Will we torture again?

Neil, boedicca, and other useful idiot regressives have no morality in their nature or their lives. They make good social cons.

Many in the mainstream GOP are distressed by the cowardice of the Torture Crowd. Many support the Torture Crowd.

The leftist prog tools have similar problems with their mainstream on issues.
Morality? Hey Jake, do yourself a favor. Don't words you don't understand
No more so than vietnam.
Are you saying the US war crimes in Vietnam justify those in the Middle East?

No, torture, or whatever you want to call it, has been going on since the revolutionary war. We have always extracted information from our enemies. Why all the consternation now? Why all the hand wringing now? It's all hypocritical.
Because it a political narrative to gin up support for democrats. All of which have dutifully fallen in line with the president on this.
No, torture, or whatever you want to call it, has been going on since the revolutionary war. We have always extracted information from our enemies. Why all the consternation now? Why all the hand wringing now? It's all hypocritical.
Because torture violates the supreme law of the land.
"It is debated as to whether or not torture as a punishment falls under the cruel and unusual punishment clause of the Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

"Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted "

"The U.S. Supreme Court has held since at least the 1890s that punishments that involved torture are forbidden under the Eighth Amendment."
Torture in the United States - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
That only applies to US Citizens, registered aliens and foreign nationals within the borders of the US and it's territories.
Excluded are enemy combatants who have very limited rights. They do not get trials. They are subject to military tribunals.
They are not eligible for Constitutional protections....
These methods of interrogation are not punishment. They are coercion
The look on Moochelle's face is priceless.
Terrorists and terrorists sympathizers are not innocents.
How many of the 779 people held at Gitmo since 911 have been terrorists or sympathetic to terrorism? How many were sold to the Americans for large bounties? How many morons like you blame the victims of US terrorism?
All of them....
Why the fuck do you care. You're not an American.
So it's really none of your business.
You have no right to an opinion.
Oh, look at all the far right cry babies who lost their political power.

Thank heavens it's the Boehners et al and not the Cruzes who have the power.
Who lost political power?
Boehner is not going to be unchallenged for Speaker in the new Congress. In fact, he may be ousted.
"There’s the image of the CIA’s first fully documented torture victim, Abu Zubaydah, becoming 'completely unresponsive, with bubbles rising through his open, full mouth' after a session of repeated near-drownings on the waterboard.

Georgephillip....try to get the anti CIA propaganda right...it wasn't "Near Drownings" it is the sensation of drowning...there is no way for the subject of the CIA water boarding technique to "near drown," or drown in actuallity.....they are put on a board that tilts...their head is put below the level of their feet, a cloth is put over their face, water is slowly poured onto the cloth....the water seeps through the cloth, and slowly fills up their sinus cavities, and dribbles into their mouth....there is never enough water to "drown" anyone....

The filling of the sinus cavities forces them to breath through their mouth and the dribble of water into their mouth makes them splutter....hence....the "sensation" of drowning.....

They are never in danger of drowning, they are never submerged in water, neither their head nor their body....so please.....and cry me a river for that monster.....
Blackhawk....at least the victims of 9/11 weren't water boarded.....isn't that what the libs would say.....?
The filling of the sinus cavities forces them to breath through their mouth and the dribble of water into their mouth makes them splutter....hence....the "sensation" of drowning.....
Sounds a lot like "near drowning" to me.
What can you tell us about the innocent victims of waterboarding? Did they deserve it because they practice the same religion as the 911 hijackers? Would you like to be tortured for the crimes of your coreligionists?
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.
No, we can't. Why? It's so stupid to believe them. The government will do what they need and what they want to do. Humanity and morality doesn't matter when they need results($$$). And we are under the illusion that FBI and NSA are pink bunnies.
Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people.

Don't children play with such children. They may marry one another, and then the grandchildren will not be shining little lights of you. I am so grateful for the decent, goodly parents I had.

Jake the coward sits in judgement of others.

How ironic.
Jake does not reply to hypotheticals. He only replies to his own fantasies.
I'm interested in learning whether he has the balls to give a straight answer to such a question.
He knows the correct answer, but will not give it due to his being pot committed to his far left ideology.
Yeah, I think you're right.

What a disappointment.

I had nurtured much higher hopes for the quality of the exchange, and with respect to intellectual and moral courage and honesty, and in standing one's ground rather than running.

I appear to have been mistaken in those hopes.

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