Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

Haha, look at what you have been reduced to....the facts undermine your narrative -- itself arising from political fetish -- so, you have to try to undermine the facts themselves. I'm not going to assist you in this embarrassing exercise. Take your happy self to the local grad school or energy conglomerate, with your zero credentials, and tell them how incompetent they are. Report back.
You clearly have no idea who conducted this "research" you keep referring to so why not just say so and stop
looking like a bigger fool and liar then you already are?

What a fucking fraud you are. Unfortunately it seems you cannot be embarrassed or shamed because you are amoral.
Just as long as everyone knows what a worthless slimy slug you are I guess that'll have to do.
Grew up near Lafayette...progtard bs doesn't play well there.

I grew up around Lafayette too. Great place. Didn't know you were a Hoosier. IU S--cks.

Lol I'm an IU grad...but yeah born and raised in west central Indiana. Wouldn't trade that for anything.

We're going to the Covered Bridge Festival next month and I cannot wait to see home

Sorry about that, lol. I once heard someone from Western Michigan asked why the student body chanted anti-IU stuff during home games when Purdue wasn't even playing IU. Friendly rivals. IU campus is great, but I do wonder if the trees in the middle of campus are a safety risk? Seems like a dangerous place for kids to have to cross every day. Well, back to no forest fires, earthquakes, mud slides, or hurricanes.
Wind turbines lose as much is 30% of their efficiency in the first year, Solar is quite a ways ahead of wind as far as alternative fuels go.
Grew up near Lafayette...progtard bs doesn't play well there.

I grew up around Lafayette too. Great place. Didn't know you were a Hoosier. IU S--cks.

Lol I'm an IU grad...but yeah born and raised in west central Indiana. Wouldn't trade that for anything.

We're going to the Covered Bridge Festival next month and I cannot wait to see home

Sorry about that, lol. I once heard someone from Western Michigan asked why the student body chanted anti-IU stuff during home games when Purdue wasn't even playing IU. Friendly rivals. IU campus is great, but I do wonder if the trees in the middle of campus are a safety risk? Seems like a dangerous place for kids to have to cross every day. Well, back to no forest fires, earthquakes, mud slides, or hurricanes.

The IU vs Purdue is legend in Indiana. But it's all the end it's friendly.

Watch out for tornados though....nasty business in the heartland. I've been through two. Ten mins of terror.
Fear the wind

It causes cancer
No one fears the wind. It's stupid to say that, even though you reliably post idiotic crap.

If you happen to fly, or love things that do fly, what you should fear are the giant wind driven cuisinart blades
that mercilessly chop flying things up when they innocently enter their kill zone.
Real environmentalists used to care about things like that. Now the partisan fake environmentalists don't give a crap.

You know, the sort of "environmentalists" that fly their private jets to global warming symposiums in Switzerland. The sort that you love to kiss their asses.
Fear the wind

It causes cancer
No one fears the wind. It's stupid to say that, even though you reliably post idiotic crap.

If you happen to fly, or love things that do fly, what you should fear are the giant wind driven cuisinart blades
that mercilessly chop flying things up when they innocently enter their kill zone.
Real environmentalists used to care about things like that. Now the partisan fake environmentalists don't give a crap.

You know, the sort of "environmentalists" that fly their private jets to global warming symposiums in Switzerland. The sort that you love to kiss their asses.
Seems we get a hell of a lot of threads from Conservatives trying to downgrade the capabilities of wind and solar

They serve their big oil masters well
Seems we get a hell of a lot of threads from Conservatives trying to downgrade the capabilities of wind and solar

They serve their big oil masters well
When you can't defend solar and wind as safe reliable and practical just bring up "big oil masters" .
The old lies work the best. Just throw out lies when you have no real answers. GFY
Wind & Solar Impractical and Harmful

