Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

Anyone like to guess how much fossil fuel it takes to manufacturer a fucking wind turbine.
Literally every part in a wind turbine requires the use of fossil fuel.
Then there's the amount of fossil fuel required to manufacture the 'bamboo and hemp' trucks required to take the wind turbine to where it will be located and the 'bamboo and hemp' helicopters to put the turbine up.
If something goes wrong there has to be someone in a bamboo and hemp truck to go and fix it. And on and fucking on and on and on.
Seems we get a hell of a lot of threads from Conservatives trying to downgrade the capabilities of wind and solar

They serve their big oil masters well
When you can't defend solar and wind as safe reliable and practical just bring up "big oil masters" .
The old lies work the best. Just throw out lies when you have no real answers. GFY
Wind & Solar Impractical and Harmful

Embrace of Renewables Has a Hidden Cost . In yesterday's New York Times, a somewhat left-leaning paper, there was a devastating analysis of the naivete and inefficiency of so-called "renewable" energy sources. For reasons laid out in the article they require massive subsidies. The short version of the problem is that solar power is quite available in the middle of a sunny day, other times not so much. Wind power is similarly intermittent. As the linked article states:
Originally Posted by Linked New York Times Article
Is the global effort to combat climate change, painstakingly agreed to in Paris seven months ago, already going off the rails? Germany, Europe’s champion for renewable energy, seems to be having second thoughts about its ambitious push to ramp up its use of renewable fuels for power generation.
The rest of the world seems to do well with alternative energy

But we are stuck with “Global Warming is a myth” Conservatives
Climate change is happening, it’s just not man-made
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble
Wind farms are a fucking eyesore and they are made in China. Does nothing for American workers.
Windmills cause cancer
They are more dangerous than Mexicans
You mean illegal alien drug mules and gang members don’t you? Because that’s whose crossing our border. Wind energy is a dumb fucking idea.
I can't WAIT to see a photo of a dead Spotted owl laying at the base of a wind turbine.
I'm sure it will get just as much attention as when bald eagles, our rare endangered national symbols, are slaughtered by the thousands by these wind driven giant cuisinart machines. Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
And that is to say, virtually no press at all!

I've seen the wind farms in Altamont, California. Impressive... mile after mile of giant rotating blades turning over and producing electricity. Less impressive is the fact that all these massive wind farms throughout the country produce only 5.5% of all electricity generated in the United States and at what cost to endangered and migratory birds?

The goal is to produce 20% of our electrical needs by 2030. Good luck with that. The government has given these corporate bird killing machines license to slaughter bald eagles, other raptors, migratory birds, endangered bats, etc.
to reach that goal. How many more giant outdoor abattoirs will have to be built in order to reach the goal?

Environmentalists have been as silent as a majestic bald eagle with it's body hacked in two over the amount of senseless killing that is being permitted for such a puny gain in electricity generated.
The press is almost as silent and MIA with regard to the bird holocaust as they are
when hordes of celebrities, dignitaries, politicians, media moguls, etc. all fly their private jet airplanes to global warming conferences in Paris or some other ritzy elitist location.
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I can't WAIT to see a photo of a dead Spotted owl laying at the base of a wind turbine.
I'm sure it will get just as much attention as when bald eagles, our rare endangered national symbols, are slaughtered by the thousands by these wind driven giant cuisinart machines. Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
And that is to say, virtually no press at all!

I've seen the wind farms in Altamont, California. Impressive... mile after mile of giant rotating blades turning over and producing electricity. Less impressive is the fact that all these massive wind farms throughout the country produce only 5.5% of all electricity generated in the United States and at what cost to endangered and migratory birds?

The goal is to produce 20% of our electrical needs by 2030. Good luck with that. The government has given these corporate bird killing machines license to slaughter bald eagles, other raptors, migratory birds, endangered bats, etc.
to reach that goal. How many more giant outdoor abattoirs will have to be built in order to reach the goal?

