Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

Windmills cause cancer
They are more dangerous than Mexicans
Low Harmonic waves do in fact cause cancer.. You fucking moron..

It also causes sleep deprivation and mental heath issues.
Oh Mr. Engineer, could you tell me EXACTLY what "Low Harmonic waves" are? What is the full spectrum of these cancer 'waves'? What are the fundamental frequencies of the harmonics doing the damage? At what amplitude per meter of range, of what measure of energy, and are they harmful or benign within what boundaries? What are the types of cancers these 'waves' cause as documented in the medical literature And via what medium(s) are these 'waves' being transmitted, etc, etc, etc.

What white papers have been published in the last two or three decades from which we can obtain all these very revealing facts about the dangers of "Low Harmonic waves" from power generating windmills? I haven't come across any in my 55 years in engineering as a tech and later as an engineer, so please enlighten me!

Physics is physics so talk some physics with a bit of tech data from valid sources and not propaganda talking points.

Power Lines, Electrical Devices, and Extremely Low Frequency Radiation

Its the coupled generation of magnetic fields. in both the generators and the air. They travel miles from the wind tower turbine and along power lines.
That first sentence of yours directly above is abjectly STUPID! Just how, EXACTLY is this mystical coupling achieved those many miles from the wind farm, along the transmission lines? Truth is you just made that pile of shit up and you don't have a fucking clue about ELF radiation( a real thing) and "Low Harmonic waves" (NOT A REAL THING) you bloody fraud! You clearly are ignorant of what a power transmission system actually consists.

ELF radiation has nothing to do with windmills directly. ELF is an entirely different subject given wind farms are not populated like cities and towns and very high voltage transmission lines are the generators of that form of radiation going through cities and towns. The power source could be a coal plant, a dam, a nuke reactor, solar farm or a wind farm. To claim the only power source contributing to ELF radiation are wind farms is to either know nothing about the subject, to repeating propaganda, to just plain lie about the topic or, most likely a combination of the above!

"As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." — H. L. Mencken, 1920 — We have finally arrived almost a 100 years later!

But then obama left office, and we elected Trump...the one man we needed to deal with left wing asshats...
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble

Next you'll ban NOT throwing your trash out the car window!
Like, posting actual data from an actual study of one of the largest wind farms on the planet, which happens to be the wind farm referenced in this thread topic. .

Man, I am so goofy. Obviously, i should have furioisly googled for an agreeable article title to an article i haave never read, not read the article or tried to understand it, and simply vomited the link here. Then, as all good intellectuals do, I should have pretended it is the reason i reached my conclusions (that's the best part).

Because thats what SMART! people do.
Great job! Get yourself a big cookie if mom will help you get it down out of the cookie bowl.

Your data applies to only one relatively small wind farm in a nation of hundreds of them.
You are the sort of finger up his butt moron who looks out his front window, sees no traffic accidents on your street
and concludes this nation does not have a problem with traffic accidents and fatalities.

Give yourself a big hug, moron.
Your data applies to only one relatively small wind farm in a nation of hundreds of them.
"My data".... You mean, the data.

And it is the most comprehensive recent study done at one of the largest wind farms in the world, highlighting the effectiveness of new safety techniques.

But, I suppose if you squint real hard and praise baby Jesus, it looks tiny. And,if you cry loud enough, the data disappears!
Actually, the accident exposed a serious problem with every nuclear power plant in the country. We are still scrambling to find a complete solution.

But hey, you're right moron...losing all safety controls at nuke plants is not something to worry about.. Because jesus has the wheel, or something..
An extremely serious problem that I cannot even find referenced when I Google up your key words.
Actually, the accident exposed a serious problem with every nuclear power plant in the country. We are still scrambling to find a complete solution.

But hey, you're right moron...losing all safety controls at nuke plants is not something to worry about.. Because jesus has the wheel, or something..
An extremely serious problem that I cannot even find referenced when I Google up your key words.
Not my problem...
"My data".... You mean, the data.
I mean the data you provided.

And it is the most comprehensive recent study done at one of the largest wind farms in the world, highlighting the effectiveness of new safety techniques.
This is all you blowing off smoke to make yourself seem less like a dick. I have zero reason to believe what you are claiming is remotely true. How has this turbine farm found a way to keep flying biomass from being chopped to shreds in these giant wind driven cuisinart machines?
Why don't you share some of these "safety techniques"? Or just go fuck off. Either one.

But, I suppose if you squint real hard and praise baby Jesus, it looks tiny. And,if you cry loud enough, the data disappears!
Your persistent referencing of "baby Jesus" does so much for your credibility.
It really highlights what a true asshole you are.
I mean the data you provided.
You mean, the data provided to us by a comprehensive study. I know that, to you, this doesn't hold more weight than your superstitions and political fetishes, but again...that's a "you" problem.

Your persistent referencing of "baby Jesus" does so much for your credibility.
Hey, good thing i am only really here to mock you and your false bullshit, not to try to convince you of anything...
You mean, the data provided to us by a comprehensive study. I know that, to you, this doesn't hold more weight than your superstitions and political fetishes, but again...that's a "you" problem.
Yeah, who conducted that "comprehensive study" again? I don't think you ever said.
I doubt you are smart enough to make up those numbers but until you provide a source it's "your" study, Champ.
Yeah, who conducted that "comprehensive study" again? I
Haha, look at what you have been reduced to....the facts undermine your narrative -- itself arising from political fetish -- so, you have to try to undermine the facts themselves. I'm not going to assist you in this embarrassing exercise. Take your happy self to the local grad school or energy conglomerate, with your zero credentials, and tell them how incompetent they are. Report back.
Under 140 feet is not a problem. Smaller turbines. Electric bikes of the future could go interstate, though hauling a portable wind turbine is problematic (30 Lbs +). None has seemingly tried this yet because most e-bike batteries are designed for regular grid addicts. Nebraska and Iowa have excellent wind sources, fully-charged battery stations, coin-operated, are possible. The technology must develop to allow a fully interchangeable battery system on e-bikes. There is no information on charge times and distance according to hills, etc. Can a battery be wind-solar charged and interchanged for $.25? Outside of the wear on the wind-solar system, is a penny cost per mile possible? $11 from Denver to Milwaukee?
Good news. Between this and the trump reversal of the incandescent light bulb ban there is hope that some Americans still actually have some taste, unlike democrat sheeple.
Well, this is what happens when you put a brain dead moron in charge of the Energy Department.
Good news. Between this and the trump reversal of the incandescent light bulb ban there is hope that some Americans still actually have some taste, unlike democrat sheeple.
Well, this is what happens when you put a brain dead moron in charge of the Energy Department.
A moron who wants to close the Energy Department
Political correctness makes people fucking retarded

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