Wilson Didn't KNOW That Brown Stole Anything

CaféAuLait;9631669 said:
Ooops. So fresh off the wires that it's not on the 'net. The cop didn't know about the store theft. Oh, the wrinkles in this thing are beginning to make George Zimmerman look boring.

But Brown and his witness friend KNEW they just robbed a store, right? Brown and his friend most likely were on edge as the cop pulled up. The witness friend credibility is kaput if they robbed that store, I bet there is more to what happened between them as the cop rolled up on them and they thought he may be there to bust them.

The witness friend

said he ran off
I am not concerned with lefty or right interps right now because they do not serve truth and justice.

Much about the incident is still untold.
I am not concerned with lefty or right interps right now because they do not serve truth and justice.

Much about the incident is still untold.

Wait for the results of the autopsy & investigations(.)
I wonder if this Wilson redneck is somewhere in Nebraska right now. They gave him time to get patched up and out of town before they released his name. Chickenshits.

1. How do you know Wilson is a "redneck"
2. They could've released his name immediately....and then he and his family would've http://www.usmessageboard.com/images/smilies/evil.gifbeen dead. They reported there were death threats against them.

1. The definition fits a white person who treats a black person with no respect due to bias.
A white person who murders a black person due to bias is a super-redneck. My apologies
for not defining him as such.
2. Pure conjecture. How do you even know the dickhead has a family?

Witnesses say that Brown had his arm in the police car. Why? The police officer just told them to get on the sidewalk! Why did he have his arm in the car and the Officer have injuries to his face? He was such a "Gentle Giant?"

By chance did Brown and Johnson think that the cop knew about the robbery and was about to arrest them? Most likely. In their minds, they were resisting arrest. And that is a reason for the shooting. The officer was just attacked.

But we are both ahead of ourselves. Lets wait for the trial of Johnson and the investigation to carry on.
1. How do you know Wilson is a "redneck"
2. They could've released his name immediately....and then he and his family would've http://www.usmessageboard.com/images/smilies/evil.gifbeen dead. They reported there were death threats against them.

1. The definition fits a white person who treats a black person with no respect due to bias.
A white person who murders a black person due to bias is a super-redneck. My apologies
for not defining him as such.
2. Pure conjecture. How do you even know the dickhead has a family?

Witnesses say that Brown had his arm in the police car. Why? The police officer just told them to get on the sidewalk! Why did he have his arm in the car and the Officer have injuries to his face? He was such a "Gentle Giant?"

By chance did Brown and Johnson think that the cop knew about the robbery and was about to arrest them? Most likely. In their minds, they were resisting arrest. And that is a reason for the shooting. The officer was just attacked.

But we are both ahead of ourselves. Lets wait for the trial of Johnson and the investigation to carry on.

Forget it, Jackson. PeeParty knows what happened, he has some sort of ESP or something. We all may as well give up the rational, reasoned conversation...
The FPD are letting out information so slowly, to me that's a sign that CYA is in high gear.

I wonder if this Wilson redneck is somewhere in Nebraska right now. They gave him time to get patched up and out of town before they released his name. Chickenshits.

What an asshole thing to say !

For gods sake after rioting in town, one would think you would have the brains to know that the officer would have been in danger had they released his name early on.

His family, his home, all would have been in danger !

Use your fucking head before you post something like that !

Feeling sorry for a racist, trigger-happy cop. And you think I'm not using my head. You must be white.

I'd like to see you be the police officer who came across 2 juveniles who were blocking traffic and you told to get on the sidewalk. The one twice your size assaults you and runs off, and you get out of your cruiser wave at the perp and yell, "Have a great day!," because he's the opposite color of you. Right. You learn that that Gentle Giant just robbed the corner store, but you did the right thing.
Ooops. So fresh off the wires that it's not on the 'net. The cop didn't know about the store theft. Oh, the wrinkles in this thing are beginning to make George Zimmerman look boring.

Now we know that this is a patently false statement.
Ferguson officer realized during encounter that Michael Brown might be suspect in robbery, chief says

The officer who shot Ferguson teen Michael Brown stopped Brown and another teen because they were walking in the street, not because of a robbery a few minutes earlier, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Friday afternoon.

Jackson said the officer was aware cigars had been taken in the robbery of a store nearby, but did not know when he encountered Brown and Dorian Johnson that they might be suspects. He stopped them because they were walking in the street, Jackson said.

But Jackson told the Post-Dispatch that the officer, Darren Wilson, saw cigars in Brown's hand and realized he might be the robber.


What an asshole thing to say !

For gods sake after rioting in town, one would think you would have the brains to know that the officer would have been in danger had they released his name early on.

His family, his home, all would have been in danger !

