Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??

Too late!!

She has already accepted my offer to be my concubine. :D


You make me laugh, Sunni dude. I have to give you that. :lol:

I wouldn't last 10 seconds in Iran.:eek:

I had an Iranian student once who went on a student exchange program to Greece. While there he converted to Greek Orthodox. He ended up in the US as an asylum seeker because Greece would not grant him permanent residence and if he returned to Iran would have, by law, been beheaded immediately.
I had an Iranian student once who went on a student exchange program to Greece. While there he converted to Greek Orthodox. He ended up in the US as an asylum seeker because Greece would not grant him permanent residence and if he returned to Iran would have, by law, been beheaded immediately.
Typical scam conversion in order to get free passage to the U.S. and quick path to citizenship.

10 bucks says after he legally becomes an American citizen he reverts back to Islam. :cool:
I had an Iranian student once who went on a student exchange program to Greece. While there he converted to Greek Orthodox. He ended up in the US as an asylum seeker because Greece would not grant him permanent residence and if he returned to Iran would have, by law, been beheaded immediately.
Typical scam conversion in order to get free passage to the U.S. and quick path to citizenship.

Absolutely not. He was a dedicated student of theology for many years when I met him. Nice job showing your ass though.
Hypothetical Sunni:
America becomes a Muslim nation with Sharia law.
The women in my family refuse to cover their face, I refuse to give up cold beer, pork BBQ, I cuss Allah all I want and do as I damn well please.
Will it be a hanging, beheading or firing squad for us?
Hypothetical Sunni:
America becomes a Muslim nation with Sharia law.
The women in my family refuse to cover their face, I refuse to give up cold beer, pork BBQ, I cuss Allah all I want and do as I damn well please.
Will it be a hanging, beheading or firing squad for us?

I pity the poor souls who come to America and try to enforce any such things. People think the folks in Afghanistan are crazy and warlike. They have no idea...

I wouldn't last 10 seconds in Iran.:eek:

I had an Iranian student once who went on a student exchange program to Greece. While there he converted to Greek Orthodox. He ended up in the US as an asylum seeker because Greece would not grant him permanent residence and if he returned to Iran would have, by law, been beheaded immediately.

Yea so what is the problem? J/K
Hypothetical Sunni:
America becomes a Muslim nation with Sharia law.
The women in my family refuse to cover their face, I refuse to give up cold beer, pork BBQ, I cuss Allah all I want and do as I damn well please.
Will it be a hanging, beheading or firing squad for us?

All 3, but with no 72 virgins waiting for you!
Hypothetical Sunni:
America becomes a Muslim nation with Sharia law.
The women in my family refuse to cover their face, I refuse to give up cold beer, pork BBQ, I cuss Allah all I want and do as I damn well please.
Will it be a hanging, beheading or firing squad for us?

All 3 of those would probably be better than dealing with a lifetime of hearing those awful screeches over loudspeakers 5 times a day of imams rattling off their nonsense.
If America falls to the Muslim locuts, then the rest of the world has fallen and there will be no place to run or hide!
Hypothetical Sunni:
America becomes a Muslim nation with Sharia law.
The women in my family refuse to cover their face, I refuse to give up cold beer, pork BBQ, I cuss Allah all I want and do as I damn well please.
Will it be a hanging, beheading or firing squad for us?
Which one would you prefer?? :cool:
I think is funny how scared so many Americans are of the Taliban.

They are a rag tag army of civilians with no air force, navy, or heavy weapons.

Yet, many people here are terrified of a Taliban invasion of the U.S.. :badgrin: :cuckoo:
Militant Islam relies heavily on extremely stupid people who are little more than walking munitions.

How do you negotiate with someone so anxious to die for his cause?

Answer: From a distance, with a scoped weapon.
It is inevitable that the United States will some day become an Islamic nation and be governed by Sharia Law.

When this happens will you flee the country or continue to live in America? :cool:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The end


Sunni hates that bit. He thinks he can get people to amend it away. He's going to be bitterly disappointed.

The only remaining question is, once he realizes that people aren't going to hand him his Caliphate, will he pick up an AK or strap on a Semtex vest?
I would probably have to Sunni, I would enjoy the Kabab stands and shawarma shops on every street but my life style of drinking, smoking and promiscous sex has no place under Islamic law, I would probably move to Brazil or something.:(
Most likely we would have to establish an infidel party zone for people like you to continue with your immoral kufar lifestyle.

Much like they do in the ME countries for tourists and other non muslims. :cool:
Or, you could move your backwards 7th-Century ass to Yemen and fuck all the goats you like.

Yes, that's a much better option.

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