone when the money has run out, you should be thinking about how to prepare for the coming purge/civil war.

Single payer... please let it be so. The purge will be here so much sooner.
I don't want Single Payer.

As I said, you don't know what you're talking about, therefore you don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of not getting it.


We are 22 trillion in debt and at least 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

I don't know what I am talking about? Ok... When are you going to spell which part specifically?
I'm not going to try any more. I was getting into it, and I could see I was wasting my time. There is a way to do this, and you don't want to know.

I'm just suggesting that you consider reality. We are not going back to Old West health care, in which everyone just pays for himself and off we go.

It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. Period. Really.

So you can work towards some kind of compromise we can all live with, or you can play this all-or-nothing game and have Single Payer shoved down your throat.

We. Are. Not. Going. To. Have. Government. In Charge. Of. Our. Health.
Okay, good luck.
So the answer is, have the young healthy people over-pay for their insurance so that the old baby boomers who voted in all this madness can get their free shit.

Ok... well it was an answer, you could call it Obamacare II.

As for what masochist would allow this to happen, that I can't tell.
Yeah, that's about what I expected.

No. I was going to continue, but there's really no point.

Good luck holding off what's coming. And if it's Single Player, you'll be complicit.

You still don't get it. We don't have money for single payer. We don't have the money for even the current liabilities. Instead of trying to think how to provide medicare for everyone when the money has run out, you should be thinking about how to prepare for the coming purge/civil war.

Single payer... please let it be so. The purge will be here so much sooner.
I don't want Single Payer.

As I said, you don't know what you're talking about, therefore you don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of not getting it.


We are 22 trillion in debt and at least 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

I don't know what I am talking about? Ok... When are you going to spell which part specifically?
I'm not going to try any more. I was getting into it, and I could see I was wasting my time. There is a way to do this, and you don't want to know.

I'm just suggesting that you consider reality. We are not going back to Old West health care, in which everyone just pays for himself and off we go.

It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. Period. Really.

So you can work towards some kind of compromise we can all live with, or you can play this all-or-nothing game and have Single Payer shoved down your throat.

Mac, you never get "into it", all you do is deflect.... endlessly. You have spent far more time explaining why you can't explain than it could possibly take to explain.

As for going back to "Old West Healthcare" I didn't suggest such. You always make sure to point out the flaws of binary thinking and yet, here we are.
Yes, we will have some form of socialized medicine. Our deficits, and debt will continue to grow. At some point it will be unsustainable. The quality of healthcare will continue to decline, and rationing will needed to be put in place.

A government bureaucrat whom are often incompetent, corrupt or both will decide what treatment, if any you get. Your age will be a big factor.
Yes - I think that the U.S. will eventually implement single-payer healthcare.

It's not all-that-radical a concept in most parts of the world, although it freaks-out Big Insurance and Big Pharma here.

The Devil's in the details, though, and I'm guessing we'll make huge mistakes during the early going.

But, I also think that the planets are going to have to align "just so", before it's even attempted.

Requiring a Democrat -controlled House, Senate, Oval Office and (quite possibly) Supreme Court.

That may take another half-generation or more before we see any such alignment.

I suggest you think in 1 hand and poo in the other and see which one fills up first.
What-the-hell is your major malfunction this morning?

Somebody pee in your Cheerios or something?

The OP asked for opinion.

I supplied one.

Clearly... concisely.. objectively... critically.

Your feedback was juvenile, asinine and pointless.
Yeah, that's about what I expected.

No. I was going to continue, but there's really no point.

Good luck holding off what's coming. And if it's Single Player, you'll be complicit.

You still don't get it. We don't have money for single payer. We don't have the money for even the current liabilities. Instead of trying to think how to provide medicare for everyone when the money has run out, you should be thinking about how to prepare for the coming purge/civil war.

Single payer... please let it be so. The purge will be here so much sooner.
I don't want Single Payer.

As I said, you don't know what you're talking about, therefore you don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaking of not getting it.


We are 22 trillion in debt and at least 120 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities.

I don't know what I am talking about? Ok... When are you going to spell which part specifically?
I'm not going to try any more. I was getting into it, and I could see I was wasting my time. There is a way to do this, and you don't want to know.

I'm just suggesting that you consider reality. We are not going back to Old West health care, in which everyone just pays for himself and off we go.

It's. Not. Going. To. Happen. Period. Really.

So you can work towards some kind of compromise we can all live with, or you can play this all-or-nothing game and have Single Payer shoved down your throat.

Mac, you never get "into it", all you do is deflect.... endlessly. You have spent far more time explaining why you can't explain than it could possibly take to explain.

