Will Xi Jinping join Putin & Kim Jong-un in Vladivostok to create a new “New World Order”?

Tom Paine 1949

Diamond Member
Mar 15, 2020
Will Xi Jinping shock the world and join Putin & Kim Jong-un in their “war council” in Vladivostok? Let’s face it, just Putin & Kim conspiring together right now mostly just emphasizes Putin’s failure to crush Ukraine. They will need more help to defeat the U.S., NATO, Japan, South Korea & the rest of the so-called “democratic world.” What would you do?

I think they definitely need XiJinping to beat back those cunning Westerners and their Ukrainian jackals! Heck, did you notice that even that hopeless retard Biden is already trying to “turn” … Vietnam? We can’t wait any longer, we must unite. We must act now or we won’t have a nation left … or any group of totalitarian nations with a chance to beat the corrupt liberals and “democrats” in America.

Fortunately, these marvelous dictators still have a genuine secret weapon — besides useless nuclear weapons. They have … Donald Trump!

People are saying Donald’s private jet is getting restocked for a long trip … maybe to Vladivostok! That would really “own” those black & Jewish prosecutors and all those Mormon FBI “Deep Staters”!

In the first few minutes of this video we can see into the soul of this man, our hero, our own authoritarian-loving ex-President, who rightly admires the “brilliance”, “strength”, and “dominance” of these virile dictators. The “real” Donald Trump truly is drawn to “strong men” like himself, men like these “dictators for life.” But of course our Donald hates violence and loves freedom, and his actions are always perfectly legal.

Is Trump jealous he was not invited? Could he really go there without violating his parole here? Could he seek asylum in lovely Vladivostok, or build a new Mar-a-Largo on Hainan Island?

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Will Xi Jinping shock the world and join Putin & Kim Jong-un in their “war council” in Vladivostok? Let’s face it, just Putin & Kim conspiring together right now mostly just emphasizes Putin’s failure to crush Ukraine. They will need help to beat the U.S., NATO, Japan, South Korea & the rest of the Democratic world.

They definitely need XiJinping to beat back those cunning Westerners and their Ukrainian jackals! Heck, did you notice that retard Biden is trying to “turn” … Vietnam!

But these dictators also have a secret weapon — not weapons of mass destruction — but … Donald Trump. “People are saying” his jet is getting restocked for a long trip … maybe to Vladivostok! That will really “own” those black and Jewish prosecutors and all those Mormon FBI “Deep Staters”!

In the first few minutes of this video we see into the soul of this man, our own authoritarian ex-President, who truly admires the “brilliance”, “strength”, and “dominance” of these enemy dictators. The “real” Donald Trump truly is drawn to “strong men” like these murdering dictators.

Is Trump jealous he was not invited? Could he go there without violating his parole here? Could he seek asylum in lovely Vladivostok, or build a new Mar-a-Largo on Hainan Island?


It is certainly what Biden and the CIA Deep State have steered things to.
Will Xi Jinping shock the world and join Putin & Kim Jong-un in their “war council” in Vladivostok? Let’s face it, just Putin & Kim conspiring together right now mostly just emphasizes Putin’s failure to crush Ukraine. They will need more help to defeat the U.S., NATO, Japan, South Korea & the rest of the so-called “democratic world.” What would you do?

I think they definitely need XiJinping to beat back those cunning Westerners and their Ukrainian jackals! Heck, did you notice that even that hopeless retard Biden is already trying to “turn” … Vietnam!

Fortunately, these marvelous dictators have a genuine secret weapon — besides useless nuclear weapons. They have … Donald Trump!

People are saying Donald’s private jet is getting restocked for a long trip … maybe to Vladivostok! That will really “own” those black & Jewish prosecutors and all those Mormon FBI “Deep Staters”!

In the first few minutes of this video we see into the soul of this man, our hero, our own authoritarian ex-President, who rightly admires the “brilliance”, “strength”, and “dominance” of these virile dictators. The “real” Donald Trump truly is drawn to “strong men” like himself, like these murdering dictators.

Is Trump jealous he was not invited? Could he really go there without violating his parole here? Could he seek asylum in lovely Vladivostok, or build a new Mar-a-Largo on Hainan Island?


Dumbass! Putin is against the New World Order.

I don't like the way he does his country or the invasion of Ukraine, but he is against that.
Dumbass! Putin is against the New World Order.
Dumbass, learn to read!

Of course he is against the Western “liberal-democratic” New World Order!