Environmentalists have been as silent as a majestic bald eagle with it's body hacked in two over the amount of senseless killing that is being permitted for such a puny gain in electricity generated.
The press is almost as silent and MIA with regard to the bird holocaust as they are
when hordes of celebrities, dignitaries, politicians, media moguls, etc. all fly their private jet airplanes to global warming conferences in Paris or some other ritzy elitist location.
The tragic irony is the dribble of electricity the turbines generate is being pushed onto the power grid which is so fucking antiquated the power lines basically 'leak' the wind turbine power to next to nothing by the time it reaches the customers. It's exactly the same as attempting to put expensive Perrier water through rotten leaky water lines and expecting to get the same amount you put in at one end out the other end.
The entire electric grind is literally falling apart. It must be replaced before anymore wind/solar generated electricity is pissed away.
The rest of the world seems to do well with alternative energy
God bless them if they like paying exorbitant fees for their "cheap" renewable energy.

If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?

But we are stuck with “Global Warming is a myth” Conservatives
It's actually more of a scheme
to transfer wealth from the West to third world nations than myth though the Chicken Little dire predictions are certainly myths that cannot be substantiated.
But it frightens dull witted buffoons and little children so why should they stop?

Those end of the world stories they tell really get your attention, don't they.
The Obama's don't seem very worried, however.
You have anything to compare it to?
I can't WAIT to see a photo of a dead Spotted owl laying at the base of a wind turbine.
I'm sure it will get just as much attention as when bald eagles, our rare endangered national symbols, are slaughtered by the thousands by these wind driven giant cuisinart machines. Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
And that is to say, virtually no press at all!

I've seen the wind farms in Altamont, California. Impressive... mile after mile of giant rotating blades turning over and producing electricity. Less impressive is the fact that all these massive wind farms throughout the country produce only 5.5% of all electricity generated in the United States and at what cost to endangered and migratory birds?

The goal is to produce 20% of our electrical needs by 2030. Good luck with that. The government has given these corporate bird killing machines license to slaughter bald eagles, other raptors, migratory birds, endangered bats, etc.
to reach that goal. How many more giant outdoor abattoirs will have to be built in order to reach the goal?

Environmentalists have been as silent as a majestic bald eagle with it's body hacked in two over the amount of senseless killing that is being permitted for such a puny gain in electricity generated.
The press is almost as silent and MIA with regard to the bird holocaust as they are
when hordes of celebrities, dignitaries, politicians, media moguls, etc. all fly their private jet airplanes to global warming conferences in Paris or some other ritzy elitist location.

Gotta laugh at Conservatives who have no concern for the planet are obsessed about birds
I can't WAIT to see a photo of a dead Spotted owl laying at the base of a wind turbine.
I'm sure it will get just as much attention as when bald eagles, our rare endangered national symbols, are slaughtered by the thousands by these wind driven giant cuisinart machines. Protect Eagles from Wind Turbine Fatalities
And that is to say, virtually no press at all!

I've seen the wind farms in Altamont, California. Impressive... mile after mile of giant rotating blades turning over and producing electricity. Less impressive is the fact that all these massive wind farms throughout the country produce only 5.5% of all electricity generated in the United States and at what cost to endangered and migratory birds?

The goal is to produce 20% of our electrical needs by 2030. Good luck with that. The government has given these corporate bird killing machines license to slaughter bald eagles, other raptors, migratory birds, endangered bats, etc.
to reach that goal. How many more giant outdoor abattoirs will have to be built in order to reach the goal?

Environmentalists have been as silent as a majestic bald eagle with it's body hacked in two over the amount of senseless killing that is being permitted for such a puny gain in electricity generated.
The press is almost as silent and MIA with regard to the bird holocaust as they are
when hordes of celebrities, dignitaries, politicians, media moguls, etc. all fly their private jet airplanes to global warming conferences in Paris or some other ritzy elitist location.

Gotta laugh at Conservatives who have no concern for the planet are obsessed about birds
You have to be believed rightwinger. Plus we have to many people who ph uk with others.
Gotta laugh at Conservatives who have no concern for the planet are obsessed about birds
Yes. Almost as funny as leftist "environmentalists" who don't mind slaughtering countless irreplaceable wildlife for a minimal amount of electricity. Everyone has their priorities, Chuck. You put your coffee maker or Ipad charger ahead of the existence of thousands of bald eagles, looks like.
You don't have to. Wind farms are a scam but it looks like that's how you like things.

Just as George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio like flying their private Lear jets to Davos for a global warming summit. They don't have to be such hypocrites. That's just how they like to live.
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Sorry, didn’t understand your limited reading skills

The post was about German electricity prices
My reading skills far exceed your writing skills. At least I know every sentence needs a subject and "it" doesn't exactly narrow down the field of possibilities. Don't get snotty with me when you are at fault.

