William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department To Try To Save Trump

Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?
Barr has already told them the areas that would be redacted and why!
No! The FBI’s behavior has caused the public’s mistrust! Don’t blame it on Barr!

The public had no mistrust of the FBI until Trump started undermining them in an effort to discredit the Russian Investigation, and the investigation into the NRA's receipt of Russian funds during the election. Just as Trump continually refers to the MSM as "fake news", his lies about security and law enforcement agencies in the US are not really being believed or taken seriously.

Trump has lied so often about so many things that even those who voted for him don't believe him.
No! The FBI’s behavior has caused the public’s mistrust! Don’t blame it on Barr!

The public had no mistrust of the FBI until Trump started undermining them in an effort to discredit the Russian Investigation, and the investigation into the NRA's receipt of Russian funds during the election. Just as Trump continually refers to the MSM as "fake news", his lies about security and law enforcement agencies in the US are not really being believed or taken seriously.

Trump has lied so often about so many things that even those who voted for him don't believe him.

On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Whatever Barr redacted will be viewed as covering for Trump

Unless Congress sees the whole report

Democrats have so much riding on the Mueller Report. For two years they've pumped the news full of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and it's already been exposed as lies.
They have to realize by now that most of the country has accepted that it's been a hoax all along and are howling at just how desperate Dems are to try and salvage something.....anything from the report, but it's over. It's over Democrats and you LOSE, again.
The majority of the country has already moved on.
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
The only trash being dumped is the lunatic portion of the DNC and other Trump-haters. This shows How the Democrat operatives work (it's crazy):

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department To Try To Save Trump

Obama weaponized the so called justice Dept....Barr is correcting that treasonous act by Obama.....
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Yeah....he saved Trump from Mueller's announcement of no further indictments.
That means no charges....no proof.
No obstruction.....

Boy has he stuck his neck out for Trump. LOL

How did he save him from nothing which what all the trumped up bullshit was from the get go. Now Barr gets to hang some real conspirators. The whiplash is gonna be deadly too.
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?

The full unredacted report with all of Muellers notes, and any accomanying documents should be released to Congress immediately.If not Barr should be subpoenaed to testify why, and held in contempt of Congress in any event if he doesn't. The new Democratic President should use it's Justice Department to have him arrested, perp walked, and prosecuted immediately upon taking office, to send a loud message to the next Republican Attorney general to not even think about it.

If it's one thing I know about Republicans, it's that they are all pussy's that can't stand the taste of their own medicine.
By law grand jury proceedings are secret. If Barr did give the unredacted report to Congress he would be in contempt of court.

Even democrats don't get to make up the law as they go along

You will just have to suck up the report and get over it.
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.

I can already smell your sorrow. It’s sweet.
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?

The full unredacted report with all of Muellers notes, and any accomanying documents should be released to Congress immediately.If not Barr should be subpoenaed to testify why, and held in contempt of Congress in any event if he doesn't. The new Democratic President should use it's Justice Department to have him arrested, perp walked, and prosecuted immediately upon taking office, to send a loud message to the next Republican Attorney general to not even think about it.

If it's one thing I know about Republicans, it's that they are all pussy's that can't stand the taste of their own medicine.
By law grand jury proceedings are secret. If Barr did give the unredacted report to Congress he would be in contempt of court.

Even democrats don't get to make up the law as they go along

You will just have to suck up the report and get over it.
You're right. Here's more in committee that spends the majority of the time about the problems of subpoenas from the Democrats:
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Whatever Barr redacted will be viewed as covering for Trump

Unless Congress sees the whole report

Democrats have so much riding on the Mueller Report. For two years they've pumped the news full of RUSSIAN COLLUSION and it's already been exposed as lies.
They have to realize by now that most of the country has accepted that it's been a hoax all along and are howling at just how desperate Dems are to try and salvage something.....anything from the report, but it's over. It's over Democrats and you LOSE, again.
The majority of the country has already moved on.

You speak for most of the country? That's a cool fantasy.
The full unredacted report with all of Muellers notes, and any accomanying documents should be released to Congress immediately.If not Barr should be subpoenaed to testify why, and held in contempt of Congress in any event if he doesn't. The new Democratic President should use it's Justice Department to have him arrested, perp walked, and prosecuted immediately upon taking office, to send a loud message to the next Republican Attorney general to not even think about it.

