Wind farms banned as environmentalists grumble

It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?
All cities that wan this will convert every square inch of parkland and the roofs of their high rises, homes, apartments, businesses and public spaces to windmill and solar panel devices.
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?
All cities that wan this will convert every square inch of parkland and the roofs of their high rises, homes, apartments, businesses and public spaces to windmill and solar panel devices.

Personally I think we should use every available roof space that gets sufficient sun for solar panels as it is a better option to using acres and acres of undeveloped land.

That said I still do not believe wind and solar combined will meet the electric power needs of a fossil fuel free economy
Any idea what it costs a homeowner to buy/install solar panels on the roof and purchase the storage batteries essential to provide enough electricity to service even a small home?
What about the amount of fossil fuel required to manufacture the batteries and all the other components?
What about the problem of disposing of storage batteries after they have worn out?
The problem is there are a lot of REALLY stupid people who have bought the wind/solar DEM wet dream.
Save the planet! Purchase a veggie burger that has passed through a white unicorn's digestive tract!
Any idea what it costs a homeowner to buy/install solar panels on the roof and purchase the storage batteries essential to provide enough electricity to service even a small home?
What about the amount of fossil fuel required to manufacture the batteries and all the other components?
What about the problem of disposing of storage batteries after they have worn out?
The problem is there are a lot of REALLY stupid people who have bought the wind/solar DEM wet dream.
Save the planet! Purchase a veggie burger that has passed through a white unicorn's digestive tract!
You can have a home solar that does not charge batteries but rather connects directly to the grid so when you are using power you use the solar generated first and the utility generated second when you are not using the power from your solar panels it feeds to the grid and the utility pays you for it
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution
WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution

And we need nuclear for the rest unless if course you want to keep burning coal
Bald Eagles get hit by cars
They are scavengers by nature and eat carcasses on the sides of roads
Cats, raccoons and people get hit by cars. So what?
You don't have a point, do you.
Actually, the point is that

<sob>. We can’t have windmills because they kill Bald Eagles
Is a bunch of shit
Why aren’t conservatives complaining about pigeons
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution

And we need nuclear for the rest unless if course you want to keep burning coal
We need a comprehensive energy plan that is not......Drill baby, drill
Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution

And we need nuclear for the rest unless if course you want to keep burning coal
We need a comprehensive energy plan that is not......Drill baby, drill
And yet all you people say an unequivocal no to nuclear power
Actually, the point is that

<sob>. We can’t have windmills because they kill Bald Eagles
Is a bunch of shit
Why aren’t conservatives complaining about pigeons
The needless slaughter of tens of thousands of birds of all sorts is only part of the reason why we should stop subsidizing these giant wind driven cuisinarts but you are far too dishonest and much too stupid to see that.
Wind Energy Subsidies: Billions and Billions of Your Tax Dollars | National Review

For all the money, the death of irreplaceable endangered species and space taken up by wind farms we are getting an absolutely minuscule return for our investment. A puny 5.5% of our national electricity needs are being met while we plow billions of dollars into wind farms.
Nuclear energy could bridge that gap easily for much much less.

Wake up, hippie, if you give a fuck. Crawl away and go live in your tree house if you don't and leave the rest of us alone.
You brainwashed fools are dangerous to eagles and to human beings.
Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.
looks like they didn't banned them all and it was not an environmental issues but an economic one.
Still if your a land owner with vacant land and windmills is a way to get royalties. Yes
some land owners do not want them because of the birds that are dying and the noise and they look ugly

yet Oil rigs look ugly and you do not want to know what it does to the land, birds die by cars, airplanes, and hunting season (the life of bird is certainly dangerous) and the noise issue well unless you live right next to one.
Farmers they will sell land for house development and when the new owners complain about the farming activity noise, then that farmer is kicking himself in the butt for selling.
Eventually he will put up a sign that says that this is a farming community and this is what we do. So don't complain about noise levels as it won't change anything.
I have to ask myself, if I were a farmer, what I would prefer? Of course, I'd rather see nothing but 360° horizon ... but if I were compelled or offered compensation .... would I want an oil rig, a mining shaft, a nuclear funnel, or a wind turbine on my land? I can answer that question already.
I'll take the Nuke Plant.... power for 100 years and very little chance of anything going wrong with new systems. Beats the hell out of rusting piles of crap windmills and solar panels.
It's a very mature technology.. Been around for literally ages. Don't expect much more than them getting bigger and noisier.. Problem is -- the wind can blow for 20 minutes and take 8 hours off. Or all of Tuesday and Wednesday.. They produce only 1/3 of their rated maximum power. And the maintenance for a 20 turbine wind farm is astronomical compared to hydro or gas turbines or other turbine technologies..

