Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
How many people have been killed by a strong gust of "whoosh" from a wind turbine compared to the number of those who have been eaten away by radioactivity?

We have many wind turbines in designated areas in the country on land and also placed in the sea. Ask me if it worries me.

Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.

Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?

Personally I would rather see us revamp our entire nuclear power program and upgrade all reactors to Thorium salt units that can use all the spent fuel from our obsolete light water reactors and actually produce more than enough power to meet not only our current power needs but will also meet future needs as we transition off of all fossil fuels.

Face it if we want to end the CO2 production of fossil fuels and use electric power for everything, we won't be able to put enough windmills up to meet the demand
It is not possible to mine iron ore using electric batteries to operate mining equipment to exract iron ore from the ground. No iron ore no FUCKING FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wind farms sure are good at getting rid of pesky Bald eagles and other endangered birds.
Coal has left 3,000 miles of lifeless streams in my state and we`re still treating mine acid drainage from coal mines that were mined out and shuttered in the 1950s. Eagles and other endangered birds can`t catch fish in mine acid drainage. Are there any eagles here? A 2 part question actually. Do you see any trees?
Gotta laugh at Conservatives who have no concern for the planet are obsessed about birds
Yes. Almost as funny as leftist "environmentalists" who don't mind slaughtering countless irreplaceable wildlife for a minimal amount of electricity. Everyone has their priorities, Chuck. You put your coffee maker or Ipad charger ahead of the existence of thousands of bald eagles, looks like.
You don't have to. Wind farms are a scam but it looks like that's how you like things.

Just as George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio like flying their private Lear jets to Davos for a global warming summit. They don't have to be such hypocrites. That's just how they like to live.

The number of bird deaths is minimal when compared to bird deaths from cars and glass windows

Republicans mock the effects of global warming from fossil fuels but are obsessed with a few bird deaths
Wind farms sure are good at getting rid of pesky Bald eagles and other endangered birds.
Coal has left 3,000 miles of lifeless streams in my state and we`re still treating mine acid drainage from coal mines that were mined out and shuttered in the 1950s. Eagles and other endangered birds can`t catch fish in mine acid drainage. Are there any eagles here? A 2 part question actually. Do you see any trees?
They complain about the aesthetics of windmills and solar panels
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble
View attachment 277950
you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
Imagine if HRC had won. How many millions would have been 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation by wind mill/solar power business?
We dodged a bullet folks.
Clinton Foundation is not involved in wind/solar
The number of bird deaths is minimal when compared to bird deaths from cars and glass windows
Of course you have studies to back your claims........right? :icon_rolleyes:
I've never seen a bald eagle chopped to bits by a car window. How about you?

Republicans mock the effects of global warming from fossil fuels but are obsessed with a few bird deaths
You don't speak for all republicans or any republicans at all, for that matter.
What I mock are the constantly changing goal lines put up by partisan eco leftists. Part of New York should have been submerged by now if you actually believed any of their scary stories.
The Obamas don't believe that bullshit!

If you have to lie your ass off to get people to buy your story then chances are very great your tales of the demise of planet earth are more full of shit than Hillary Clinton's Depends.
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Coal has left 3,000 miles of lifeless streams in my state and we`re still treating mine acid drainage from coal mines that were mined out and shuttered in the 1950s. Eagles and other endangered birds can`t catch fish in mine acid drainage. Are there any eagles here? A 2 part question actually. Do you see any trees?
Who says I support or approve of coal strip mining? I never did.
Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.
Windmills cause cancer
They are more dangerous than Mexicans

They are more dangerous than Mexicans in the hands of leftists with no idea of what the technology can rightly do.. Wind is virtually useless as an alternative.. It's a minor supplement.. You can not schedule it or contract it and in the hands of the Insane Clown Posse or AOC -- it's actually potentially very deadly as people die in black-outs and freeze to death in the winter....
Nuclear power has a fantastic safety record.
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Why do you want to invest all kinds of tax dollars into something that only produces 25% of it's nominal output?
How many megabytes does your computer have? And how many did it have 20 years ago?
The reason wind only produces a fraction of its nominal output has nothing to do with the technology of the turbine and everything to do with the fact that the wind does not blow all the time

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Let's not pretend that we are stupid, OK? You know very well that my comment represents the FACT that whatever the output of those turbines are today that by tomorrow it will be doubled and the day after that trebbled by the same wind patterns and frequencies simply by the development of turbine technology and advancement.

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
Like a tsunami that hasn't yet reached land.
Great retort, if you are in third grade and don't understand that tsunamis are inevitable but nuclear accidents are not.
When you reach the third grade you will begin to understand that nuclear accidents (when they occur) are far more deadly than a tsunami ...... and much, much, much more long-lasting. Genetic Deformities last for Generations, in fact.
You do know that those slender wind turbine towers do not send up toxic gas or steam and are neither radioactive nor carnivourous don't you?
Who has claimed wind turbines are radioactive? Or carnivorous?
Who has claimed wind turbines are radioactive? Or carnivorous?
You are quite the moron. There seems to be a consensus here.
With such an utter lack of character, it's so nice that you've found a hobby. You ought to start a club. You can be president and distribute buttons to every club member.

Button Glasnost.jpg
Oops, you're being a moron again. Those fears were acknowledged and strong measures taken to reduce the threat of wind turbines to animals.

Sure Sure Sure.. Like Obama handled the rapture kill of Eagles, Hawks and Owls.. He ordered that wind farms be given kill permits for these animals.. And that the owners don't touch the carcasses.. The Interior Dept just comes and removes them...

A pressure wave from a medium sized wind turbine blows up a bat heart at 50 yards... The issue here is HABITAT DENIAL.. Not the number of kills.. After one or two generations, there's no more to kill idiot...

Because all those massive acres are now kill zones for certain species... Just draw an X on the map for a 10 mile radius around a wind farm for raptors and other flying animals...

You're quite the environmentalist -- aintcha????

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