Will we torture again?

Those who approve torture are similar in approving racism; they are simply not moral people.

Don't children play with such children. They may marry one another, and then the grandchildren will not be shining little lights of you. I am so grateful for the decent, goodly parents I had.

Jake the coward sits in judgement of others.

How ironic.
Anyone incapable of sharing or admitting what he would do in-extremis is not a reliable and honest judge in such matters, and may be safely discounted, like a petulant child.
Georgephillip....only 3 monsters were water boarded .....3 members of the leadership....
Anyone incapable of sharing or admitting what he would do in-extremis is not a reliable and honest judge in such matters, and may be safely discounted, like a petulant child.

You are projecting Listening. Not just once more, Kondor.
Water boarding is not torture.
It's mental duress that is needed during times of war.
Torture is braking arms and legs or pulling arms out of their sockets or putting bamboo splinters under fingernails.
All of them were not harmed physically or mentally, humiliated yes but that is all. This is a needed advantage that we have to have during times of war.
The left in this country want to make war a moral thing.
If we do that then we will never win any wars in the future.
War is hell and is immoral.
Fighting wars with political correctness assures that we will never win and always lose the battles.
Water boarding is not torture.
It's mental duress that is needed during times of war.
Torture is braking arms and legs or pulling arms out of their sockets or putting bamboo splinters under fingernails.
"Waterboarding is considered to be torture by a wide range of authorities, including legal experts,[1][37][38] politicians, war veterans,[39][40] intelligence officials,[41] military judges,[42] and human rights organizations.[23][43]

"David Miliband, then United Kingdom Foreign Secretary, described it as torture on 19 July 2008, and stated 'the UK unreservedly condemns the use of torture.'[44]

"Arguments have been put forward that it might not be torture in all cases, or that it is unclear.[19][45][46][47]

"The U.S. State Department has recognized 'submersion of the head in water' as torture in other circumstances, for example, in its 2005 Country Report on Tunisia.[48]

The United Nations' Report of the Committee Against Torture: Thirty-fifth Session of November 2006, stated that state parties should rescind any interrogation techniques, such as waterboarding, that constitutes torture or cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment."

Waterboarding - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Anyone incapable of sharing or admitting what he would do in-extremis is not a reliable and honest judge in such matters, and may be safely discounted, like a petulant child.

You are projecting Listening. Not just once more, Kondor.
I don't even know what that means.

All I asked you for was a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer to a question about you authorizing torture (or not) in the scenario described.

You appear to lack the moral and intellectual courage to give a straight answer to a simple question, as evidenced by your incessant evasion and faux protestations.

The fault does not lie with me, on this one.

To find fault, you must look in the mirror.

Legal Justification for Waterboarding waterboarding.org

"what effect, if any, these techniques would have on Zubaydah's mental health."
Bybee thinks waterboarding does not produce "prolonged mental harm" because it has "been used and continue to be used on some members of our military personnel during their SERE training", that "these techniques have been used ... without any reported incident of prolonged mental harm". "On-site psychologists who have extensive experience with the use of the waterboard in Navy training have not encountered any significant long-term mental health consequences from its use." The memo presents Zubaydah as a good candidate for waterboarding because, "Zubaydah does not have any pre-existing mental conditions or problems that would make him likely to suffer prolonged mental harm from your proposed interrogation methods." He is "remarkably resilient and confident that he can overcome adversity."

At the time is was done it was accepted by wide range of authorities.
The justice department secretly approved the use of waterboarding. Zubaydah underwent waterboarding at least 83 times in August 2002.
Bush administration lawyers continued to validate the programme.
Yet the left approve of this administrations lawyers and justice department. Which the right thinks is wrong
The left ideology is Ok but the right is wrong.
Take away America's ability to get information in times of war assures that the US will lose wars.
Political Correctness is ruing this country.

Don't know what happened here with theses lines but I can't seem to get rid of them. SORRY
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"They would lash me to a stretcher then prop me up against a table with my head down. They would then pour about two gallons of water from a pitcher into my nose and mouth until I lost consciousness."
"They laid me out on a stretcher and strapped me on. The stretcher was then stood on end with my head almost touching the floor and my feet in the air. . . . They then began pouring water over my face and at times it was almost impossible for me to breathe without sucking in water."
testimony of two Americans imprisoned by Japanese soldiers."
Firsthand Accounts waterboarding.org
"They would lash me to a stretcher then prop me up against a table with my head down. They would then pour about two gallons of water from a pitcher into my nose and mouth until I lost consciousness."
"They laid me out on a stretcher and strapped me on. The stretcher was then stood on end with my head almost touching the floor and my feet in the air. . . . They then began pouring water over my face and at times it was almost impossible for me to breathe without sucking in water."

The Japanese waterboarded actual soldiers and hence violated the Geneva conventions.....uniformed military of a nation state are protected from harsh interrogation techniques....of course, all the socialists in the war violated those rules....
You libs sure have a difficult time understanding the different standards for lawful combatants, uniformed military personnel, and unlawful enemy combatants.....try to learn that and it will help your moral compass to start working again....
The Japanese waterboarded actual soldiers and hence violated the Geneva conventions.....uniformed military of a nation state are protected from harsh interrogation techniques....of course, all the socialists in the war violated those rules....
Imperial Japan was socialist?
How about the US in 1898?

"After the Spanish American War of 1898 in the Philippines, the U.S. army used waterboarding, called the 'water cure' at the time. It is not clear where this practice came from; it probably was adopted from the Filipinos, who themselves adopted it from the Spanish.[106] Reports of 'cruelties' from soldiers stationed in the Philippines led to Senate hearings on U.S. activity there."
Waterboarding - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
You libs sure have a difficult time understanding the different standards for lawful combatants, uniformed military personnel, and unlawful enemy combatants.....try to learn that and it will help your moral compass to start working again....
Why don't you cons supply a few links not based on Dick Cheney's multiple Vietnam tours?
Yes. And American Citizens will increasingly become the victims of it. That's the inevitable road we're traveling down now. Abolish the Patriot Act and NDAA now. Or don't, and suffer the consequences.
Yes. And American Citizens will increasingly become the victims of it. That's the inevitable road we're traveling down now. Abolish the Patriot Act and NDAA now. Or don't, and suffer the consequences.
Maybe that's the plan? When Empires fall they internalize all the forms of repression they previously inflicted on their external victims. What happens here when the car bombs start going off outside churches and hospitals? Who will get rich from that war?
Yes. And American Citizens will increasingly become the victims of it. That's the inevitable road we're traveling down now. Abolish the Patriot Act and NDAA now. Or don't, and suffer the consequences.
Maybe that's the plan? When Empires fall they internalize all the forms of repression they previously inflicted on their external victims. What happens here when the car bombs start going off outside churches and hospitals? Who will get rich from that war?

The Patriot Act and NDAA were created to be used solely against the American People. Obviously Big Brother will say otherwise, but it is the ugly reality. The Patriot Act especially, is the most Un-Patriotic act of aggression ever perpetrated against the American People. It needs to be abolished.
"Can we now say with confidence that our government will not use torture again and that Americans in the future will rise up to prevent it from doing so? In light of the reaction to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report, I fear that we can’t." Dionne Will we torture again The Salt Lake Tribune

Too many of our citizens do not understand that acting like AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL whatever makes us no different than AQ or the Gestapo or ISIS ISIL.

The only way to come close to making sure it won't happen again is for those who did torture or authorized torture to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in America. Then hand the war criminals over to international authorities to prosecute.

Right now we have a large portion of our population and a portion of our politicians who defend torture or lie and say it didn't happen. That is a recipe for torture to happen again.

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