The OP title says clearly: Putin wants a “new New World Order” … one dominated by Asiatic Russia & China & North Korea and maybe similar healthy national dictatorships!

If we get Trump back in power … we can join them. Maybe they’ll even let us have our own national dictatorship!
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Dumbass, learn to read!

Of course he is against the Western “liberal-democratic” New World Order!

The OP title says clearly: Putin wants a “new New World Order” … one dominated by Asiatic Russia & China & North Korea and maybe similar healthy national dictatorships!

If we get Trump back in power … we can join them. Maybe they’ll even let us have our own national dictatorship!
I did miss the extra "new".

All the rest is just another "Orange Man Bad" thread.

I did miss the extra "new".
All the rest is just another "Orange Man Bad" thread.
Thanks for admitting you are a dumbass with a reading problem.

But why do you say this is another “Orange Man Bad” thread?

I’ve only praised him and praised his virility, and pointed out his conduct has been exemplary. Don’t you agree Trump never violated any laws, that all those libtard demonrats stole the 2020 election, and that now they’re prosecuting him so he can’t unite all Real Americans and Make America Great Again?

Are you some kind of a RINO?
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Good news! Putin at the Vladivostok “war council” against Western “liberal democracy” and its support for those Ukrainian fascist degenerates has just come out openly in support of our real president Donald Trump!

Putin said what all of us Real Americans say … “The criminal cases against U.S. President Donald Trump are political revenge that show the fundamental corruption of the United States.

I’m telling you, we have powerful friends all over the world — strong authoritarian dictators leading great nation states! Think of how the stupid liberals will cringe before the new “New World Order” our leaders are building!
Will Xi Jinping shock the world and join Putin & Kim Jong-un in their “war council” in Vladivostok? Let’s face it, just Putin & Kim conspiring together right now mostly just emphasizes Putin’s failure to crush Ukraine. They will need more help to defeat the U.S., NATO, Japan, South Korea & the rest of the so-called “democratic world.” What would you do?

I think they definitely need XiJinping to beat back those cunning Westerners and their Ukrainian jackals! Heck, did you notice that even that hopeless retard Biden is already trying to “turn” … Vietnam? We can’t wait any longer, we must unite. We must act now or we won’t have a nation left … or any group of totalitarian nations with a chance to beat the corrupt liberals and “democrats” in America.

Fortunately, these marvelous dictators still have a genuine secret weapon — besides useless nuclear weapons. They have … Donald Trump!

People are saying Donald’s private jet is getting restocked for a long trip … maybe to Vladivostok! That would really “own” those black & Jewish prosecutors and all those Mormon FBI “Deep Staters”!

In the first few minutes of this video we can see into the soul of this man, our hero, our own authoritarian-loving ex-President, who rightly admires the “brilliance”, “strength”, and “dominance” of these virile dictators. The “real” Donald Trump truly is drawn to “strong men” like himself, men like these “dictators for life.” But of course our Donald hates violence and loves freedom, and his actions are always perfectly legal.

Is Trump jealous he was not invited? Could he really go there without violating his parole here? Could he seek asylum in lovely Vladivostok, or build a new Mar-a-Largo on Hainan Island?


Do you know who Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates are just to name a couple, including most Western governments?

They're the ones who want to create a New World Order.

Dumbass! Putin is against the New World Order.

I don't like the way he does his country or the invasion of Ukraine, but he is against that.

You speak for Putin???? Stupid, gullible and treasonous. The idiot trifecta!

Putin IS the New World Order, fool. The one where the dictators take over the world.
Some people only believe what mainstream media tells them, and that's why they have idiotic opinions and perspectives.
People such as Putin are fighting against the "New World Order". At what point have you ever heard him state that is what he wants to create?

Russia is one of the few countries in the world that are not controlled by Rothschild Central Banks.

If you take a look at the video in post #8, these fuckers are the ones that want to create it.

and the following... this fucker wants the "Great Reset" aka New World Order!

Some people only believe what mainstream media tells them, and that's why they have idiotic opinions and perspectives.
People such as Putin are fighting against the "New World Order". At what point have you ever heard him state that is what he wants to create?

Russia is one of the few countries in the world that are not controlled by Rothschild Central Banks.

If you take a look at the video in post #8, these fuckers are the ones that want to create it.

and the following... this fucker wants the "Great Reset" aka New World Order!

Some people believe what liars like Putin and Trump tell them. Putin expected to lead the New World Order, and I'm willing to bet that he's really pissed that the Ukraine fiasco has cost him so dearly.

