Wind Farm Seeks Permit to KILL GOLDEN EAGLES

In an ideal world, we wouldn't need energy. The temperature would stay the same balmy 70F, day or night. It would only rain at night, when everyone was safely tucked into they leafy nests, hung safely from giant trees. Food would grow, ripe for the picking and in such perfect abundance we would never need to consume our fellow creatures. Everyone would love everyone else and we'd all live together in perfect harmony. We would suffer no pain, no hunger, no envy of what others had 'cause of course, we'd all have exactly the same things everyone else had, no need to redistribute one person's good to others. No one would have to work, or toil, or labor. Nothing would have to be earned, so there would be no need for income equality.
Alas, Shangri La was lost. Eden was lost. Atlantis was lost. Too bad this isn't the ideal world.

It isn't, thanks to free will coupled to ignorance and gullibility and self-centeredness and irresponsiblity. That’s why the American electorate is in the process of excorcising those traits from our government.

That's why Boehner is toast.

That’s why the return to competent government and progress is at hand.

Funny how your guys "progress" always ends up with millions dead.

Either dead or totally dependent on the largesse of government. But you have to cull the herd in order to prolong the agony of the rest. It's pretty obvious that in the case above, free will is equal to wholesale destruction of the ideal world.
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You'll have to show me evidence that petroleum facilities are getting fined far and wide for bird deaths because I conducted environmental assessments and investigations of such facilities throughout the 1990s and 2000s and never saw bird kills as a serious compliance issue at any except at certain facilities such as oil and wastewater pits.

FOX News - Top Stories - FLIGHT OF HYPOCRISY? Feds Fine Oil Firms, Ignore Wind Farms Killing Birds

Oil Companies Prosecuted for Avian Deaths but Wind Companies Kill Birds With Impunity

Bird Death Fines Depend On Who Kills The Birds

Big Oil pays big bucks for bird kills, while wind farms breathe easy | Alaska Dispatch

Following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010, BP was fined $100 million for the damage it caused to bird populations in the area, both migratory and resident. A similar punishment was doled out to Exxon Mobil Corp. in the wake of its 1989 spill from the Exxon Valdez tanker in Alaska's Prince William Sound. In that incident, an estimated 250,000 sea birds and about 250 eagles were killed, about half of the predicted number killed each year by wind turbine activity.

he AP notes that it can be difficult to nail down the exact number of birds killed each year by wind turbines because companies are not required to report bird kills.

It doesn't take much research to find the evidence that you claim to be unaware of. The fact that you claim to have been involved in such investigation and remain unaware speaks volumes.

If he doesn't look, he won't find. If he doesn't find, the information doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist, no one can deny the "facts" he so firmly clings to as gospel truth.
Buildings do, in fact, alter wind flow, and present much larger obstacles for birds than windfarms (which is why so many birds are killed by them), so what, exactly, is your point here?

Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

Please provide some links detailing the amount of damage to avian populations, migratory or indigenous, that is caused by buildings or other stationary structures NOT related to energy production.
Buildings do, in fact, alter wind flow, and present much larger obstacles for birds than windfarms (which is why so many birds are killed by them), so what, exactly, is your point here?

Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

Migratory birds are NOT the issue.. Raptors are...
And the issue is denial of habitat by annihilation...
Buildings do, in fact, alter wind flow, and present much larger obstacles for birds than windfarms (which is why so many birds are killed by them), so what, exactly, is your point here?

Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

Which miagratory birds are in danger of extinction due to buildings?

Raptors certainly are in such danger as a result of windmills.
I don't have to do jack shit.

In 2009 Exxon was fined $7,000 per bird, yet the wind industry is allowed to apply for permits to kill bald eagles??? :lol:

in 2011 seven North Dakota oil companies charged in federal court

with the deaths of 28 migratory birds

Yet the federal government not only promotes the wanton slaughter by wind farms, they intend to issue fucking permits. This is rich, Jerry. RICH!

the current federal government that has since day one been crony and places favorites
Two i have not ignored any facts because you have not shown any

you post quite a bit opinion but not much more

Then please address this, which I have posted for you four times now, and which you have ignored each time.

As I informed you several times now, windmills kill 0.003% of all birds killed by humans in the US. Also, wind mills kill less birds each year, down by1/3 in the past decade in some countries.

btw. I apologise if the quote was not yours, but it was in your statement. If you were quoting someone else, the comment was not marked as a quote.