If it's one thing I know about Republicans, it's that they are all pussy's that can't stand the taste of their own medicine.

You post on three sites (with this name) and nobody on any of them believes a word you say....get lost.
No, William Barr has not trashed anything except the lies the DNC perpetrated against President Donald Trump, his staff, and his family. President Trump has told the truth throughout, Robert Mueller's Report cleared him of Colluding with the Russians, which was a ludicrous charge, considering that President Trump does not know the Russian language. lol

Tomorrow is the day Attorney General William Barr will set the record straight, for once and for all.
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.

Save him from what, exactly? Have you a "dailykos" link????
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.

Slate contributor Daniel Engber reflected on the changes that had occurred on the site since he started writing for it 15 years previously. He suggested that its original worldview, influenced by its founder Kinsley and described by Engber as "feisty, surprising, debate-club centrist-by-default" and "liberal contrarianism", had shifted towards "a more reliable, left-wing slant", whilst still giving space for heterodox opinions, albeit "tempered by other, graver duties". He argued that this was necessary within the context of a "Manichean age of flagrant cruelty and corruption", although he also acknowledged that it could be "a troubling limitation".[25]
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?
Redactions will be names.

Democrats are looking to doxx people.

Dims have their own criminal agenda. They can’t be trusted. When the report comes out, and focuses investigations where they should’ve been all along, the world [emoji289] will see. They create victims, while playing victim.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
On Thursday morning, Attorney General William Barr is scheduled to release a redacted version of the Mueller report to Congress and the public. Two days before that scheduled release, a federal judge issued a critical rebuke of Barr’s handling of the release of that report. “The attorney general has created an environment that has caused a significant part of the public … to be concerned about whether or not there is full transparency,” said U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton, a George W. Bush appointee, on Tuesday during a Mueller-related hearing.

The judge is right. Barr’s handling of the report has only served to sow public distrust of the Justice Department. As a former federal prosecutor, I would go further: The attorney general’s transparent efforts to protect President Donald Trump have done enormous damage to the department.

William Barr Has Trashed His Own Justice Department to Try to Save Trump

Lets see how long it takes weak sauce to move this one.
Whatever Barr redacted will be viewed as covering for Trump

Unless Congress sees the whole report

Sees and leaks to the public. They can’t be trusted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mueller spent two years and issued over 5,000 subpoenas and interviewed more than 500 witnesses not to mention some midnight raids and he declared that there was no evidence to support the (non-crime) charge of collusion. Now the crazy angry left blames the A.G.? No surprises here.

Barr had the 400 page report less than 48 hours, and managed to deduct Trump was that Trump is innocent, but has taken a month to release the report, after showing it to everybody else first to develop talking points, to cover their asses on a report that won’t be released until late in the day on Thursday, hours before Congress goes into recess for the Easter holiday, that supposedly exonerates Trump.

I wonder if Barr realizes we have put an attorney general before, and there’s nothing special about him?
Here's what I've wondering about this business of redacting stuff in this report:

Why couldn't a Democrat member or two from the Intelligence Committee, or whatever the hell committee might be appropriate, be present at the time the redactions are made so that they can know what's being redacted?

I realize the two parties aren't allowed to work together any more, but wouldn't that have made sense?

The full unredacted report with all of Muellers notes, and any accomanying documents should be released to Congress immediately.If not Barr should be subpoenaed to testify why, and held in contempt of Congress in any event if he doesn't. The new Democratic President should use it's Justice Department to have him arrested, perp walked, and prosecuted immediately upon taking office, to send a loud message to the next Republican Attorney general to not even think about it.

If it's one thing I know about Republicans, it's that they are all pussy's that can't stand the taste of their own medicine.
By law grand jury proceedings are secret. If Barr did give the unredacted report to Congress he would be in contempt of court.

Even democrats don't get to make up the law as they go along

You will just have to suck up the report and get over it.

The Constitution gives Congress the power of oversight of the executive.

The executive doesn’t get to make up the laws as they go along.
No! The FBI’s behavior has caused the public’s mistrust! Don’t blame it on Barr!

No one is going to believe you, Barr's a partisan whose proven to have put his ambition and Trump first, and not the Republican Party or our nation.

And the talking points narrative is clear. Set the stage to reject the report because it's not sufficiently damaging to Trump.

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