Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??

also....shariah laws that are anti-Constitutional will never be allowed unless the Courts are stuffed with judges who are themselves muslim infiltrators who do not respect the Constitution as written......this belies your claim that a Muslim theocracy could be instituted fairly and Constitutionally....
As time go by there will be duly elected Judges who are muslim setting on the courts and making law. :cool:

Then such judges will be removed at the next election, or special election; and their rulings will be overturned on appeal. And like appointed judges will be impeached and removed from the bench, their decisions also overturned on appeal.

Any judge who allows his personal religious beliefs – Muslim or Christian - to influence his opinions in conflict with the Constitution and rule of law is not fit to serve, and will be removed accordingly.
Sunni, why are you silent on the atrocities of The Taliban?
Are you scared shitless of them and the Cat has your tongue?
We would do number on Islam...just like we did Christianity...we would sex it up
add some zing, put it in a slick package ..whiten up Muhammad give him blue eyes and lighter hair...start the first gay mosque
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also....shariah laws that are anti-Constitutional will never be allowed unless the Courts are stuffed with judges who are themselves muslim infiltrators who do not respect the Constitution as written......this belies your claim that a Muslim theocracy could be instituted fairly and Constitutionally....
As time go by there will be duly elected Judges who are muslim setting on the courts and making law. :cool:

You all can thank your preferred Deities that as time goes by, religion, both in general and in specific, will take on less and less political relevance.

:beer: To Globalization, education, assimilation and the Internet!!
your fucking insane

It is inevitable that the United States will some day become an Islamic nation and be governed by Sharia Law.

When this happens will you flee the country or continue to live in America? :cool:

Islam is a long way off of being more than 3% of the country and with our main immigrate growth comes from Catholics South of the border and non-Muslims from Asia, I would say moving from that 3% isn't happening anytime soon.

But there are other Western countries in high threat of an Islamic majority:
(1) France: France is already 10% Muslim. They are a key destination for both legal and illegal Muslim immigrants. Not to mention the muslims come in and abuse the welfare state that allows them to produce 5-8 babies per family at the expense of the natives, who have on average 1 child per household. Therefore while the native population numbers decrease every year, the Muslim population is BOOMING

(2) Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Belguim Britian: Other than having a smaller percentage the Muslims are having the same effect.

(3) Germany: Germany is different, since it's one of the top economies in the world and borders the Turkish Whore empire. Germany is getting invaded by Turks, M.E. Arabs, the Eastern European Muslims, Pakis, Afghanis etc. All bring their baggage and produce 5-8 kids per family. They abuse the welfare state at the expense of the natives and in effect the German native population is reducing 10 fold and the Muslim population is booming.

(4) Russia (Not typically considered Western, but a world power): Russia's population sits are 143 mil. Just a few years ago it was 147 mil. Back 10 years ago it was at 155 mil. It's decreasing every year and doesn't show any signs of slowing down any time soon. Native boon Russians reproduce at the slowest rate in the world (either them or the Japanese). Native Russia birth rate decreases have been so low for so long that the overall populations will decrease for a long time. HOWEVER, one segment of the population is growing both organically (overage of births to death) and inorganic (immigration) - you guess it - MUSLIMS!!! Right now the Muslim population makes up close to 25% of the Russia population. It could be just decades to when they start to approach 50%! Those will be dangerous times in mother Russia!
it appears that westerners need to start having larger families....
(plus stop their foolish immigration and welfare policies...)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oO_0b61HqA&feature=related]Muslim Demographics - WAKE UP !!! EUROPE, AMERICA, RUSSIA... - YouTube[/ame]
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Societies change; or in Obamasque terms, evolve".

50 years ago who would have believed our nation would have a black president, legalize homo marriage, or allow queers to openly serve in the military??

America becoming an Islamic based nation in 50 years could easily become a reality. :cool:

Now you're using words like could, when in the OP you voiced certainty.

You cite homo marriage and homos in the military while at the same time saying America is moving towards Islamic law.

Sunni Man has common sense, he just likes lying sometimes to get a rise out of ppl. This thread would be an instance of him lying, as common sense shows there's no chance the U.S. becomes an Islamic state.
Ummm... Yes. I was going to move to Mexico anyway. (See thread about what if ya wake up and Mittens is in the White House).

And Alec Baldwin was so sincere in honoring his promise.
Ummm... Yes. I was going to move to Mexico anyway. (See thread about what if ya wake up and Mittens is in the White House).

And Alec Baldwin was so sincere in honoring his promise.

Ya? What promise was that? And it has WHAT to do with me? I already have the boat.. the trailer.. my plan has been on track for a long time.

I'm sure there's no one on this board who doubts your honesty and integrity.
Christian fundemental to Islamic Fundemental?

And all this time I thought we were turning Iraq and Afganistan into little Philly and Little Baca Raton!!

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