Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

Never knew leftist eco nuts don't give a damn about endgangered species and what turbines do to flying biomass.
Oops, you're being a moron again. Those fears were acknowledged and strong measures taken to reduce the threat of wind turbines to animals.

Contrast that to your total and embarrassing denial of climate science.

Not even close. Way to highlight your own stupidity...
Sorry dude...posting a link to an article you never read and don't understand doesn't negate the factual data brought to the table.

Furthermore, the reason wind farms are killing fewer animals is because of measures taken to combat the fears listed in that article. So, thanks for the assist.
GFY troll. You obviously never read the link and you wouldn't likely be able to understand it if you could read.
No one is looking to impress you with facts and reason because you aren't paying attention.
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Oops, you're being a moron again. Those fears were acknowledged and strong measures taken to reduce the threat of wind turbines to animals.

Contrast that to your total and embarrassing denial of climate science.

Not even close. Way to highlight your own stupidity...
So wind turbines are no longer like giant cuisinarts when it comes to endangered bats, birds, etc.? Once more
I urge you to gfy. That's just unsubstantiated blather from a troll.
What's "Silkwood"? Whatever it is I didn't see it. But I remember 'Three Mile Island', 'Chernobyl', and 'Fukushima Daiichi'. I was also nearby when Agent Orange was sprayed and when I was a boy I used to ride my bike in and out of the cloud of DDT behind the truck spraying the stuff. All harmless, right?
I didn't know DDT caused brain damage but, there you are.
Why don't you name the last nuclear power plant malfunction of consequence in the United States. Let's see how many decades you have to go back.
Sorry dude...posting a link to an article you never read and don't understand doesn't negate the factual data brought to the table.

Furthermore, the reason wind farms are killing fewer animals is because of measures taken to combat the fears listed in that article. So, thanks for the assist.
GFY troll. You obviously never read the link and you wouldn't likely be able to understand it if you could read.
No one is looking to impress you with facts and reason because you aren't paying attention.
Youre a fraud. You never read the link. You dont understand its content. You couldnt summarize a single point from it, if your life depended on it. And it doesn't negate the factual data on the table anyway. You are wise to stick to your impotent whining. When you try to debate the facts, you obviously fall right on your face.
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble

Why do you hate progress and technology that makes our lives better so much?

I hate those things. There has to be a better alternative.

Gas, coal, nuclear.....
Democrats would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven.

It's a matter of perspective.

To Democrats, good paying jobs, education, healthcare, a clean environment and so on are Heaven. But to Republicans, all that is Hell. See what I mean?

To Democrats, good paying jobs, education, healthcare, a clean environment and so on are Heaven.

Thank you for making my point...since all of their policies and actions destroy jobs, education, healthcare and the they have shown all over the world, they will destroy all of those things, and then rule over the destruction....just ask Venezuela.....

Youre a fraud. You never read the link. You dont inderstand its content. You couldnt summarize a single point from it, if your life depended on it. And it doesn't negate the factual data on the table anyway. You are wise to stick to your impotent whining. When you try to debate the facts, you obviously fall right on your face.
You've done this before with Dr. Stephen C. Meyer. You make idiotic claims because you have no problem with lying and I provide a link to rebut your idiocy and then you make me the issue and whether I understand my own evidence or not.
That's not how an argument works, moron!

Tell you what, asshole. You take a fact or issue from my link and then dispute it and we'll see if I know what's going on or not. That's how normal people do things, anyway. Now crawl back under your slimy rock, you brainless slug.
Never knew Republicans were so concerned about the environment

Global Warming is a myth, but bird carcasses throw them into a tizzy
Never knew leftist eco nuts don't give a damn about endgangered species and what turbines do to flying biomass.
You know what power source produces all the clean abundant energy we need and doesn't harm a single wild animal?
Nuclear power!

global fucking warming
You make idiotic claims
Like, posting actual data from an actual study of one of the largest wind farms on the planet, which happens to be the wind farm referenced in this thread topic. .

Man, I am so goofy. Obviously, i should have furioisly googled for an agreeable article title to an article i haave never read, not read the article or tried to understand it, and simply vomited the link here. Then, as all good intellectuals do, I should have pretended it is the reason i reached my conclusions (that's the best part).

Because thats what SMART! people do.
Why don't you name the last nuclear power plant malfunction of consequence in the United States
July 30, 2012, in Byron, Illinois.

I'm not strictly against nuclear power,but let's keep our facts straight.

Try again asshole. Safeguards worked perfectly.

No radiation increase from steam release at Byron nuke
Actually, the accident exposed a serious problem with every nuclear power plant in the country. We are still scrambling to find a complete solution.

But hey, you're right moron...losing all safety controls at nuke plants is not something to worry about.. Because jesus has the wheel, or something..
Windmills cause cancer
They are more dangerous than Mexicans
Low Harmonic waves do in fact cause cancer.. You fucking moron..

It also causes sleep deprivation and mental heath issues.
Oh Mr. Engineer, could you tell me EXACTLY what "Low Harmonic waves" are? What is the full spectrum of these cancer 'waves'? What are the fundamental frequencies of the harmonics doing the damage? At what amplitude per meter of range, of what measure of energy, and are they harmful or benign within what boundaries? What are the types of cancers these 'waves' cause as documented in the medical literature And via what medium(s) are these 'waves' being transmitted, etc, etc, etc.

What white papers have been published in the last two or three decades from which we can obtain all these very revealing facts about the dangers of "Low Harmonic waves" from power generating windmills? I haven't come across any in my 55 years in engineering as a tech and later as an engineer, so please enlighten me!

Physics is physics so talk some physics with a bit of tech data from valid sources and not propaganda talking points.

Power Lines, Electrical Devices, and Extremely Low Frequency Radiation

Its the coupled generation of magnetic fields. in both the generators and the air. They travel miles from the wind tower turbine and along power lines.
That first sentence of yours directly above is abjectly STUPID! Just how, EXACTLY is this mystical coupling achieved those many miles from the wind farm, along the transmission lines? Truth is you just made that pile of shit up and you don't have a fucking clue about ELF radiation( a real thing) and "Low Harmonic waves" (NOT A REAL THING) you bloody fraud! You clearly are ignorant of what a power transmission system actually consists.

ELF radiation has nothing to do with windmills directly. ELF is an entirely different subject given wind farms are not populated like cities and towns and very high voltage transmission lines are the generators of that form of radiation going through cities and towns. The power source could be a coal plant, a dam, a nuke reactor, solar farm or a wind farm. To claim the only power source contributing to ELF radiation are wind farms is to either know nothing about the subject, to repeating propaganda, to just plain lie about the topic or, most likely a combination of the above!

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