Will we torture again?

Why are you silent while Obama fires missiles from drones that murder innocent children?
I think the Right would be OK with a republican president firing those missiles.

But you're still okay when the Democrat does it. Carry on, hypocrite.
I stated earlier that I'm against it.

That's a lie. As in it's a lie that you're against it.
Obviously a nutcase.

And you just made my case. Thanks for playing.
Remember when the leftist trash were crying that Bush was creating terrorists? Obama is creating far more terrorists. You miserable Obama fuckers are the problem.
If sleep deprivation is considered torture, yes, torture will happen again.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
Define torture
Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people.

Don't children play with such children. They may marry one another, and then the grandchildren will not be shining little lights of you. I am so grateful for the decent, goodly parents I had.
Oh so you're trying THAT approach?
Yes, there will be torture.
In less than two years, negative political TV ads will again appear 100's of times daily.
Water boarding has nothing over highly repetitive daily negative political ads that run for months and months.
I've often caught myself, yelling at the TV during one of those thousands negative ads, "Alright, I'll admit it, I sank the USS Maine, ! I'ma terrorist!!!!!!" Just stop this, I'll admit to anything you want! Just stop these ads!!!"

True Story :eek-52:
Can you say with confidence that the folks you want to protect will:

Stop promoting child rape?

Stop beheading civilians?

Stop torturing civilians?
Which of the CIA torture victims were convicted of any of the crimes you mentioned, or any others, for that matter?
First, they are not criminals. Not in the sense of eligible to be tried in civilian courts.
Second, they are known terrorists or have knowledge and/or close ties to terrorists.
Third, they are more valuable to us as potential sources of information that for the last 13 years have helped to prevent a terrorist act from occurring on US soil.
These are bad actors. They are all known to have committed or commanded others to commit terrorist acts against innocents and allies.
Where's the problem?
Can you say with confidence that the folks you want to protect will:

Stop promoting child rape?

Stop beheading civilians?

Stop torturing civilians?
Which of the CIA torture victims were convicted of any of the crimes you mentioned, or any others, for that matter?
They are NOT victims.
As far as I am concerned when the interrogators are through with these pieces of trash, they can take them out to sea, tie cinder blocks to them and push them off a boat.
Or, hand them over to a Russian mafia drug cartel with an envelope containing 50 grand with a note that says. "this guy tried to rape your mother"...
Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people...
Let's get this straight...

Hypothetical scenario:

You're the King of the United States.

A terrorist has planted a suitcase-sized nuclear bomb in the City of Chicago.

The nuke is known to be on a timer with 12 hours left until detonation.

We captured the terrorist two days ago.

All of the 'legal' interrogation techniques that we've tried so far have not forced the terrorist to tell us where in the City of Chicago that the nuke has been planted.

The only shot we have at getting to the bomb in-time is to try torture of one kind or another... starting slow and becoming progressively more brutal.

The chief of the interrogation team kicks the request upstairs through his chain-of-command, requesting permission to use torture.

The buck stops on your desk - the top of the interrogator's chain-of-command comes to you for that permission.

Do you give it?

Or do you let the City of Chicago vaporize, along with several million Americans?

Do you give your permission to use torture at that point, in such a scenario?

Yes or No, please.

If you dare.

Nothing fancy... no protesting that such a thing would never happen... no answering a question with a question.

Yes or No, please.

Would you authorize the use of torture under such circumstances?
This very scenario was played out in a movie...."The peacemaker".... A Serbian musician turned terrorist travels to NYC with a dirty bomb strapped to his body.
Can you say with confidence that the folks you want to protect will:

Stop promoting child rape?

Stop beheading civilians?

Stop torturing civilians?
Which of the CIA torture victims were convicted of any of the crimes you mentioned, or any others, for that matter?
First, they are not criminals. Not in the sense of eligible to be tried in civilian courts.
Second, they are known terrorists or have knowledge and/or close ties to terrorists.
Third, they are more valuable to us as potential sources of information that for the last 13 years have helped to prevent a terrorist act from occurring on US soil.
These are bad actors. They are all known to have committed or commanded others to commit terrorist acts against innocents and allies.
Where's the problem?

The idiot Left truly believes the Constitution applies to the whole world. Mirandize enemy soldiers on the battlefield, civilian trials for Gitmo prisoners. These people are whacked in the head.

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