William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department To Try To Save Trump

On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Yeah....he saved Trump from Mueller's announcement of no further indictments.
That means no charges....no proof.
No obstruction.....

Boy has he stuck his neck out for Trump. LOL
Stop Trolling the thread and Trolling me you Troll Boi, either post something relevant or GTFO.

LOL, you don't like being called out. Deal with it or put me on ignore, you acted like an ass and I'm giving it back to you.

You're trolling. Stop

Nope, I'm giving her what she gave me. Deal with it.

You're trolling. Gfy worm.

Never ever attempt to give me direction. You'll lose every time

I'll beat your ass every time. Fuck off.
Despite your support of Barr "impeachment" and your "Leftwing" bias nothing will happen to Rump or Barr. Eff off.

I'm a conservative and support Trump, you imbecile.

Christ almighty you're ignorant
No honey, it's you. You are a pompous twit.

Stop Trolling the thread and Trolling me you Troll Boi, either post something relevant or GTFO.

LOL, you don't like being called out. Deal with it or put me on ignore, you acted like an ass and I'm giving it back to you.

You're trolling. Stop

You and Lucy luvahs?

No. We're not gay....like you

I suppose technically that's true, Trans is something completely different.
We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?

The full unredacted report with all of Muellers notes, and any accomanying documents should be released to Congress immediately.If not Barr should be subpoenaed to testify why, and held in contempt of Congress in any event if he doesn't. The new Democratic President should use it's Justice Department to have him arrested, perp walked, and prosecuted immediately upon taking office, to send a loud message to the next Republican Attorney general to not even think about it.

If it's one thing I know about Republicans, it's that they are all pussy's that can't stand the taste of their own medicine.
What a dumb fuck

We were provided another example today of the screwed up Trump administration. According to The Hill, President Trump announced Wednesday that Barr would be holding a press conference and that he also might hold his own conference. Strange, this came from the President, not the Department of Justice.

It gets even stranger. Attorney General William Barr will hold a press conference Thursday morning on the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report before or soon after the Mueller Report is released. He will take questions, the DOJ got around to saying.

It’s not clear if the press conference will come before or after the release of the final 400-page report and its color-coded redactions.

How in the world can reporters ask intelligent questions about the Mueller Report without seeing its contents? Now that his strange. It is also pure Trump.

There are also questions about Barr's objectiveness based upon his findings late last month. Barr and his deputy, Rod Rosenstein, determined that Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Also, Barr told lawmakers that FBI officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign. Now that is strange. Again, pure Trump.

On another front, members of Congress will be able to see the Mueller Report "without certain redactions" after its public release, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. The disclosure of a version of the report without "certain redactions" came in a filing late Wednesday in the Roger Stone prosecution.

Again, the Trump administration is being coy with the English language. Unveil two sentences from the redacted version and you get the report "without certain redactions." What exactly does "without certain redactions" mean other than allowing as many redactions as Barr desires?

Barr refuses to give our representatives in Congress an unredacted version of the Mueller Report. There is very little doubt that Barr is trying to protect Trump from the report. He wants to put his spin on the report before Americans see it.

It won't work.
AG Barr is doing the right thing! It's patriotic!
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.

Folks, the left wing has already loaded their guns. They spent the whole day today on all the talk shows inferring to people that barr is releasing a report with all of the damaging things redacted, even though barr already explained what he will be redacting.

If the report doesnt show any incriminating things about trump, they will say the unredacted report must be released to the house because barr is covering for trump.

Dean obiedalah was already suggesting the house use the courts as a political tool against trump, and that they may actually be able get an unredacted version of the report through the impeachment process.
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Setting the stage to refuse to accept the report, I see. You wanted it for years, and now that you think it won't give you what you want, you try to trash it. The phrase, "sour grapes" comes to mind.
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?
The law gets in the way because there is stuff that even Congress is not privy to seeing. Isn't it enough that Barr worked with Mueller's team to do the redactions?
Mueller spent two years and issued over 5,000 subpoenas and interviewed more than 500 witnesses not to mention some midnight raids and he declared that there was no evidence to support the (non-crime) charge of collusion. Now the crazy angry left blames the A.G.? No surprises here.
  • White House and Justice Dept. Officials Discussed Mueller Report Before Release

    By Mark Mazzetti, Maggie Haberman, Nicholas Fandos and Katie Benner.....the N.Y. Slimes aka FAKE NEWS

    April 17, 2019

    WASHINGTON — Not all of Robert S. Mueller III’s findings will be news to President Trump when they are released Thursday morning.

    Justice Department officials have had numerous conversations with White House lawyers about the conclusions made by Mr. Mueller, the special counsel, in recent days, according to people with knowledge of the discussions. (WHAT PEOPLE...MORE anonymous sources???? )The talks have aided the president’s legal team as it prepares a rebuttal to the report and strategizes for the coming public war over its findings.

    A sense of paranoia is taking hold among some of Mr. Trump’s aides, some of whom fear his backlash more than the findings themselves, the people said. The report might make clear which of Mr. Trump’s current and former advisers spoke to the special counsel, how much they said and how much damage they did to the president — providing a kind of road map for retaliation. (As well they should be scared fire them and prosecute them if leaked classified information!)

    The discussions between Justice Department officials and White House lawyers have also added to questions about the propriety of the decisions by Attorney General William P. Barr since he received Mr. Mueller’s findings late last month..... (Trump is his boss, who would he talk to....Pencil Neck Adam Shitte?)

    Mr. Barr and his deputy, Rod J. Rosenstein, determined that Mr. Trump did not illegally obstruct justice and said the special counsel found no conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia’s 2016 election interference. Mr. Barr told lawmakers that officials were “spying” on the Trump campaign, raised ominous historical parallels with the illegal surveillance of Vietnam War protesters and pointedly declined to rebut charges that Mr. Mueller’s investigators were engaged in a “witch hunt.”

    (Excerpt) Read more at nytimes.com ...
Who gives a crap. Barr works for The President !! ROTFLMFAO!!! This is a nothing burger. The redacted report will NOT satisfy the leftist. They will flop around like caught fish on the bank of Truth and then they will die, GO TRUMP 2020 and 2024 (Don Jr.!!)
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Whatever Barr redacted will be viewed as covering for Trump

Unless Congress sees the whole report
So Schitt can leak it?
No! The FBI’s behavior has caused the public’s mistrust! Don’t blame it on Barr!

No one is going to believe you, Barr's a partisan whose proven to have put his ambition and Trump first, and not the Republican Party or our nation.
Are angry border line psychotic lefties really able to transfer their disappointment and anger to the Attorney General? There seems to be more cases of PTSD on the civilian left than among military Veterans.
No one is going to believe you, Barr's a partisan whose proven to have put his ambition and Trump first, and not the Republican Party or our nation.
Barr's honesty and fidelity to law really triggers you leftists.

That alone makes him a great American.

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