Then you parrot NAZI propaganda about Jewish banks. Man you really hit the garbage bin with that one.

As for "Next Time", there isn't going to be a "next time" asshole. Trump is finished. Done, and so is Putin and Xi's New World Order.
I put this thread in the “Humor” Forum. It was meant to show me mimicking the conspiratorial right … and thus be a bit satirical too. Given some of the few responses, It hasn’t disappointed — some are pretty funny … though meant seriously. :cool:
Do you know who Klaus Schwab, George Soros, Bill Gates are just to name a couple, including most Western governments?

They're the ones who want to create a New World Order.

Never heard of any of them …
Must be a huuuge secret conspiracy!

Man that Bush fellow really has a lot of terrible things to say. He’s for … “world peace” … and stuff like that!
Some people believe what liars like Putin and Trump tell them. Putin expected to lead the New World Order, and I'm willing to bet that he's really pissed that the Ukraine fiasco has cost him so dearly.

Then you parrot NAZI propaganda about Jewish banks. Man you really hit the garbage bin with that one.

As for "Next Time", there isn't going to be a "next time" asshole. Trump is finished. Done, and so is Putin and Xi's New World Order.
Where do you get your perceptions from, MSM and the WH? :auiqs.jpg: The biggest spinners of bullshit on the planet.
I put this thread in the “Humor” Forum. It was meant to show me mimicking the conspiratorial right … and thus be a bit satirical too. Given some of the few responses, It hasn’t disappointed — some are pretty funny … though meant seriously. :cool:
Never heard of any of them …
Must be a huuuge secret conspiracy!

Man that Bush fellow really has a lot of terrible things to say. He’s for … “world peace” … and stuff like that!
The humour is how gullible the majority are in thinking Putin and Xi and alike are the heads of the NWO. That is what is laughable.

As for not knowing who Klaus Schwab is, take a look at what goes on annually in Davos. Ever heard of the World Economic Forum (WEF)? If you haven't, I suggest you take your blindfold off and take a look at what he and his globalist elite fucker mates wish to impose on humanity.

The only reason you call it a secret conspiracy is that you're ignorant of the facts that are in your face, but you can't see them because of the blindfold.

Here is a selection of videos you can choose to educate yourself with so you can be a little wiser.
Search results for: evil WEF


Yes, you can.
As for not knowing who Klaus Schwab is, take a look at what goes on annually in Davos. Ever heard of the World Economic Forum (WEF)? If you haven't, I suggest you take your blindfold off and take a look at what he and his globalist elite fucker mates wish to impose on humanity.

Here is a selection of videos you can choose to educate yourself with so you can be a little wiser.
Search results for: evil WEF
Can’t take a hint can you?
Oh well, maybe “next time”!


P.S. To get a less crackpot idea of what the WEF is today, to “see what goes on annually at Davis” and learn exactly how “evil” it is, not to mention how pompous and boring it is for most of us ordinary mortals interested in world politics …



Can the WEF even replace or act like the United Nations can? Can it sanction countries like the UN can or send “blue helmets” to enforce peace efforts, or missions to help in disasters, or investigate disease outbreaks or set up health and education programs?

Has it any armed forces like NATO, or Russia and China have?

Can the WEF track overseas dollar transactions and thus help administer extra-territorial sanctions like SWIFT working with the U.S. Treasury Department does?

Does it have an “intelligence” capacity like the CIA/NSA? Does it control the media in every country of the world … or even one country?

What is it besides a big business & high falutin politics “talk fest” anyway?

Is the the U.N. still a “communist-controlled” organization out to control the world … like rightwing conspiracy theorists used to argue? Or is that now the role of the WEF, and its “New World Order”?!

What ever happened to the IMF and the heads of the world’s central banks? The Jewish Zionist banking conspiracy? The Illuminati?
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Hmm, who is creating a NWO?

USA = Transgerdism gone mad, current US admin destroying the US from the inside, stating God is dead dissolving the US constitution, GMO foods, big pharma that only cares about its bottom line and not your health, home of the Military Industrial Complex –– create false flag events to put their new tech under field testing and profit heavily from it, the destruction of religion, destroying the family unit with all these 'woke' pronouns and identifiers, overextending their global hegemony (750 bases worldwide), the JB team (current admin) is anti-capitalism, IOW socialist/communists, uses the media to baffle the majority with bullshit and the list goes on.....

Russia = The opposite of the above.

