Will you move when America becomes an Islamic country??

Actually, there is some research that will help muslims who wish to turn the US into a theocracy.

New: Copper Implant

The implant is specifically designed to be injected in the forehead.
When properly installed, it will allow the terrorist to speak to God.

No Anesthetic is required.

The implant may or may not be painless. Side effects, like
headaches, nausea, aches and pains are extremely temporary.

Some bleeding or swelling may occur at the injection site.
In most cases, you won't even notice it.

The exact size of the implant will be selected by a well-trained
and highly skilled technician, who will also make the injection.

It comes in various sizes: Generally from .223 to .50 cal.
As much as I dislike the gays.

I have to give them credit for being successful in basically achieving their stated agenda.

And their relentless use of the courts, judges, politicians, are a model for any group to copy in seeking social and legal change within the U.S.

The point you miss is that gay rights, from their perspective, were designed to remove an injustice. Islamist sharia, an ancient Arab theocratic code, imposes inequities and injustices and is utterly hostile to every precept of Western law and Western values.

It's a remarkable thing to see such that the wave of dictator displacements gripping the islamist Middle East are little more than mechanisms to replace theocratic dictatorships with theocratic totalitarians screeching the islamist politburo party line. The Salafi Islamist replacements are likely going to be just as Dark Age addled as the Iranian mullocrats. Make no mistake – theocratic Crusades (of the Salafi kind), are on the march across the Middle East. That prospect should send a chill to the very core of any non-islamist in the Middle East unfortunate enough to be staring into the gaping maw of a theocratic code cobbled together by a 7th century Arab warlord.

Unfortunately, what many Westerners are not taking away from these theocratic Crusades is that islamist social mores and sharia "law" are seen as the preferred (and legitimate), societal construct as opposed to Western values of equality under the law, rule of law, separation of church and state and principles whereby the rights of the few are not usurped by the will of the majority. To put a finer point on the matter, Moslems by and large want to be ruled by totalitarian Islamist regimes, this, in spite of their propensity for economic malaise, social inequities, denigration of religious / secular minorities and gender apartheid!

I find it laughable that the moslem sharia worshipper is flailing his pom poms for sharia law… all the while making an explicit choice not to live under the very system of inequality and gender apartheid he is promoting.
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Poor thing thinks anyone actually takes him seriously. Islamist coward pissants who hide under women's skirts and behind baby carriages aren't gonna change the USA. You can always get a few bootlicking lefties to run interference for ya, but when the shit hits the fan, you'll be be hiding just like your pals do.
There will be no need for violence or conflict as I have stated before.

We will use the courts, judges, politicians, laws, and the ballot box in order to further our agenda for America. :cool:

So will we, and if that doesn't work we will defend our nation with force. There is always a need for violence with fascists.

Righty right you are.
As much as I dislike the gays.

I have to give them credit for being successful in basically achieving their stated agenda.

And their relentless use of the courts, judges, politicians, are a model for any group to copy in seeking social and legal change within the U.S.

The point you miss is that gay rights, from their perspective, were designed to remove an injustice. Islamist sharia, an ancient Arab theocratic code, imposes inequities and injustices and is utterly hostile to every precept of Western law and Western values.

It's a remarkable thing to see such that the wave of dictator displacements gripping the islamist Middle East are little more than mechanisms to replace theocratic dictatorships with theocratic totalitarians screeching the islamist politburo party line. The Salafi Islamist replacements are likely going to be just as extreme Dark Age addled pious as the Iranian mullocrats. Make no mistake – theocratic Crusades (of the Salafi kind), are on the march across the Middle East. That prospect should send a chill to the very core of any non-islamist in the Middle East unfortunate enough to be staring into the gaping maw of a theocratic code cobbled together by a 7th century Arab warlord.

