Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

Correction. Your "statements' border on stupidity.

After all, there is no other way to judge an anonymous individual in an internet forum.
George Wallace was gov of a state that had Jim Crow laws implemented by democrats.. Wallace left the democrat party, he wasn’t a fan of all that shit. Why isn’t the national guard called in today to enforce desegregation? Blacks are kicking whites out.. lol slavery was ending.. the whole point of Kansas was reparations for black slaves give them land. Abe said no
Wallace briefly left the Democratic party in 1968 to join the American Independent Party.

He did not stay gone permanently, so stop telling half truths and attempting it make appear that he did.

He ended his political career as a democrat, and campaigned as a democratic. presidential hopeful in 1976.

As a Jim Crow and confederacy sympathizer, you should know his correct history.

Wallace briefly left the Democratic party in 1968 to join the American Independent Party.

He did not stay gone permanently.

However he ended his political career as a democrat, and campaigned as a democratic. presidential hopeful in 1976.

As a Jim Crow and confederacy sympathizer, you should know his correct history.

There are Black Confederate sympathizers today. I don’t understand what you’re saying.. this is America the confederacy is part of our history.. if you know history there was nothing wrong with Southerners protecting the invasion.. I know the narrative you’re trying to spin.. it doesn’t work with educated people.

Wallace‘s wife won the majority of the black votes in Selma Alabama.. read that five times it might pop in your head lol

Black people today believe in segregation in school.. Its the exact same stance George Wallace had.. I don’t get what you’re saying George Wallace sides with Black people. Lol
You keep calling Fredrick Douglas a liar and calling others racist 🤣🤣 and of course they had guns
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It is interesting that the common denominator in nearly everything that you present as "facts", contain no names and no dates, only pictures and alleged statements by Frederick Douglas that cannot be verified.

If there were black soldiers who actually took up arms to fight for the confederacy, in the numbers that you claim, there should be names and dates of service of these soldiers somewhere in existence.

You've yet to provide either.
There are Black Confederate sympathizers today. I don’t understand what you’re saying.. this is America the confederacy is part of our history.. if you know history there was nothing wrong with Southerners protecting the invasion.. I know the narrative you’re trying to spin.. it doesn’t work with educated people.

Wallace‘s wife won the majority of the black votes in Selma Alabama.. read that five times it might pop in your head lol

Black people today believe in segregation in school.. Its the exact same stance George Wallace had.. I don’t get what you’re saying George Wallace sides with Black people. Lol

I'm not spinning any narratives.
I've provided facts that you have not posted a single intelligent response to.

So how would you have a clue what "works" with "educated people?

Youre not one of them.

George Wallace sides with no one.
He's deceased and has been for years. He spent his last years in a wheelchair claiming to love black people.

Most likely due to some religious epihany.

As far as the rest of your nonsense.

I have two grandchildren in their first year of college and quite a few nieces and nephews who have graduated from college, and all have a large and racially diverse circle of friends, that are frequent visitors in my home.

None of them "self segregate".
It is interesting that the common denominator in nearly everything that you present as "facts", contain no names and no dates, only pictures and alleged statements by Frederick Douglas that cannot be verified.

If there were black soldiers who actually took up arms to fight for the confederacy, in the numbers that you claim, there should be names and dates of service of these soldiers somewhere in existence.

You've yet to provide either.
How much more evidence do you need?
I'm not spinning any narratives.
I've provided facts that you have not posted a single intelligent response to.

So how would you have a clue what "works" with "educated people?

Youre not one of them.

George Wallace sides with no one.
He's deceased and has been for years. He spent his last years in wheelchair claiming to love black, most likely due to some religious epihany.

As far as the rest of your nonsense. I have two grandchildren in their first year of college and quite a few nieces and nephews who have graduated from college, and all have a large and racially diverse circle of friends, that are frequent visitors in my home.

None of them "self segregate".
So you’re educated I’m not but you don’t know the following.
1. blacks took up arms for the confederacy as a free men.
2. George Wallace wanted to segregate schools so they could focus on education and not culture.
3. Black people today wanna segregate schools. Blacks in Boston didn’t want bussing.
4. so-called racist George Wallace‘s wife won the black vote in Selma Alabama..