Embrace of Renewables Has a Hidden Cost . In yesterday's New York Times, a somewhat left-leaning paper, there was a devastating analysis of the naivete and inefficiency of so-called "renewable" energy sources. For reasons laid out in the article they require massive subsidies. The short version of the problem is that solar power is quite available in the middle of a sunny day, other times not so much. Wind power is similarly intermittent. As the linked article states:
Originally Posted by Linked New York Times Article
Is the global effort to combat climate change, painstakingly agreed to in Paris seven months ago, already going off the rails? Germany, Europe’s champion for renewable energy, seems to be having second thoughts about its ambitious push to ramp up its use of renewable fuels for power generation.
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Seems we get a hell of a lot of threads from Conservatives trying to downgrade the capabilities of wind and solar

They serve their big oil masters well
When you can't defend solar and wind as safe reliable and practical just bring up "big oil masters" .
The old lies work the best. Just throw out lies when you have no real answers. GFY
Wind & Solar Impractical and Harmful

Embrace of Renewables Has a Hidden Cost . In yesterday's New York Times, a somewhat left-leaning paper, there was a devastating analysis of the naivete and inefficiency of so-called "renewable" energy sources. For reasons laid out in the article they require massive subsidies. The short version of the problem is that solar power is quite available in the middle of a sunny day, other times not so much. Wind power is similarly intermittent. As the linked article states:
Originally Posted by Linked New York Times Article
Is the global effort to combat climate change, painstakingly agreed to in Paris seven months ago, already going off the rails? Germany, Europe’s champion for renewable energy, seems to be having second thoughts about its ambitious push to ramp up its use of renewable fuels for power generation.
The rest of the world seems to do well with alternative energy

But we are stuck with “Global Warming is a myth” Conservatives
The rest of the world seems to do well with alternative energy
God bless them if they like paying exorbitant fees for their "cheap" renewable energy.

If Solar And Wind Are So Cheap, Why Are They Making Electricity So Expensive?

But we are stuck with “Global Warming is a myth” Conservatives
It's actually more of a scheme
to transfer wealth from the West to third world nations than myth though the Chicken Little dire predictions are certainly myths that cannot be substantiated.
But it frightens dull witted buffoons and little children so why should they stop?

Those end of the world stories they tell really get your attention, don't they.
The Obama's don't seem very worried, however.
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I hate those things. There has to be a better alternative.

Gas, coal, nuclear.....
Democrats would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.

It's a matter of perspective.

To Democrats, good paying jobs, education, healthcare, a clean environment and so on are Heaven. But to Republicans, all that is Hell. See what I mean?
Don't forget creating wetback preserves, and encouraging open street shitting.
I didn't know DDT caused brain damage but, there you are.
Why don't you name the last nuclear power plant malfunction of consequence in the United States.
Leaving a loaded gun lying on the ground would be safer than any of the nuclear energy plants. The gun will first rust inoperative in a few short years. The half-life of deadly radioactivity remains a threat to life on earth for a near-eternity and doesn't even need a passer-by to pick it up and set it off.
Let's see how many decades you have to go back.
Depleted uranium weapons are being used by the U.S. to this very day. And the consequences?
Depleted Uranium Death Toll among US War Veterans Tops 11,000 - Global Research
Depleted uranium - Wikipedia
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Never knew leftist eco nuts don't give a damn about endgangered species and what turbines do to flying biomass.
You know what power source produces all the clean abundant energy we need and doesn't harm a single wild animal?
Nuclear power!
Just a couple of guys going out for coffee together in the "clean abundant energy" environment ... decked out in the latest fashion from the world-renowned Hazmat Collection.

Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble

Why do you hate progress and technology that makes our lives better so much?

View attachment 277960
And at any one time only 17% OF IT IS VIABLE....
I just read an interesting article where ocean wind farms are actually changing the ecology for the better. They provide a home for a species of mussels that clean the water and provide food for other creatures. Increased fish populations along with seals and more.
I can't WAIT to see a photo of a dead Spotted owl laying at the base of a wind turbine.

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