Wind Farms...a Bad Idea All The Way Around...

Remember when Teddy Kennedy was all gung ho about windfarms...until someone wanted to put one in where he would see one from his mansion on Cape Cod and then Teddy K was suddenly against them?

Good times.
Check it out. Someone fell for the "Wind Turbine Syndrome" ambulance-chaser nonsense.

It would be more correct to name it "Jealous Neighbor Syndrome", since nobody who ever got money from it ever came down with "Wind Turbine Syndrome". In China, with densely packed people and wind turbines, there's no "Wind Turbine Syndrome" to be found anywhere. It's just an excuse NIMBY's use.

And that famous case in the USA where the couple supposedly had to leave their home because an evil wind turbine made them ill? It turns out the home had a severe mold problem. The couple failed to mention that. After all, you can't sue someone else for your house having mold.
Check it out. Someone fell for the "Wind Turbine Syndrome" ambulance-chaser nonsense.

It would be more correct to name it "Jealous Neighbor Syndrome", since nobody who ever got money from it ever came down with "Wind Turbine Syndrome". In China, with densely packed people and wind turbines, there's no "Wind Turbine Syndrome" to be found anywhere. It's just an excuse NIMBY's use.

In china the people can't complain. Really, you bring up China????

If a person has to deal with background noise from a turbine and not be compensated for it, you find that perfectly acceptable?
I find it perfectly acceptable that I'm not compensated for the background noise from a nearby highway.

But then, I'm not a crybaby, and have little sympathy for crybabies.
If a person has to deal with background noise from a turbine and not be compensated for it, you find that perfectly acceptable?

NIMBYs are NIMBYs, regardless of why. Have you ever been compensated for harsh sunlight? Do you send bills to drivers of cars that dare to have running engines near you? Do you track folks down for whistling while within your earshot?

Please. NIMBYs looking for deep pockets are dime a dozen in America nowadays, go pick on the normal folks, sue for worker's comp, pretend to be disabled and get SSI, leave the folks alone trying to generate power ( so you can whine on the internet if nothing else) for all those who DON'T have the first instinct to try and parasite off everyone else.
An executive order granted windmill farms a 30 year permit to kill eagles, hawks, condors, hummingbirds and every other migratory bird species. Where is PETA?
Check it out. Someone fell for the "Wind Turbine Syndrome" ambulance-chaser nonsense.

It would be more correct to name it "Jealous Neighbor Syndrome", since nobody who ever got money from it ever came down with "Wind Turbine Syndrome". In China, with densely packed people and wind turbines, there's no "Wind Turbine Syndrome" to be found anywhere. It's just an excuse NIMBY's use.

And that famous case in the USA where the couple supposedly had to leave their home because an evil wind turbine made them ill? It turns out the home had a severe mold problem. The couple failed to mention that. After all, you can't sue someone else for your house having mold.
From the whacko that thinks hydraulic fracturing causes faucets to flame.
Mr H, why do you think fracking causes faucets to flame?

And why are you kissing the ass of NIMBYs? That makes you appear to be a NIMBY parasite yourself.
An executive order granted windmill farms a 30 year permit to kill eagles, hawks, condors, hummingbirds and every other migratory bird species. Where is PETA?

Collecting and cooking the carcasses to feed to the homeless?
If a person has to deal with background noise from a turbine and not be compensated for it, you find that perfectly acceptable?

NIMBYs are NIMBYs, regardless of why. Have you ever been compensated for harsh sunlight? Do you send bills to drivers of cars that dare to have running engines near you? Do you track folks down for whistling while within your earshot?

Please. NIMBYs looking for deep pockets are dime a dozen in America nowadays, go pick on the normal folks, sue for worker's comp, pretend to be disabled and get SSI, leave the folks alone trying to generate power ( so you can whine on the internet if nothing else) for all those who DON'T have the first instinct to try and parasite off everyone else.

So basically fuck property rights, eh?
Mr H, why do you think fracking causes faucets to flame?

And why are you kissing the ass of NIMBYs? That makes you appear to be a NIMBY parasite yourself.

It doesn't. What may cause that is breaks in the gas line getting the gas from the bearing strata to the surface. And then it can only be caused in breaks in the line IN the water bearing strata. This has nothing to do with fracking and everything to do with normal natural gas production and can be monitored via observation of expected well pressure vs actual.
I find it perfectly acceptable that I'm not compensated for the background noise from a nearby highway.

But then, I'm not a crybaby, and have little sympathy for crybabies.

Most of the time the highway was there already, and there are plenty of cases where governments have had to put up sound barriers.
An executive order granted windmill farms a 30 year permit to kill eagles, hawks, condors, hummingbirds and every other migratory bird species. Where is PETA?

PETA is on the side of animals....just as it is when animals die as a result of coal, nuclear or solar facilities.

ALL forms of energy production involve some impact on local wildlife. Smart people can distinguish between forms that kills millions of birds, and those that kills hundreds.
Wind Turbines,. what do the advocates post, platitudes, nothing more.

Technically, what is posted, cost, amount of material used, mean time between failures?

All they got is, it's Green and Free, yet it's not.
So basically fuck property rights, eh?

If you allow someone to build a windfarm on your property, you don't get to complain about the noise. You don't get to make up diseases to hassle OTHER property right's owners, most of the time you don't even get to pretend windmills make that much noise. So all you are left with is standard NIMBY, bitch, whine, moan, etc etc.
Remember when Teddy Kennedy was all gung ho about windfarms...until someone wanted to put one in where he would see one from his mansion on Cape Cod and then Teddy K was suddenly against them?

Good times.
He also never supported brain cancer research...until he got it.
Remember when Teddy Kennedy was all gung ho about windfarms...until someone wanted to put one in where he would see one from his mansion on Cape Cod and then Teddy K was suddenly against them?

Good times.

Im from Massachusetts. What Steven said is true. I,however, am 100% behind wind.

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