As for going back to "Old West Healthcare" I didn't suggest such. You always make sure to point out the flaws of binary thinking and yet, here we are.
As I'm sure you know, I started my explanation, including a link to hard data. I've already provided more detail than anyone here ever does, ever.

So, never mind. You win. You're right. Good luck.
Yes, we will have some form of socialized medicine. Our deficits, and debt will continue to grow. At some point it will be unsustainable. The quality of healthcare will continue to decline, and rationing will needed to be put in place.
That'the plan.
Yes, we will have some form of socialized medicine. Our deficits, and debt will continue to grow. At some point it will be unsustainable. The quality of healthcare will continue to decline, and rationing will needed to be put in place.

This country is turning Blue as Metro areas (cities, burbs, and ex burbs) grow, and control entire states politically. We may have seen the last Republican President. Soon states like Florida, and Texas will be Democrat controlled, and of course both coasts will only continue to get worth.

This Utopian crap will become the norm.
Yes, we will have some form of socialized medicine. Our deficits, and debt will continue to grow. At some point it will be unsustainable. The quality of healthcare will continue to decline, and rationing will needed to be put in place.
Yes. That's a distinct possibility. In large part, everything The Gubmint touches turns to $hit.

Perhaps we'll scale back the military and cut foreign aid and tax the hell outta the rich to pay for it.

Or, perhaps we'll find a better hybrid system that preserves the best of the past while dealing with the gaps and weak areas.
Yes. That's a distinct possibility. In large part, everything The Gubmint touches turns to $hit.

Perhaps we'll scale back the military and cut foreign aid and tax the hell outta the rich to pay for it.

Or, perhaps we'll find a better hybrid system that preserves the best of the past while dealing with the gaps and weak areas.

The rich are paying most of the taxes already. Tax them even more, and the incentive to invest, create, and innovate goes away. I think a hybrid system that encourages private, market based competition is the way to go. People should not be at risk of losing everything when they get sick. A certain amount of catastrophic loss insurance is necessary.
Well the idea is everyone pays in and when you are in need you use the services. Private insurance uses the same principal there is a glaring huge shortfall to it though: you can pay in for years then lose your job and insurance then all that paying in you have done simply vanishes. Tough luck. This isn't fair and needs to be rectified.

Perhaps we could keep it free market-ish and still let companies compete in the marketplace, you select your provider like selecting an AMD or Intel computer.

Everyone pays in to the national fund, and you use your "share" to select the health care provider of your choice. No more nightmares of losing your job/insurance then having a health issue with no coverage after you have paid in for years. It basically closes a cruel loophole where you don't get stuck if you have an insurance lapse due to job loss or whatever.
Well the idea is everyone pays in and when you are in need you use the services. Private insurance uses the same principal there is a glaring huge shortfall to it though: you can pay in for years then lose your job and insurance then all that paying in you have done simply vanishes. Tough luck. This isn't fair and needs to be rectified.

Perhaps we could keep it free market-ish and still let companies compete in the marketplace, you select your provider like selecting an AMD or Intel computer.

Everyone pays in to the national fund, and you use your "share" to select the health care provider of your choice. No more nightmares of losing your job/insurance then having a health issue with no coverage after you have paid in for years. It basically closes a cruel loophole where you don't get stuck if you have an insurance lapse due to job loss or whatever.

I think you're on the right track.

But it would eliminate Big Healthcare Insurance Companies, for starters.

The vote-whores in Congress, long-since bought-and-paid-for by Big Insurance and Big Pharma, would never allow it.

Unless we elect enough Righteous Folk committed to representing The People, instead.
Unless somebody offers a better option. Repubs seem to have nothing.
Why cant we just fix the ACA? its in place, both party's messed it up. that would save a lot of money, and no one has come up with a better plan.
Unless somebody offers a better option. Repubs seem to have nothing.

PLAN A: Nothing. (GOP Plan)

PLAN B: Socialized medicine, a.k.a. single payer health care, a.k.a. Medicare For All. (Democratic Plan)

Take a look at this chart and guess which plan the American voter is going to choose:

The obvious answer is an expansion of the entire Medicare / Medicare Advantage / Medicare Supplement system to all.

An excellent, already-functioning blend of a public foundation and free market competition and innovation.

It would take a massive cost monkey off the backs of American employers and give people their own plans.

Unfortunately, most people are ignorant of how that system works, or how it could be scaled. Too much thinking required.

So yeah, it's possible we'll have Single Payer shoved down our throats by default. Congratulations.

How is that the "obvious" answer? Medicare has a massive, unfunded debt already. How is far more massive debt the obvious answer?

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