What percentage of "all things human" are windmills. Of all the human structures on earth that kill birds, what percentage do windmills account for? Looked at in that light, it is clear that windmills are a bane on wildlife that flies.

"all things human" would include more then then just buildings

that would include




and more
Buildings do, in fact, alter wind flow, and present much larger obstacles for birds than windfarms (which is why so many birds are killed by them), so what, exactly, is your point here?

Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

How many times have you seen a bird strike the side of a building? I never have.
It isn't, thanks to free will coupled to ignorance and gullibility and self-centeredness and irresponsiblity. That’s why the American electorate is in the process of excorcising those traits from our government.

That's why Boehner is toast.

That’s why the return to competent government and progress is at hand.

Funny how your guys "progress" always ends up with millions dead.

You're thinking of the Bushman's war on Islam.

Be specific about progress resulting in millions dead.

As near as I can tell solving problems before there are millions dead is what liberals add to humanity.

You mean the way that liberal Neville Chamberlain resolved the problem of Adolf Hitler? What was it he said? Oh yeah, "peace in our time."
Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

How many times have you seen a bird strike the side of a building? I never have.

i have not seen one strike a building

but a couple of times hitting a window

both times they lived

both of them were robins
Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

How many times have you seen a bird strike the side of a building? I never have.

When I was a student at EKU, a ten story woman's dormitory, which was built right in the migration path of millions of black birds, would get hammered every fall with bird strikes. This sort of thing happens all the time, whether or not you've ever seen it.
They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

How many times have you seen a bird strike the side of a building? I never have.

When I was a student at EKU, a ten story woman's dormitory, which was built right in the migration path of millions of black birds, would get hammered every fall with bird strikes. This sort of thing happens all the time, whether or not you've ever seen it.

oh my shocking

It isn't, thanks to free will coupled to ignorance and gullibility and self-centeredness and irresponsiblity. That’s why the American electorate is in the process of excorcising those traits from our government.

That's why Boehner is toast.

That’s why the return to competent government and progress is at hand.

Funny how your guys "progress" always ends up with millions dead.

Either dead or totally dependent on the largesse of government. But you have to cull the herd in order to prolong the agony of the rest. It's pretty obvious that in the case above, free will is equal to wholesale destruction of the ideal world.

Why do all free will conservatives all spout exactly the same rhetoric at the same time in the same words?
Funny how your guys "progress" always ends up with millions dead.

You're thinking of the Bushman's war on Islam.

Be specific about progress resulting in millions dead.

As near as I can tell solving problems before there are millions dead is what liberals add to humanity.

You mean the way that liberal Neville Chamberlain resolved the problem of Adolf Hitler? What was it he said? Oh yeah, "peace in our time."

No I mean Republicans have run from so many problems that their only remaining strategy is to drag Democrats and the country to failure. Boehner 's current mission.
Buildings do not consist of blades moving in excess of 100 mph.

They don't have to be. All they have to do is stand in the flight paths of migratory birds and block the way. All their glass covered facades have to do is be confusing to the vision of birds and BLOCK the way. All they have to do is create wind tunnels around their structures and direct where birds can and cannot fly when in their vicinity.

How many times have you seen a bird strike the side of a building? I never have.

You have to spend time outside to see it.
I'll tell you this driving down the Columbia river gorge with hundreds of miles of windmills, is a fucking eyesore.

Of course dumb shit Democraps don't give a shit about eyesores unless it directly involves them. Fucking self absorbed assholes!
I'll tell you this driving down the Columbia river gorge with hundreds of miles of windmills, is a fucking eyesore.

Of course dumb shit Democraps don't give a shit about eyesores unless it directly involves them. Fucking self absorbed assholes!

out here it wreaks the night sky

hundreds of flashing red lights flashing on and off in unison
I'll tell you this driving down the Columbia river gorge with hundreds of miles of windmills, is a fucking eyesore.

Of course dumb shit Democraps don't give a shit about eyesores unless it directly involves them. Fucking self absorbed assholes!

out here it wreaks the night sky

hundreds of flashing red lights flashing on and off in unison

Oh, yeah...forgot the mandatory warning to airmen...too bad the raptors don't recognize flashing red lights...

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