Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??

If America becomes an Islamic country I will stay on the following conditions:
I can call a Muslim with a towel on his head a towel head. I probably would never do that but I want THE RIGHT to be able to do it.
I can call Mohammed a shit head. I probably would never do that but I want THE RIGHT to be able to do it.

The question IS NOT whether or not I will move when America becomes an Islamic country.
The question IS whether or not Sunni Man has THE BALLS to stand up to the radicals in his religion TO PROTECT my right to say whatever the fuck I want to.
"Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??"

Not a problem. Will never happen while I'm alive.
Do you honestly believe that the American people are going to allow that to happen? You must have a death wish.
The new crop of Americans growing up will most certainly allow it to happen. :cool:

This is true. Its our secret weapon. See, when Islam takes over, thees freeloading little bastards will be your problem. Ha! take that ! As for me, I worry about the six feet around me. Thats mine. If Islam stays the hell out of that then fine.
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Should the people turn away from Christ to Islam, they will be destroyed. Same as if they turn away from Christ for secularism.

The fact is only Christ has the power to save this nation. And this land is a land of promise to those who will covenant with God and serve Him freely. Christ teaches us the principles of the Gospel, it is by ignoring those principles we will destroy ourselves.

Our economy has already suffered because people decided to be dishonest, covetous, proud, violent, unwise stewards, etc. As we return to the values and principles Christ teaches us, we will find healing.
I think is funny how scared so many Americans are of the Taliban.

They are a rag tag army of civilians with no air force, navy, or heavy weapons.

Yet, many people here are terrified of a Taliban invasion of the U.S.. :badgrin: :cuckoo:
No one is afraid of an invasion by 7th-Century barbarians.

We are wary, however, of potential traitors such as yourself using the foolish left to force your backwards religion on us through government dictat.

Just so's you know -- never gonna happen.

Except for the fact that it is happening, now. They don't need to come here. We are happily going to them, with pen in hand.

There is an article in our constitution that states that any state law that conflicts with federal law is unconstitutional.
Billary, and the Obama's and GW and his dad are working very hard to implement a UN with the authority for global governance. Now. In real time. Their doctrine is that any constitution that conflicts with UN law is unconstitutional.

Obama doesn't have to bother himself with gun control in the US. Read the provisions of LOST (global gun control treaty) and ask your self WHY any American would think that is a good idea.
I can tell you one American that refused it outright on the grounds that it encroached on US sovereignty. That was Ronald Reagan.
Then ask why we would sign away our right to free speech, because we are signing that one too! Both subject to the World Court, NOT our court system.
Both treaties are the work of the OIC, The Org. of Islamic Conference. They changed that last part to Co-operation. We are subject to their provisions now.
Read the treaties and then ask, How many more opportunities will we give the Global Governance to sign away our constitution, while we do nothing at all?
Guns are worthless without ammo. Global doesn't have to come get you gun, they'll just ban the manufacturing of ammo. How easy is that?
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God has nothing to do with this or any other nation.
People are what fuck things up with their religion.
But make no mistake, Islam takes over governments 100 times more than Christianity.
I think is funny how scared so many Americans are of the Taliban.

They are a rag tag army of civilians with no air force, navy, or heavy weapons.

Yet, many people here are terrified of a Taliban invasion of the U.S.. :badgrin: :cuckoo:
No one is afraid of an invasion by 7th-Century barbarians.

We are wary, however, of potential traitors such as yourself using the foolish left to force your backwards religion on us through government dictat.

Just so's you know -- never gonna happen.

You guys really need to make up your mind. Either liberals are trying to ban religion and institute an atheist dictatorship, or they're trying to implement sharia. It can't be both.

Not really. You see, the left, in the name of multiculturalism, will bend over backwards (and sometimes forwards) to appease Muslims.
No one is afraid of an invasion by 7th-Century barbarians.

We are wary, however, of potential traitors such as yourself using the foolish left to force your backwards religion on us through government dictat.

Just so's you know -- never gonna happen.

You guys really need to make up your mind. Either liberals are trying to ban religion and institute an atheist dictatorship, or they're trying to implement sharia. It can't be both.

Not really. You see, the left, in the name of multiculturalism, will bend over backwards (and sometimes forwards) to appease Muslims.

I think Muslims in America are a good thing, they see ordinary Americans and realize that most of them don't even know where Afghanistan is. Shit, I've known people who didn't know where Canada is!!! And ordinary Muslims just want to live in peace and although still a very macho bunch, probably don't beat their wife(ves) any more than say, hispanics or any other group.
I just wouldn't let them into flight school. :D
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God has nothing to do with this or any other nation.
People are what fuck things up with their religion.
But make no mistake, Islam takes over governments 100 times more than Christianity.

There are 100 muslim countries? I won't even bother to Google...I'll just say you pulled that out of yur ass.
Hey Sunni man, how do you think Islam is going to take over America. They have more guns in America than the rest of the world put together.


As a good friend of mine called bag sniper, used to say, the only reason Islam exists in America is because they have not played cowboys and Muslims yet.
Islam is a tiny fraction in England and France too, but they are well on their way to being islamic. Not as close as Sweden is, but still close.

Islam will fight in the streets, but only as much fighting as is necessary to get the host government's compliance to their demands. They don't need the cooperation of the people, just the law makers.
Hey Sunni man, how do you think Islam is going to take over America. They have more guns in America than the rest of the world put together.


As a good friend of mine called bag sniper, used to say, the only reason Islam exists in America is because they have not played cowboys and Muslims yet.

Would we have had as much success killing the Indians if they had had dirty bombs and missiles with nuke warheads? It's a new day. What will you do when they (UN) ban the manufacturing of ammo, throw your guns at them?
We'd be better off shooting the pens out of our gov. hands. Why are we signing away our rights in favor of Muslim rules and regulations?
God has nothing to do with this or any other nation.
People are what fuck things up with their religion.
But make no mistake, Islam takes over governments 100 times more than Christianity.

There are 100 muslim countries? I won't even bother to Google...I'll just say you pulled that out of yur ass.

Okay, 50 times more than Christianity. Or 25 times or 44.9 times more.
What country in this world is run based on Christian religion?
How many countries are run on Islamic religion?
Obviously my point that GOD HAS NOTHING TO WITH THIS OR ANY OTHER NATION went 22.897653 feet over your head.
Pay attention next time.
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God has nothing to do with this or any other nation.
People are what fuck things up with their religion.
But make no mistake, Islam takes over governments 100 times more than Christianity.

There are 100 muslim countries? I won't even bother to Google...I'll just say you pulled that out of yur ass.

Its closer to fifty.

Actually its closer to 100 there are 57 member states in the OIC alone and the Arab League has 22 members and thats not counting non-member Islamic states.
Should the people turn away from Christ to Islam, they will be destroyed. Same as if they turn away from Christ for secularism.

The fact is only Christ has the power to save this nation. And this land is a land of promise to those who will covenant with God and serve Him freely. Christ teaches us the principles of the Gospel, it is by ignoring those principles we will destroy ourselves.

Our economy has already suffered because people decided to be dishonest, covetous, proud, violent, unwise stewards, etc. As we return to the values and principles Christ teaches us, we will find healing.

No Government made by man and run by man will survive when Jesus returns. Only God's Kingdom will survive.

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