Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??

Hey, if they want to leave Islam it's nothing to me; cause they are the ones going to Hell.

Besides, that just leaves the dedicated muslims to do the work of spreading Islam. :cool:
I don't believe the Taliban are fighting in order to spread Islam.

Just saying...........
Hey, if they want to leave Islam it's nothing to me; cause they are the ones going to Hell.

Besides, that just leaves the dedicated muslims to do the work of spreading Islam. :cool:

Each year an estimated 20,000 U.S. Muslims convert to Christianity....

A survey of 750 Muslims who converted to Christianity shows five predominant reasons they chose to follow Christ.

1.The lifestyle of Christians. Former Muslims cited the love that Christians exhibited in their relationships with non-Christians and their treatment of women as equals.

2.The power of God in answered prayers and healing. Experiences of God's supernatural work—especially important to folk Muslims who have a characteristic concern for power and blessings—increased after their conversions, according to the survey. Often dreams about Jesus were reported.

3.Dissatisfaction with the type of Islam they had experienced. Many expressed dissatisfaction with the Qur'an, emphasizing God's punishment over his love. Others cited Islamic militancy and the failure of Islamic law to transform society.

4.The spiritual truth in the Bible. Muslims are generally taught that the Torah, Psalms, and the Gospels are from God, but that they became corrupted. These Christian converts said, however, that the truth of God found in Scripture became compelling for them and key to their understanding of God's character.

5.Biblical teachings about the love of God. In the Qur'an, God's love is conditional, but God's love for all people was especially eye-opening for Muslims. These converts were moved by the love expressed through the life and teachings of Jesus. The next step for many Muslims was to become part of a fellowship of loving Christians.

5 Reasons Muslims Convert | Leadership Journal
It is inevitable that the United States will some day become an Islamic nation and be governed by Sharia Law.

When this happens will you flee the country or continue to live in America? :cool:

Agent provocatur. You know that won't happen, the way Muslims are going, they will be lucky if they will be still around in 100 years. Instead perhaps , a religion so maniacal and suicidaly devoted to the Cosmic Swine will persever. Then, it's about pork, baby. Submit to the will of the cosmic swine. PORKY AKBAR! That is what they will be saying. Suweee! Sharia law, in the US? Oink. No, not in a million years, kiddo. And you know it.
Each year an estimated 20,000 U.S. Muslims convert to Christianity....
I'm not going to get into a cut & paste battle on this issue.

But rest assured there are thousands of Christians who convert to Islam every year just here in America.

I personally know dozens who have rejected Christianity and embraced Islam the True religion. :cool:
It is inevitable that the United States will some day become an Islamic nation and be governed by Sharia Law.

When this happens will you flee the country or continue to live in America? :cool:

Most second generation Americans who are from Islamic backgrounds, that I know personally, wind up eating pulled pork bbq, shrimp, crab cakes, clam chowder, etc.. Of course, they'll be washing it down with a cold beer or glass of wine.
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Each year an estimated 20,000 U.S. Muslims convert to Christianity....
I'm not going to get into a cut & paste battle on this issue.

But rest assured there are thousands of Christians who convert to Islam every year just here in America.

I personally know dozens who have rejected Christianity and embraced Islam the True religion. :cool:
Islam is not the true religion, it is a lie made up by the pedophile pos mohammed.
How long is Islam going to last when one of your tweaked out suicidal murders gets hold of Pakistani/Iranian nuke material and slaughters a million innocent Parisians, Londoners, New Yorkers or nukes Israel? Please, you delusional creeps are living on barrowed time. And you know it. No other religion requires other religions or culture to submit to their will unless under war. Islam will destroy itself unless it can learn to compromise. And it won't, will it? Requiring Sharia law in non Muslim country is proof of THAT. Aint gonna happen, kiddo. I will save a pork chop for you.
I don't believe the Taliban are fighting in order to spread Islam.

Just saying...........

What nonsense.

Just sayin'.

I suppose they must actually be fighting in order to spread Calvinism.
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt; but I guess you aren't very bright after all.

The Taliban are fighting against an occupation army; not fighting in order to spread Islam. :cool:
I don't believe the Taliban are fighting in order to spread Islam.

Just saying...........

What nonsense.

Just sayin'.

I suppose they must actually be fighting in order to spread Calvinism.
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt; but I guess you aren't very bright after all.

The Taliban are fighting against an occupation army; not fighting in order to spread Islam. :cool:


Taliban shooting local police commander by 82mm rocket

LiveLeak.com - Taliban shooting local police commander by 82mm rocket - Warning:Graphic
Each year an estimated 20,000 U.S. Muslims convert to Christianity....
I'm not going to get into a cut & paste battle on this issue.

But rest assured there are thousands of Christians who convert to Islam every year just here in America.

I personally know dozens who have rejected Christianity and embraced Islam the True religion. :cool:

lol....dozens....? there are MILLIONS who are rejecting Islam.....and probably TENS OF MILLIONS who would like to reject Islam but are too scared for their lives....as people become more knowledgeable and enlightened Islam will become a dying religion....that is why muslims separate themselves and don't integrate....

from where are these dozens of converts you know.....from the jails....? is that where you got converted....? or were you just an ignorant teenager.....? :lol:
I don't believe the Taliban are fighting in order to spread Islam.

Just saying...........

What nonsense.

Just sayin'.

I suppose they must actually be fighting in order to spread Calvinism.
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt; but I guess you aren't very bright after all.

The Taliban are fighting against an occupation army; not fighting in order to spread Islam. :cool:

I'm bright enough to know that an occupation army was not staying at a luxury hotel.

I learned within just a few short posts that you are not bright at all.

I wonder if the prophet (swish) is happy with his murderous minions.
It is inevitable that the United States will some day become an Islamic nation and be governed by Sharia Law.

When this happens will you flee the country or continue to live in America? :cool:
When it doesn't happen, will you pick up an AK or strap on a Semtex vest?

also....shariah laws that are anti-Constitutional will never be allowed unless the Courts are stuffed with judges who are themselves muslim infiltrators who do not respect the Constitution as written......this belies your claim that a Muslim theocracy could be instituted fairly and Constitutionally....
As time go by there will be duly elected Judges who are muslim setting on the courts and making law. :cool:

Judges do not make law.
All an ethical Judge does IS INTERPRET the law.
Something about The Constitution.
We won this war once against organized religion and their influences on government.
If it came close to happening again we will be 2 for 2.
I don't believe the Taliban are fighting in order to spread Islam.

Just saying...........

What nonsense.

Just sayin'.

I suppose they must actually be fighting in order to spread Calvinism.
I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt; but I guess you aren't very bright after all.

The Taliban are fighting against an occupation army; not fighting in order to spread Islam. :cool:

Taliban were killing 12 year old girls that wanted to go to school long before we were there.
Taliban locked 30 elementary age girls in a school and burned the school down.
The "occupation army" is their propaganda.
I am surprised you were stupid enough to spread and believe it.
Judges do not make law.
Judges sure have made the law in several states when it comes to homo marriage. :(

No they didn't. All they did was rule that in those states there were no laws on the books to ban it and if there were laws then those laws violated the Constitution of that state.
Many states have banned it and those laws stand as constitutional laws.

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