You’re trying to paint a narrative that makes no sense.. to the educated.. you believe what institutions tell you you don’t do any work on your own to learn real history..
Why not provide a link to the site that you got this from so it's authenticity can be searched, as opposed to cutting and pasting a picture of a letter that supposedly was written?
You would probably call Fredrick Douglas a liar and Uncle Tom to his face if he disagreed with your views.. you’re a pathetic man. Everything you learned in life about races all a lie.. Don’t crumble in front of me stand up like a man and Accept the truth
So you’re educated I’m not but you don’t know the following.
1. blacks took up arms for the confederacy as a free men.
2. George Wallace wanted to segregate schools so they could focus on education and not culture.
3. Black people today wanna segregate schools. Blacks in Boston didn’t want bussing.
4. so-called racist George Wallace‘s wife won the black vote in Selma Alabama..

You’re trying to paint a narrative that makes no sense.. to the educated.. you believe what institutions tell you you don’t do any work on your own to learn real history..
You've yet to provide any verifiable information that any of these "theories" are true, which make your statements suspect.

These are your half assed personal opinions, not documented facts.
You've yet to provide any verifiable information that any of these "theories" are true, which make your statements suspect.

These are your half assed personal opinions, not documented facts.
If you’re waiting for CNN to tell you what’s true or not true I don’t work for them. Lol I just provide you facts .. you can fight it all you want
You would probably call Fredrick Douglas a liar and Uncle Tom to his face if he disagreed with your views.. you’re a pathetic man. Everything you learned in life about races all a lie.. Don’t crumble in front of me stand up like a man and Accept the truth
You don't know what I would say You're delusional.
You would probably call Fredrick Douglas a liar and Uncle Tom to his face if he disagreed with your views.. you’re a pathetic man. Everything you learned in life about races all a lie.. Don’t crumble in front of me stand up like a man and Accept the truth
You have no idea what I would say to Frederick Douglas if he were alive, but he's not, so leave your imagination out of it.

I accepted the "truth" about 25 posts ago.

Which is that you're delusional.
You don't know what I would say You're delusional.

You have no idea what I would say to Frederick Douglas if he were alive, but he's not, so leave your imagination out of it.

I accepted the "truth" about 25 posts ago.

Which is that you're delusional.
I gave you a quote of what he said,, you said it’s a lie.. you called him a liar.. you people are literally insane
I gave you a quote of what he said,, you said it’s a lie.. you called him a liar.. you people are literally insane

An unverified "quote" that mysteriously and conveniently cannot be validated by any date to be found on the internet

Just like pretty much everything else that you're rambling about.

I didn't call HIM a liar. I'm calling YOU one.

So get that through your head....there is an abundance of empty space there.

You are free to waste you
own time with your infantile nonsense and bald faced lies, not anymore of mine.

Have a nice life.
An unverified "quote" that mysteriously and conveniently cannot be validated by any date to be found on the internet

Just like pretty much everything else that you're rambling about.

I didn't call HIM a liar. I'm calling YOU one.

So get that through your head....there is an abundance of empty space there.

You are free to waste you
own time with your infantile nonsense and bald faced lies, not anymore of mine.

Have a nice life.
Institutions are controlled by communist. They want you to think a certain way.. be a free thinker do research on your own don’t trust institutions.
This is America no one cares about you, you think because I’m white I’m treated differently? Lol you have no understanding what this country is about.
Blacks did well before welfare. They destroyed them selves welfare was set to return them to slavery. It’s worked.. try to speak out against democrats.
Ya...poverty was so much better before welfare said no poor person ever.
First female millionaire was a black woman that died in 1918.. if you go back and look at what blacks were doing after slavery it was extremely remarkable, they have some of the best schools but with little equipment, they were developing really nice neighborhoods. It wasn’t until 1933 did blacks turn on the Republican Party and start voting for welfare.. that destroyed the lives deal with it enjoy your demise.
They should’ve stayed voting Republican

First female millionaire was a black woman that died in 1918.. if you go back and look at what blacks were doing after slavery it was extremely remarkable, they have some of the best schools but with little equipment, they were developing really nice neighborhoods. It wasn’t until 1933 did blacks turn on the Republican Party and start voting for welfare.. that destroyed the lives deal with it enjoy your demise.
They should’ve stayed voting Republican
..and then whites destroyed what prosperity they black Americans were able to achieve under Jim Crowe with race riots. Political parties are irrelevant.

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