Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".
When you reach the third grade you will begin to understand that nuclear accidents (when they occur) are far more deadly than a tsunami ...... and much, much, much more long-lasting. Genetic Deformities last for Generations, in fact.

Before you make a bigger fool of yourself, buy a ticket to Hiroshima or Nagasaki....

Radioactive materials have very long half-lives.. But toxic battery waste has INFINITE half-life in disposal... And you can power a large home on 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel for a year.. That's the size of one "AA" battery and disposal of something LIKE THAT - is a lot easier than disposing of electric car batteries or mercury filled CFLs...
Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
Before you make a bigger fool of yourself, buy a ticket to Hiroshima or Nagasaki....

Radioactive materials have very long half-lives.. But toxic battery waste has INFINITE half-life in disposal... And you can power a large home on 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel for a year.. That's the size of one "AA" battery and disposal of something LIKE THAT - is a lot easier than disposing of electric car batteries or mercury filled CFLs...
If you don't care about Generations of Genetic Deformities then at least avoid making a bigger fool of yourself and buy a ticket to the Ukraine and spend a few days camping in Chernobyl. Visit the Pripyat Hospital or have a chat with the relatives of the 4,000 dead .... or still dying. On second thought doing that might be the very thing you are trying to avoid.
Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.

looks like they didn't banned them all and it was not an environmental issues but an economic one.

Still if your a land owner with vacant land and windmills is a way to get royalties. Yes some land owners do not want them because of the birds that are dying and the noise and they look ugly

yet Oil rigs look ugly and you do not want to know what it does to the land, birds die by cars, airplanes, and hunting season (the life of bird is certainly dangerous) and the noise issue well unless you live right next to one.

Farmers they will sell land for house development and when the new owners complain about the farming activity noise, then that farmer is kicking himself in the butt for selling.

Eventually he will put up a sign that says that this is a farming community and this is what we do. So don't complain about noise levels as it won't change anything.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.
If you don't care about Generations of Genetic Deformities then at least avoid making a bigger fool of yourself and buy a ticket to the Ukraine and spend a few days camping in Chernobyl. Visit the Pripyat Hospital or have a chat with the relatives of the 4,000 dead .... or still dying. On second thought doing that might be the very thing you are trying to avoid.

If you're not within about 10 miles from the disaster site, you're fine... In fact, folks are ignoring authorities and moving back in within about 5 miles from the site..

It's crummy fucking Russian engineering and very bad "central political control" of the power system that made this worse....

The same power most Dems want to give to the Insane Clown Posse so they can kill every other RELIABLE source and stick us with what??? Wind and solar??? They're morons....
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.
looks like they didn't banned them all and it was not an environmental issues but an economic one.
Still if your a land owner with vacant land and windmills is a way to get royalties. Yes
some land owners do not want them because of the birds that are dying and the noise and they look ugly

yet Oil rigs look ugly and you do not want to know what it does to the land, birds die by cars, airplanes, and hunting season (the life of bird is certainly dangerous) and the noise issue well unless you live right next to one.
Farmers they will sell land for house development and when the new owners complain about the farming activity noise, then that farmer is kicking himself in the butt for selling.
Eventually he will put up a sign that says that this is a farming community and this is what we do. So don't complain about noise levels as it won't change anything.
I have to ask myself, if I were a farmer, what I would prefer? Of course, I'd rather see nothing but 360° horizon ... but if I were compelled or offered compensation .... would I want an oil rig, a mining shaft, a nuclear funnel, or a wind turbine on my land? I can answer that question already.
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
You speak of technological LIMITS? That's a good one! :laughing0301: Has it never occurred to you that wind turbine configuration is in its' infancy ..... that the wind turbine tower is the horse-drawn carriage of our time? "LIMITS" you say!
If you don't care about Generations of Genetic Deformities then at least avoid making a bigger fool of yourself and buy a ticket to the Ukraine and spend a few days camping in Chernobyl. Visit the Pripyat Hospital or have a chat with the relatives of the 4,000 dead .... or still dying. On second thought doing that might be the very thing you are trying to avoid.

If you're not within about 10 miles from the disaster site, you're fine... In fact, folks are ignoring authorities and moving back in within about 5 miles from the site.. It's crummy fucking Russian engineering and very bad "central political control" of the power system that made this worse.... The same power most Dems want to give to the Insane Clown Posse so they can kill every other RELIABLE source and stick us with what??? Wind and solar??? They're morons....
Yeah, I know. It must be common knowledge that a thin layer of sand or soil will protect you and if you are lucky enough to have been warned in advance that a simple Duck & Cover will do the trick. But there still are those unenlightened morons who believe in the Louisiana Hot Sauce Theory - "One drop does it".

It is such an enormous comfort to know that men like you are here to educate us ..... without the slightest monetary investment as your guide - 40 years of lucrative wages notwithstanding.
Wind farms sure are good at getting rid of pesky Bald eagles and other endangered birds.
Coal has left 3,000 miles of lifeless streams in my state and we`re still treating mine acid drainage from coal mines that were mined out and shuttered in the 1950s. Eagles and other endangered birds can`t catch fish in mine acid drainage. Are there any eagles here? A 2 part question actually. Do you see any trees?
They complain about the aesthetics of windmills and solar panels

My objection to wind mills is that they will never produce enough electricity to make the move off of fossil fuels

No diffuse, intermittent power generation source will ever meet the demand for 100% fossil fuel free power.

I have no problem with solar panels on roofs. How many acres of south and southwest facing roofs do we have in this country? We should be using that space not large tracts of land.

We need an energy dense power generation source that will be able to provide the power needed so we can move off of fossil fuels and wind ain't it
Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.


Turbines are about as efficient as they are ever going to be at this point. And as it is now a wind turbine only produces 25% of its labeled capacity and have a lifespan of about 20 years.

It's not good enough to meet ur current needs never mind the greatly increased needs when we move completely off fossil fuels
The number of bird deaths is minimal when compared to bird deaths from cars and glass windows
Of course you have studies to back your claims........right? :icon_rolleyes:
I've never seen a bald eagle chopped to bits by a car window. How about you?

Republicans mock the effects of global warming from fossil fuels but are obsessed with a few bird deaths
You don't speak for all republicans or any republicans at all, for that matter.
What I mock are the constantly changing goal lines put up by partisan eco leftists. Part of New York should have been submerged by now if you actually believed any of their scary stories.
The Obamas don't believe that bullshit!

If you have to lie your ass off to get people to buy your story then chances are very great your tales of the demise of planet earth are more full of shit than Hillary Clinton's Depends.
Bald Eagles get hit by cars
They are scavengers by nature and eat carcasses on the sides of roads
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?
It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs

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