Wilson Seemed OK at the Scene of the Crime

While I can agree that it seems like a reasonable assumption that had Wilson been injured he'd show some sign of pain, my personal experience with my husbands multiple neck fractures just doesn't bode that assumption out.
The person who started the Wilson "orbital fracture" story was a notorious right-wing blogger who exists even more on the fringe than, say, Alex Jones.

He claimed to have a source from within the department who gave him an exclusive copy of Wilson's x-rays which showed an orbital fracture.

Of course, the blogger just made that up and took an x-ray out of a textbook, altered it, and then published the story as if it were fact. His name is Jim Hoft and he writes over at Gateway Pundit. His commenters are about the worst of the worst kinds of ideologically bankrupted people and racists to boot.

After he posted the big orbital lie, Fox News actually ran with it, and then the NY Post, and then ABC.

At least the ABC journalist walked it back.

The others have not. They keep perpetuating the lie. Over the last 24 hours though, the media is overwhelmingly reporting the truth according to the police chief, which is that Wilson's face was swollen but definitely not broken, based on his actual x-rays, which have not been released to anyone.
So that's him walking around with the other cop? He sure doesn't look like someone who's just had his eye socket moved into the second position. Doesn't look like he's physically incapacitated in any way.

I know you Wilson Willies will blow pixelated methane and not even watch the video, so I have my plastic tarp up and ready.

Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown, says source
Darren Wilson, the Ferguson, Mo., police officer whose fatal shooting of Michael Brown touched off more than a week of demonstrations, suffered severe facial injuries including a bone fracture near one eye and was nearly beaten unconscious by Brown moments before firing his gun, a source close to the department's top brass told FoxNews.com.""
Doesn't seem like someone who was almost beaten unconscious to me, even from across the street where this was video-taped. And given that we can see Brown's blood on the street, Wilson looks untainted.
Missouri cop was badly beaten before shooting Michael Brown says source Fox News

Oh ya huh, why didn't I notice that? ;)
Adrenalin and shock.

Doesnt account for unconsciously touching your eye because it itches due to swelling. I'd bet money he had someone clock him one later and then went to the hospital. BTW he didnt have a broken eye socket like the liars claimed. His face was swollen.

Oh you'd "bet money."

Well then, it must not only be possible, but even probable.


I'd say its probable. Cops frame people all the time. In the video the other cop doesnt look like he is buying Wilsons story. He showed no sign of injury now later his face is swollen? Not saying Brown didnt hit him but just maybe he didnt and the cop needed something to frame him.

Probably what REALLY happened was that he was on his way home that evening and a couple of black thugs played the "knock out game" on him. That kind of stuff happens everywhere.
Other than claiming to be able to diagnose eye injuries from filming people from a distance of 30 yards or more, do you have a point?

I've changed my O/P to reflect your stupidity and my initial lack of attention to detail.

So you think disputing the diagnosis of "a source close to the department's top brass" makes your diagnosis more credible.

I posted a video that goes into direct conflict with Fox NOISE. Your argument isn't with me, it's with the "GO TO" "news" source for bias.

Other than claiming to be able to diagnose eye injuries from filming people from a distance of 30 yards or more, do you have a point?

I've changed my O/P to reflect your stupidity and my initial lack of attention to detail.

So you think disputing the diagnosis of "a source close to the department's top brass" makes your diagnosis more credible.

I posted a video that goes into direct conflict with Fox NOISE. Your argument isn't with me, it's with the "GO TO" "news" source for bias.

Actually, its with both you and I guess FNC (the only FNC I watch is what you post).

Neither the MSM or anyone else has a monopoly on fabricating some imaginary diagnosis, or cause for injury.

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