Will we torture again?

Second, they are known terrorists or have knowledge and/or close ties to terrorists.
Got any names?
Thought not.
That information is classified.
"The report adds nauseating new details to the already substantial record of the CIA’s enthusiastic descent into savagery after capturing its first terror suspects, post-9/11.

"There’s the image of the CIA’s first fully documented torture victim, Abu Zubaydah, becoming 'completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth' after a session of repeated near-drownings on the waterboard.

"There are descriptions of sleep deprivation that 'involved keeping detainees awake for up to 180 hours, usually standing or in stress positions, at times with their hands shackled above their heads.'

"The report identifies 26 detainees, out of the CIA’s 119 in total, who the agency itself determined should never have been held at all.

"That unfortunate group includes 'Abu Hudhaifa, who was subjected to ice water baths and 66 hours of standing sleep deprivation before being released because the CIA discovered he was likely not the person he was believed to be,' and 'Nazir Ali, an ‘intellectually challenged’ individual whose taped crying was used as leverage against his family member.'”

For CIA Truth about Torture Was an Existential Threat - The Intercept
"The intercept"?
And....so fucking what?
Oh, got it, so the German soldiers in WWII were murdered cause they never physically killed the Jews.

You slow or what?
Ever heard of Nuremberg?

So what country are we fighting against?

Ohhhhhh, not a signee of any convention?

Too bad, so sad
I get a kick out of these spineless hand wringers when they evoke the Geneva Conventions.
Not knowing a single thing about the agreement
Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people.

Don't children play with such children. They may marry one another, and then the grandchildren will not be shining little lights of you. I am so grateful for the decent, goodly parents I had.
These people you call children kill with no remorse, No morals and certainly no regard for any of your laws. So what exactly do you think we should do with them? Pass another law?
Give them tea and cookies and beg them not to be mad at us.
So what country are we fighting against?

Ohhhhhh, not a signee of any convention?

Too bad, so sad
War of Aggression, remember?
e International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, which followed World War II, called the waging of aggressive war 'essentially an evil thing...to initiate a war of aggression...is not only an international crime; it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole.'"[2]
War of aggression - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Accumulated evil of the whole.
Get it?
No...We don't "get it"....
Because you are wrong. And you have no point other than to be controversial.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.

Can you say with confidence that the folks you want to protect will:

Stop promoting child rape?

Stop beheading civilians?

Stop torturing civilians?

Get those answers first Bozo

So you are endorsing all of these behaviors? Is that what you are saying? Think very carefully before you answer.
Nice try.....Turning this around on the OP...
Officially, your argument just ran out of gas.
No surprise there.
Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people...
Let's get this straight...

Hypothetical scenario:

You're the King of the United States.

A terrorist has planted a suitcase-sized nuclear bomb in the City of Chicago.

The nuke is known to be on a timer with 12 hours left until detonation.

We captured the terrorist two days ago.

All of the 'legal' interrogation techniques that we've tried so far have not forced the terrorist to tell us where in the City of Chicago that the nuke has been planted.

The only shot we have at getting to the bomb in-time is to try torture of one kind or another... starting slow and becoming progressively more brutal.

The chief of the interrogation team kicks the request upstairs through his chain-of-command, requesting permission to use torture.

The buck stops on your desk - the top of the interrogator's chain-of-command comes to you for that permission.

Do you give it?

Or do you let the City of Chicago vaporize, along with several million Americans?

Do you give your permission to use torture at that point, in such a scenario?

Yes or No, please.

If you dare.

Nothing fancy... no protesting that such a thing would never happen... no answering a question with a question.

Yes or No, please.

Would you authorize the use of torture under such circumstances?

I am not the king of the US, so your hypothetical is only that.

If it were one of the far right American wannabee revolutionaries, I would be as tempted as I would if it were an Al Quaida member.
Tempted? As opposed to which alternative?
Letting the bomb explode to make a point that you are above such dastardly and uncivilized methods? That there "has to be another way"......
Meanwhile tick tick tick....BOOM, 2 million people instantly vaporized and another 5 million who will linger in a painful existence until they succumb to radiation sickness?
"The intercept"?
And....so fucking what?
"The intercept"?
And....so fucking what?
"Senate investigators, who had access to millions of pages of original CIA cables and other source material, used most of the 499 pages in Tuesday’s release documenting example after example of CIA officials doing gruesome things, then telling convenient falsehoods to each other, to their bosses, to the White House, to anyone who questioned them, and to Congress – all to prove to everyone that torture worked.

"By mid-2003, the CIA’s constant mantra was that 'enhanced interrogation tactics' had 'saved lives,'” 'thwarted plots,' and 'captured terrorists.' Saying otherwise was like blasphemy."

"Saved lives" "thwarted plots" "captured terrorists"
How fucked would someone have to be to believe that shit?

For CIA Truth about Torture Was an Existential Threat - The Intercept
"The intercept"?
And....so fucking what?
"The intercept"?
And....so fucking what?
"Senate investigators, who had access to millions of pages of original CIA cables and other source material, used most of the 499 pages in Tuesday’s release documenting example after example of CIA officials doing gruesome things, then telling convenient falsehoods to each other, to their bosses, to the White House, to anyone who questioned them, and to Congress – all to prove to everyone that torture worked.

"By mid-2003, the CIA’s constant mantra was that 'enhanced interrogation tactics' had 'saved lives,'” 'thwarted plots,' and 'captured terrorists.' Saying otherwise was like blasphemy."

"Saved lives" "thwarted plots" "captured terrorists"
How fucked would someone have to be to believe that shit?

For CIA Truth about Torture Was an Existential Threat - The Intercept
I don't give a shit about terrorists. So your protestations and whining are falling on deaf ears.
If i could be there doing it myself, I'd do it for food money
And they are NOT innocent.....
You got one right:ack-1:

Blind squirrels, broken clocks...

Total number of detainees who have been held at the Guantanamo Bay facility since September 11, 2001 attacks.
Of the 779 detainees, roughly 600 were released without charges, many after being detained for years.
Total number of detainees remaining at Guantanamo.
Number of the 149 detainees who the US has approved for transfer to home or third countries but remain at Guantanamo.
Number of children under age 18 who have been imprisoned at Guantanamo. [1]
Number of Guantanamo detainees who died while in custody, six by suspected suicide.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Number of those convicted in the military commissions after trial or plea bargain.
Of the 149 detainees that remain at Guantanamo only six, Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, and the September 11, 2001 co-defendants face any formal charges.
Guantanamo Ten Years On Facts and Figures Human Rights Watch
Genius....Nobody cares.
Enemy combatants don't get trials. They get DEAD

    1. "Will we torture again?"

    With so many cons trying to defend torture, and the the cons now in control of both houses, how can there be any doubt that they plan to build more secret torture chambers?
No one is defending torture....Because the methods of interrogation are not torture.
"Torture" is a term of convenience directed at low information idiots to generate clicks for on line stories

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