Unfortunately, what many Westerners are not taking away from these theocratic Crusades is that islamist social mores and sharia "law" are seen as the preferred (and legitimate), societal construct as opposed to Western values of equality under the law, rule of law, separation of church and state and principles whereby the rights of the few are not usurped by the will of the majority. To put a finer point on the matter, Moslems by and large want to be ruled by totalitarian Islamist regimes, this, in spite of their propensity for economic malaise, social inequities, denigration of religious / secular minorities and gender apartheid!

I find it laughable that the moslem sharia worshipper is flailing his pom poms for sharia law… all the while making an explicit choice not to live under the very system of inequality and gender apartheid he is promoting.
Yada, yada......blah, blah, blah...........

You are definitely a windbag stuffed full of hot air.

And most likely a butt ugly bull dyke with bad hygiene and a crappy attitude. :badgrin: :cuckoo:
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As much as I dislike the gays.

I have to give them credit for being successful in basically achieving their stated agenda.

And their relentless use of the courts, judges, politicians, are a model for any group to copy in seeking social and legal change within the U.S.

The point you miss is that gay rights, from their perspective, were designed to remove an injustice. Islamist sharia, an ancient Arab theocratic code, imposes inequities and injustices and is utterly hostile to every precept of Western law and Western values.

It's a remarkable thing to see such that the wave of dictator displacements gripping the islamist Middle East are little more than mechanisms to replace theocratic dictatorships with theocratic totalitarians screeching the islamist politburo party line. The Salafi Islamist replacements are likely going to be just as extreme Dark Age addled pious as the Iranian mullocrats. Make no mistake – theocratic Crusades (of the Salafi kind), are on the march across the Middle East. That prospect should send a chill to the very core of any non-islamist in the Middle East unfortunate enough to be staring into the gaping maw of a theocratic code cobbled together by a 7th century Arab warlord.

Unfortunately, what many Westerners are not taking away from these theocratic Crusades is that islamist social mores and sharia "law" are seen as the preferred (and legitimate), societal construct as opposed to Western values of equality under the law, rule of law, separation of church and state and principles whereby the rights of the few are not usurped by the will of the majority. To put a finer point on the matter, Moslems by and large want to be ruled by totalitarian Islamist regimes, this, in spite of their propensity for economic malaise, social inequities, denigration of religious / secular minorities and gender apartheid!

I find it laughable that the moslem sharia worshipper is flailing his pom poms for sharia law… all the while making an explicit choice not to live under the very system of inequality and gender apartheid he is promoting.
Yada, yada......blah, blah, blah...........

You are definitely a windbag stuffed full of hot air.

And most likely a butt ugly bull dyke with bad hygiene and a crappy attitude. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

Yada, yada......blah, blah, blah...........
This is what happens to the impotent moslem man when he’s dressed down by a girl. He’s left stuttering and mumbling

You are definitely a windbag stuffed full of hot air.
I can see your fragile honor has been damaged. If only you were back in the Islamist Middle East, you and your male relatives could have me killed.

And most likely a butt ugly bull dyke.
I look absolutely stunning in a burqa… with 5” heels and a teddy underneath it all.

I made the list of Most Likely to be "honor" killed by impotent moslem men.
Like I said; you are most likely a busy body lezbo of the worst kind.

On a personal mission to free the oppressed muslim women in hopes they will join your team. :badgrin: :cuckoo:
Like I said; you are most likely a busy body lezbo of the worst kind.

On a personal mission to free the oppressed muslim women in hopes they will join your team. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

You're now reduced to babbling incoherently.

The silly attempts at insults only reinforce a host of negative stereotypes about impotent moslem men and their hatred of women.
As the muslim population increases; so will their political power.

Slowly, the politicians will start to pander to the muslim demographics in order to gather votes.

Eventually, laws will be passed bring the U.S. into compliance with Sharia Law.