As far as having anything to compare Germany's rising electricity prices to I don't try to compare them to anything else. Germany is a one of a kind nation but they are discovering what happens when you put all of your eggs in a basket that
is based on a wishful lie. Renewable green energy is a pipe dream.

With all the dozens and dozens of wind farms spread across the country- List of wind farms in the United States - Wikipedia - we still only get a puny 5.5% of our electricity from these ecological monstrosities. Wake up, troll boy.
Sorry, didn’t understand your limited reading skills

The post was about German electricity prices
My reading skills far exceed your writing skills. At least I know every sentence needs a subject and "it" doesn't exactly narrow down the field of possibilities. Don't get snotty with me when you are at fault.

As far as having anything to compare Germany's rising electricity prices to I don't try to compare them to anything else. Germany is a one of a kind nation but they are discovering what happens when you put all of your eggs in a basket that
is based on a wishful lie. Renewable green energy is a pipe dream.

With all the dozens and dozens of wind farms spread across the country- List of wind farms in the United States - Wikipedia - we still only get a puny 5.5% of our electricity from these ecological monstrosities. Wake up, troll boy.
In fifty years 'wind farms and solar panels' will be laughed at.
The fucking 'environmentalists will be protesting the use of bamboo and hemp.
"SAVE THE GREEN ALGAE" you are destroying the seas. If not we only have ten years to save the planet.
Sorry, didn’t understand your limited reading skills

The post was about German electricity prices
My reading skills far exceed your writing skills. At least I know every sentence needs a subject and "it" doesn't exactly narrow down the field of possibilities. Don't get snotty with me when you are at fault.

As far as having anything to compare Germany's rising electricity prices to I don't try to compare them to anything else. Germany is a one of a kind nation but they are discovering what happens when you put all of your eggs in a basket that
is based on a wishful lie. Renewable green energy is a pipe dream.

With all the dozens and dozens of wind farms spread across the country- List of wind farms in the United States - Wikipedia - we still only get a puny 5.5% of our electricity from these ecological monstrosities. Wake up, troll boy.
By the time the solar/wind generated electricity gets to the customer the percent is about .00005%.
Total classic 'sure you can play under the hood of my Ferrari. Here's a fucking ball peen hammer' progressive approach.
Give Bernie a sledge hammer and see what he does to the country!
In six months Biden will be shitting himself in the 'Sun Room'. Let's give Mayor Buttplug a try.
In fifty years 'wind farms and solar panels' will be laughed at.
The fucking 'environmentalists will be protesting the use of bamboo and hemp.
"SAVE THE GREEN ALGAE" you are destroying the seas. If not we only have ten years to save the planet.
It doesn't exactly lend credence to the global warming mob that they keep moving the goalposts for world doom depending on who you listen to and when they make their Chicken Little pronouncements.

It's a global scam designed to facilitate wealth redistribution.
In fifty years 'wind farms and solar panels' will be laughed at.
The fucking 'environmentalists will be protesting the use of bamboo and hemp.
"SAVE THE GREEN ALGAE" you are destroying the seas. If not we only have ten years to save the planet.
It doesn't exactly lend credence to the global warming mob that they keep moving the goalposts for world doom depending on who you listen to and when they make their Chicken Little pronouncements.

It's a global scam designed to facilitate wealth redistribution.
Does anyone in their right mind believe some LIB asshole living in a mansion in Hollywood really gives a shit about the environment?
"I'll be back in a week whatever your name is. I'm flying by private jet to Europe to attend a 'Save The Planet' party........I mean 'conference'.
Fucking filthy hypocrites!
Did you hear about BONOBO'S new book? It's titled 'How To Hire Pool Boys For Dummies'.
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble
View attachment 277950
you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble
View attachment 277950
you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
Imagine if HRC had won. How many millions would have been 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation by wind mill/solar power business?
We dodged a bullet folks.
you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
How many people have been killed by a strong gust of "whoosh" from a wind turbine compared to the number of those who have been eaten away by radioactivity?

We have many wind turbines in designated areas in the country on land and also placed in the sea. Ask me if it worries me.

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