Will you watch the Presidents address tonight?

Pay back taxes...how do you find out what they made, be here for 5 years, seems they did that in 86 and ran across a shitload of ALTERED PAPER of all sorts to supposedly prove the invader was here in that time frame...waiting for the transcript to ripe it apart!... Spoke for 15 minutes referred to himself 31 times....:lmao::lmao::lmao:

This illegal immigration could be stopped by fining employers that hired illegals. Both parties dems, and repubs, like mass immigration for cheap wages and to keep Americans bickering among themselves. This way, they don't concentrate on the real problem of all the gains in productivity in the last 30-40 years having gone to the one percent, while wages have remained flat for the average worker.

Who are they, point them out, call AG Holder with the info...hold your breath!

All Democrat donors.... :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
There isnt enough third world garbage at the public trough already.....
What did you expect from a third world community organizer...
There isnt enough third world garbage at the public trough already.....
What did you expect from a third world community organizer...

I expected this from Obama. He's a moderate republican at heart, and if you think republicans don't want amnesty, look at bush trying to push it. He even promised it to Vicente Fox.
This is his attempt at a political Hail Mary, and we all know that he throws like a girl.:D It smacks of desperate political maneuvering by a man who is very aware that his legacy is in peril, and he feels that he has little left to lose at this point in the game.
I can't stand to watch this guy. I will keep close tabs on the speech with Fox review while the low information left is watching reruns of Seinfeld.
That's right, just watch Fox lie about the speech. BTW, Fox didn't carry the speech.
They played it live in it's entirety dumb ass.
That's close to a first- now for 2 weeks of bs dictator talk...

Hey Franco s0n........talking about 2 weeks.........have you managed to pull that red hot fire brand from your ass yet after that election???

C'mon s0n.....we all know you were the most miserable fuck on the whole board day after election day after the "Dups" wave!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:
I've been sick of you loudmouth brainwashed racist morons since you were the silent majority. lol. See sig for what you've done to our great country, stupid. Your "win" will do nothing but reveal you shytteheads. Disfunction is disfunction. Cruz-Palin 2016 lol...

Every prez. since Eisenhower has acted with the veto, but only one is now threatened with eternal damnation. But they weren't all black and junk.

Fact is, that speech did not propose anything at all radical. It was all common sense and about controlling the border and illegals.

But, the lies will continue.

Obama has proven himself to be a traitorous bastard. Unemployed Americans just got 5 million new competitors.


And guess which UNIONS will have members lose their jobs!

Which ones?
Any of the uneducated ones working shit jobs that pay more than they're worth

You sure are a nasty little character, aren't you?
You asked a question. I gave you a straight answer. If you're that delicate may I suggest you grow a pair.
It was on PBS and TWC news....pathetic "librul" corporate "news". Journalism is barely alive.


Whether or not you like this president, its pretty pathetic when our news outlets actually black out a presidential address.
Looking quickly at the transcript, the only thing that was of substance was the fact that HE won't deport ANYONE... everything else seems to be in the FAR FUTURE with nothing declarative... how do you do many of the things, like how many years of back taxes do you pay, how do you PROVE the salary these invaders made, & prove you aren't a NEW arrival?
This is his attempt at a political Hail Mary, and we all know that he throws like a girl.:D It smacks of desperate political maneuvering by a man who is very aware that his legacy is in peril, and he feels that he has little left to lose at this point in the game.
It's GOOD POLICY, GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY, and HUMANE. The BIPARTISAN Immigration Bill would be better. Tell the a-hole bought off Boehner to let the House pass it! Hater dupes!
This is his attempt at a political Hail Mary, and we all know that he throws like a girl.:D It smacks of desperate political maneuvering by a man who is very aware that his legacy is in peril, and he feels that he has little left to lose at this point in the game.
It's GOOD POLICY, GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY, and HUMANE. The BIPARTISAN Immigration Bill would be better. Tell the a-hole bought off Boehner to let the House pass it! Hater dupes!

Settle down, Francis...I wouldn't want you to stroke out.
Looking quickly at the transcript, the only thing that was of substance was the fact that HE won't deport ANYONE... everything else seems to be in the FAR FUTURE with nothing declarative... how do you do many of the things, like how many years of back taxes do you pay, how do you PROVE the salary these invaders made, & prove you aren't a NEW arrival?
He's been deporting more than anyone ever, and will continue. This makes it easier to find the bad ones, and the gd bipartisan bill would do MORE. Idiot.
That's right, just watch Fox lie about the speech. BTW, Fox didn't carry the speech.
They played it live in it's entirety dumb ass.
That's close to a first- now for 2 weeks of bs dictator talk...

Hey Franco s0n........talking about 2 weeks.........have you managed to pull that red hot fire brand from your ass yet after that election???

C'mon s0n.....we all know you were the most miserable fuck on the whole board day after election day after the "Dups" wave!!!:boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies::boobies:
I've been sick of you loudmouth brainwashed racist morons since you were the silent majority. lol. See sig for what you've done to our great country, stupid. Your "win" will do nothing but reveal you shytteheads. Disfunction is disfunction. Cruz-Palin 2016 lol...

Every prez. since Eisenhower has acted with the veto, but only one is now threatened with eternal damnation. But they weren't all black and junk.

Fact is, that speech did not propose anything at all radical. It was all common sense and about controlling the border and illegals.

But, the lies will continue.

What a bunch of mealy mouth bullshit. That speech was nothing but emotional anecdotes.

No surprise you were stupid enough to fall for it.
This is his attempt at a political Hail Mary, and we all know that he throws like a girl.:D It smacks of desperate political maneuvering by a man who is very aware that his legacy is in peril, and he feels that he has little left to lose at this point in the game.
It's GOOD POLICY, GOOD FOR THE COUNTRY, and HUMANE. The BIPARTISAN Immigration Bill would be better. Tell the a-hole bought off Boehner to let the House pass it! Hater dupes!

Settle down, Francis...I wouldn't want you to stroke out.
Hilarious, brainwashed functional moron. Ask a worthy family torn apart, or ponder us losing taxes from 2 million workers. It's only castles burning, dupe. For 30 years. See sig pp1.
Looking quickly at the transcript, the only thing that was of substance was the fact that HE won't deport ANYONE... everything else seems to be in the FAR FUTURE with nothing declarative... how do you do many of the things, like how many years of back taxes do you pay, how do you PROVE the salary these invaders made, & prove you aren't a NEW arrival?
He's been deporting more than anyone ever, and will continue. This makes it easier to find the bad ones, and the gd bipartisan bill would do MORE. Idiot.

No, he hasn't. He ALTERED the way they used to count deported, having to go through a judge was the way it used to be counted, now, ANYONE THEY STOP and is IMMEDIATELY sent back WITHOUT a court hearing is counted, over 500,000+ so far this year have been immediately sent back!.... I haven't looked into the House bill and reason it was held up...yet!
Pay back taxes...how do you find out what they made, be here for 5 years, seems they did that in 86 and ran across a shitload of ALTERED PAPER of all sorts to supposedly prove the invader was here in that time frame...waiting for the transcript to ripe it apart!... Spoke for 15 minutes referred to himself 31 times....:lmao::lmao::lmao:
Who said anything about past taxes? that's ridiculous. Just getting them legal from now on will pay off in the hundreds of billions in all kinds of ways...

As opposed to the $20K EACH that it would cost to deport.

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