And because America is a democracy; the citizens will comply with the new laws that are enacted. :cool:

dream on sunniboy....

percentagewise the muslim population is going to remain just as small and inconsequential as they are today.....Catholics do not believe in sharia law.....and Catholic mexicans will reproduce much faster than Muslims.........since there are a WHOLE LOT MORE of them coming into America.....:cool:


also....shariah laws that are anti-Constitutional will never be allowed unless the Courts are stuffed with judges who are themselves muslim infiltrators who do not respect the Constitution as written......this belies your claim that a Muslim theocracy could be instituted fairly and Constitutionally....
Like I said; you are most likely a busy body lezbo of the worst kind.

On a personal mission to free the oppressed muslim women in hopes they will join your team. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

You're now reduced to babbling incoherently.

The silly attempts at insults only reinforce a host of negative stereotypes about impotent moslem men and their hatred of women.
I know that I am right about you.

And your lack of denial proves me right.

Besides, I have heard your type of non sense before; so it has zero effect on me. :badgrin:
Like I said; you are most likely a busy body lezbo of the worst kind.

On a personal mission to free the oppressed muslim women in hopes they will join your team. :badgrin: :cuckoo:

You're now reduced to babbling incoherently.

The silly attempts at insults only reinforce a host of negative stereotypes about impotent moslem men and their hatred of women.
I know that I am right about you.

And your lack of denial proves me right.

Besides, I have heard your type of non sense before; so it has zero effect on me. :badgrin:

You got me there with the lack of denial proving you're right.

Speaking of lack of denials, you have not denied that you have been arrested for trading sexual favors to men on the street for vials of crack cocaine. And your lack of denial proves me right.
also....shariah laws that are anti-Constitutional will never be allowed unless the Courts are stuffed with judges who are themselves muslim infiltrators who do not respect the Constitution as written......this belies your claim that a Muslim theocracy could be instituted fairly and Constitutionally....
As time go by there will be duly elected Judges who are muslim setting on the courts and making law. :cool:
Ummm... Yes. I was going to move to Mexico anyway. (See thread about what if ya wake up and Mittens is in the White House).

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgmL4HiHtdg]Tin Cup Chalice - YouTube[/ame]
As time go by there will be duly elected Judges who are muslim setting on the courts and making law. :cool:
They will be car bombed by their pious brethren for committing shirk.

Do you have an ample supply of them?... car bombs I'm talking about.

Oh my. I have yet more negative rep points and crude messages from Sunni man.

My dear sir, have you ever been under indictment or served time in jail for stalking?
My neg rep only had one word on the message box.

Which was the word "Nope" in reference to Hollie's post.

I welcome any Moderator to verify,and even post it, in order to prove this woman is a blatant liar in accusing me of sending her a crude message.

Thank You
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Oh my. I have yet more negative rep points and crude messages from Sunni man.

My dear sir, have you ever been under indictment or served time in jail for stalking?
Here are the two neg rep messages I have given you Hollie

I fail to see how either of these could be considered "crude" but it does make you a liar. :eusa_hand:

1) Will you move when America b... 06-24-2012 05:20 PM Hollie "Nope"

2) Islam is not inherently evil 06-23-2012 08:35 PM Hollie LOL, you are just plain silly

fyi This is a public message board and giving reps is a legitimate function and not stalking. :cool:
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Oh my. I have yet more negative rep points and crude messages from Sunni man.

My dear sir, have you ever been under indictment or served time in jail for stalking?
Here are the two neg rep messages I have given you Hollie

I fail to see how either of these could be considered "crude" but it does make you a liar. :eusa_hand:

1) Will you move when America b... 06-24-2012 05:20 PM Hollie "Nope"

2) Islam is not inherently evil 06-23-2012 08:35 PM Hollie LOL, you are just plain silly

fyi This is a public message board and giving reps is a legitimate function and not stalking. :cool:

I also have no issue with the mods reviewing your messages, their number, frequency and content.

If you're unable to respond to posts with little more than "bull dyke" comments, shouldn't you reconsider your participation?

Why post if your only offering is crude remarks and stalking the poster who holds you accountable for those remarks?

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