Use your fucking head before you post something like that !

Feeling sorry for a racist, trigger-happy cop. And you think I'm not using my head. You must be white.

I'd like to see you be the police officer who came across 2 juveniles who were blocking traffic and you told to get on the sidewalk. The one twice your size assaults you and runs off, and you get out of your cruiser wave at the perp and yell, "Have a great day!," because he's the opposite color of you. Right. You learn that that Gentle Giant just robbed the corner store, but you did the right thing.

Except they weren't juveniles. Brown was 18, 6'4", 292 lbs. His partner is 22...
1. The definition fits a white person who treats a black person with no respect due to bias.
A white person who murders a black person due to bias is a super-redneck. My apologies
for not defining him as such.
2. Pure conjecture. How do you even know the dickhead has a family?

Witnesses say that Brown had his arm in the police car. Why? The police officer just told them to get on the sidewalk! Why did he have his arm in the car and the Officer have injuries to his face? He was such a "Gentle Giant?"

By chance did Brown and Johnson think that the cop knew about the robbery and was about to arrest them? Most likely. In their minds, they were resisting arrest. And that is a reason for the shooting. The officer was just attacked.

But we are both ahead of ourselves. Lets wait for the trial of Johnson and the investigation to carry on.

Forget it, Jackson. PeeParty knows what happened, he has some sort of ESP or something. We all may as well give up the rational, reasoned conversation...

Yes, you're right.
Ooops. So fresh off the wires that it's not on the 'net. The cop didn't know about the store theft. Oh, the wrinkles in this thing are beginning to make George Zimmerman look boring.

Now we know that this is a patently false statement.
Ferguson officer realized during encounter that Michael Brown might be suspect in robbery, chief says

The officer who shot Ferguson teen Michael Brown stopped Brown and another teen because they were walking in the street, not because of a robbery a few minutes earlier, Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson said Friday afternoon.

Jackson said the officer was aware cigars had been taken in the robbery of a store nearby, but did not know when he encountered Brown and Dorian Johnson that they might be suspects. He stopped them because they were walking in the street, Jackson said.

But Jackson told the Post-Dispatch that the officer, Darren Wilson, saw cigars in Brown's hand and realized he might be the robber.


That means when Brown assaulted Wilson, he was resisting arrest, Wilson was then shooting at Brown at which time he put up his hands and he was hit. It will most likely be a good hit. No challenge to the PO. All the blame on Brown.
CaféAuLait;9631669 said:
Ooops. So fresh off the wires that it's not on the 'net. The cop didn't know about the store theft. Oh, the wrinkles in this thing are beginning to make George Zimmerman look boring.

But Brown and his witness friend KNEW they just robbed a store, right? Brown and his friend most likely were on edge as the cop pulled up. The witness friend credibility is kaput if they robbed that store, I bet there is more to what happened between them as the cop rolled up on them and they thought he may be there to bust them.

The witness friend

said he ran off

He gave another interview to MSNBC where he clearly stated the cop shot him multiple times as he exited the car and 'the witness' said he was right there by the shoulder of the cop and his friend. I posted the link somewhere. In fact he said he was so close he saw the 'fire' coming from the cops gun as the cop shot his friend over and over on the ground.

The stories don't mesh.
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I want to know just how stupid someone would have to be to have just robbed a convenience store...then refuse to get out of the way when a Police cruiser comes down the street? Seriously? You're going to bust the cop's balls about getting on the sidewalk? There is stupid...and then there is STUPID!!!

Doesn't matter if Brown's IQ was two digits, now does it?

The cop killed him without cause. Brown was running away from him. You don't shoot somebody after an altercation has occurred and the subject is running away after their initial crime is being a wise-ass.

You seriously think if it was black cop this would have happened? No way.

If it was a Black Cop , we never would have heard about it -it would be a non issue. That however doesn't change the fact - regardless of what Brown did b4 he got killed - all evidence available indicates there was no reason to shoot the thug .
The FPD are letting out information so slowly, to me that's a sign that CYA is in high gear.

I wonder if this Wilson redneck is somewhere in Nebraska right now. They gave him time to get patched up and out of town before they released his name. Chickenshits.

What an asshole thing to say !

For gods sake after rioting in town, one would think you would have the brains to know that the officer would have been in danger had they released his name early on.

His family, his home, all would have been in danger !

Use your fucking head before you post something like that !

Feeling sorry for a racist, trigger-happy cop. And you think I'm not using my head. You must be white.