Putin declares victory over New World Order: ‘Change of elites’ coming because humanity has ‘woken up’ – NaturalNews.com
Russia is fighting the New World Order. We are all Russians now. | EU | Before It's News
Is Putin part of New World Order? -- Sott.net (this one is very insightful)
Hmm, who is creating a NWO?

USA = Transgerdism gone mad, current US admin destroying the US from the inside, stating God is dead dissolving the US constitution, GMO foods, big pharma that only cares about its bottom line and not your health, home of the Military Industrial Complex –– create false flag events to put their new tech under field testing and profit heavily from it, the destruction of religion, destroying the family unit with all these 'woke' pronouns and identifiers, overextending their global hegemony (750 bases worldwide), the JB team (current admin) is anti-capitalism, IOW socialist/communists, uses the media to baffle the majority with bullshit and the list goes on.....

Russia = The opposite of the above.

Putin declares victory over New World Order: ‘Change of elites’ coming because humanity has ‘woken up’ – NaturalNews.com
Russia is fighting the New World Order. We are all Russians now. | EU | Before It's News
Is Putin part of New World Order? -- Sott.net (this one is very insightful)

My friend, these links of yours are all retarded “Alex Jones”- level “thought pieces” … they are profoundly rotting your brain and making you crazy. They are the kind of wild “theorizing” that immature people who know little about the real world engage in — typical of rightwing conspiracy thinking, hagiographic of Putin and even of the old dictator … in Kazakhstan!

Sincerely hope you are just young.
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Can’t take a hint can you?
Oh well, maybe “next time”!
Because you start with smart arsery, it proves you are clueless and are as ignorant as they come. Either that or you're one of their shills? Which one are you?

P.S. To get a less crackpot idea of what the WEF is today, to “see what goes on annually at Davis” and learn exactly how “evil” it is, not to mention how pompous and boring it is for most of us ordinary mortals interested in world politics …

Using MSM to mask what really goes on. Gullibility must be your strongest suit.
Can the WEF even replace or act like the United Nations can? Can it sanction countries like the UN can or send “blue helmets” to enforce peace efforts, or missions to help in disasters, or investigate disease outbreaks or set up health and education programs?
No fucking clue have you? Ever heard of Klaus Schwab's Global Youth Leader program? I'd say not, due to your lack of knowledge of what goes on.
Interesting to see how Trudeau, Macron are graduates, look at how fucked up their countries are. But you wouldn't even consider that as a coincidence either, hey?

Listen very carefully to what your brother says...

Is the the U.N. still a “communist-controlled” organization out to control the world … like rightwing conspiracy theorists used to argue? Or is that now the role of the WEF, and its “New World Order”?!
Still clueless, aren't you? Biden and Hunter have been paid under the table by many. China is one of them, what is their choice of governance? The U.N is not comminist controlled, however, Klaus Schwab comes from a bloodline of nazis, hint hint. You need to educate yourself and stop filling your head with MSM bullshit.

Can the WEF track overseas dollar transactions and thus help administer extra-territorial sanctions like SWIFT working with the U.S. Treasury Department does?

Does it have an “intelligence” capacity like the CIA/NSA? Does it control the media in every country of the world … or even one country?
:auiqs.jpg: The IMF has created its own CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) for the intellectually lame. The IMF is in the same basket of rotten eggs as the WEF, yes, with the CBDC's they can. It is centralised currency that can be programmed. The way China is being run with its Social Credit System.
Being a digital currency, it can be tracked, every single transaction you make is recorded, no more anonymity such as discrete 'cash' transactions. You are forced to spend and to never save. If you say, do, step out of line for anything, your account can be reduced or funds removed completely.
So yes, they can.

Now the bullshit in the video is that the financial crashes are designed to happen, not that it's something that just occurs like you think it does.

What ever happened to the IMF and the heads of the world’s central banks? The Jewish Zionist banking conspiracy? The Illuminati?
The thing is, you joke about this. I wonder how the Rothschild's banking family cartel makes its trillions, and who are they, Jewish Zionists perhaps?
My friend, these links of yours are all retarded “Alex Jones”- level “thought pieces” … they are profoundly rotting your brain and making you crazy. They are the kind of wild “theorizing” that immature people who know little about the real world engage in — typical of rightwing conspiracy thinking, hagiographic of Putin and even of the old dictator … in Kazakhstan!
What is sad is that you're unwilling to think for yourself. Did you do your own research for this or did you agree with MSM and that's what gave you your perspective?

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