Strange that you believe the strong arm robbers who just assaulted a man in his store while stealing cigarillos. What makes you believe he would not attack the cop he thought may be there to arrest him for the robbery and assault? Hummmm

Everybody jumped to conclusions because this witness told what I believe to be a BS story, esp given he claimed he said to the cop as the cop told them to get out of the street:

'We won't be but a minute Officer, we will surely be off the street then'

Sure that's what he said. LOL
CaféAuLait;9632640 said:
CaféAuLait;9631669 said:
But Brown and his witness friend KNEW they just robbed a store, right? Brown and his friend most likely were on edge as the cop pulled up. The witness friend credibility is kaput if they robbed that store, I bet there is more to what happened between them as the cop rolled up on them and they thought he may be there to bust them.

The witness friend

said he ran off

He gave another interview to MSNBC where he clearly stated the cop shot him multiple times as he exited the car and 'the witness' said he was right there by the shoulder of the cop and his friend. I posted the link somewhere. In fact he said he was so close he saw the 'fire' coming from the cops gun as the cop shot his friend over and over on the ground.

The stories don't mesh.

I'd like to see a link for that one. I've seen four accounts by Johnson and the only one he talked about the muzzle fire in, was when he was referring to the first shot (where Wilson and Brown were struggling through the window of the car) Then Johnson said he and Brown ran, Johnson crouched behind a car, the officer got out of his car and perused, then a second shot hit Brown who turned toward the officer, A) [Brown put his hands up and said he was unarmed], B) [Brown put his hands up and started to say he was unarmed], or C) [Brown started to put his arms up and was going to say he was unarmed but didn't get the words out] because he was shot again. -- Those are the three different accounts I've heard from Johnson.
CaféAuLait;9632640 said:
The witness friend

said he ran off

He gave another interview to MSNBC where he clearly stated the cop shot him multiple times as he exited the car and 'the witness' said he was right there by the shoulder of the cop and his friend. I posted the link somewhere. In fact he said he was so close he saw the 'fire' coming from the cops gun as the cop shot his friend over and over on the ground.

The stories don't mesh.

I'd like to see a link for that one. I've seen four accounts by Johnson and the only one he talked about the muzzle fire in, was when he was referring to the first shot (where Wilson and Brown were struggling through the window of the car) Then Johnson said he and Brown ran, Johnson crouched behind a car, the officer got out of his car and perused, then a second shot hit Brown who turned toward the officer, A) [Brown put his hands up and said he was unarmed], B) [Brown put his hands up and started to say he was unarmed], or C) [Brown started to put his arms up and was going to say he was unarmed but didn't get the words out] because he was shot again. -- Those are the three different accounts I've heard from Johnson.

Give me a sec, I posted it last night its from MSNBC
I wonder if this Wilson redneck is somewhere in Nebraska right now. They gave him time to get patched up and out of town before they released his name. Chickenshits.

1. How do you know Wilson is a "redneck"
2. They could've released his name immediately....and then he and his family would've been dead. They reported there were death threats against them.

1. The definition fits a white person who treats a black person with no respect due to bias.
A white person who murders a black person due to bias is a super-redneck. My apologies
for not defining him as such.
2. Pure conjecture. How do you even know the dickhead has a family?
Pure hate. You know of no bias.

Wow, this incident has really unhinged a few people.
Okay, sorry you were correct, he did not mention the 'fire' this time but did say this:

“I could see so vividly what was going on because I was so close,” said Johnson, who said he was within arm’s reach of both Brown and the officer when the first of several shots was fired at the teen. Johnson says he feared for his life as he watched the officer squeezing off shot after shot.

Eyewitness to Michael Brown shooting recounts his friend's death | MSNBC

And here is the supposed statement they made to the cop, which rings completely untrue, what kid or even 22 year old speaks to anyone this way:

“A police officer squad car pulled up,” Johnson recalled. “And when he pulled up, these was his exact words, he said, ‘Get the f*ck on the sidewalk.’ And we told the officer we was not but a minute away from our destination, and we would surely be out of the street

Witnesses: Shooting of MO teen began with cops telling him to ?get the f*ck on the sidewalk?
The FPD are letting out information so slowly, to me that's a sign that CYA is in high gear.

I wonder if this Wilson redneck is somewhere in Nebraska right now. They gave him time to get patched up and out of town before they released his name. Chickenshits.

What an asshole thing to say !

For gods sake after rioting in town, one would think you would have the brains to know that the officer would have been in danger had they released his name early on.

His family, his home, all would have been in danger !

Use your fucking head before you post something like that !

Feeling sorry for a racist, trigger-happy cop. And you think I'm not using my head. You must be white.

What proof do you have that he's racist?
Well...they had me fooled. And shitloads of other people around the ol USA were fooled as well.
From now on, any time shit happens I will take it all with a grain of salt. Buncha fuckin' liars.

Same here Gracie..I still don't like the militarization of the police dept there.

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