It sucks... and only true demented morons believe it's any kind of ON GRID alternative.... Like the Insane Clown Posse of wannabee Presidents and AOC....
No technology gets "bigger and noisier".

WTF you talking about????


They HAD to do that.. Because the maintenance on the smaller ones were KILLING THEM.. You drive by older farms on a good wind day and more than half of the old turbines are locked in place...

So they DO get MONSTRUOUSLY large... You know how high 128Meters is??? And they use up the same amount of land per MWatt because they have to be spaced farther apart.. And NOISE and image shadowing IS an issue..

Many farmers who leased their land to cash in have dissolved the leases from the noise.. And on the bigger ones, if the sun goes behind the blades and the light enters the home, it is literally torture...
You very obviously do not understand the fundamentals of technological advancement and its' ambition to discover/create more efficient and less obtrusive results. Your heart is not in this subject I can see.

Oh hell no.. I just spent 40+ years in science and engineering both academically and applied... And I know how hard it is to push technologically mature products BEYOND their limits...

Whatcha gonna do when the wind takes 2 or 4 days off in a week?? You think "heart" has anything to do with that?????
You speak of technological LIMITS? That's a good one! :laughing0301: Has it never occurred to you that wind turbine configuration is in its' infancy ..... that the wind turbine tower is the horse-drawn carriage of our time? "LIMITS" you say!
You are a moron... Wind power is over 600 years old. Ask the Dutch how well they worked...
Common sense prevails in the midwest where citizens oppose Obama's war on coal.

<<LAFAYETTE, Ind. – As protests mounted Monday about the message being sent to the rest of Indiana and world about Tippecanoe County’s commitment to green energy, the biggest turbines and commercial wind farms were banned from rural land around Lafayette and West Lafayette.

Tippecanoe County commissioners – arguing that a growing county couldn’t afford to hamstring other kinds of development with long-term leases tying up tens of thousands of acres around Lafayette and West Lafayette – voted 3-0 for a zoning ordinance that prohibits wind turbines taller 140 feet.>>

Wind farms banned in rural Tippecanoe County, as environmentalists grumble
View attachment 277950
you do know that that is just steam coming from those cooling towers don't you?

And you can generate far more electricity per acre with a nuclear power plant than you can with wind turbines. And lets not forget that windmills actually only produce about 25% of their rated output.

So why not concentrate the impact on land rather than spreading out over millions and millions of acres?
Imagine if HRC had won. How many millions would have been 'donated' to the Clinton Foundation by wind mill/solar power business?
We dodged a bullet folks.
Yes it's funny. The truth is sometimes funny.
When there is wind, you harness the power
When there is sun, you do the same

What is so hard about that?

Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution

And we need nuclear for the rest unless if course you want to keep burning coal
We need a comprehensive energy plan that is not......Drill baby, drill
And yet all you people say an unequivocal no to nuclear power
I don’t mind it as part of an overall solution
Actually, the point is that

<sob>. We can’t have windmills because they kill Bald Eagles
Is a bunch of shit
Why aren’t conservatives complaining about pigeons
The needless slaughter of tens of thousands of birds of all sorts is only part of the reason why we should stop subsidizing these giant wind driven cuisinarts but you are far too dishonest and much too stupid to see that.
Wind Energy Subsidies: Billions and Billions of Your Tax Dollars | National Review

For all the money, the death of irreplaceable endangered species and space taken up by wind farms we are getting an absolutely minuscule return for our investment. A puny 5.5% of our national electricity needs are being met while we plow billions of dollars into wind farms.
Nuclear energy could bridge that gap easily for much much less.

Wake up, hippie, if you give a fuck. Crawl away and go live in your tree house if you don't and leave the rest of us alone.
You brainwashed fools are dangerous to eagles and to human beings.
Who cares

They will die in global warming anyway
Sure just don't expect it to be enough to meet all of our growing power needs
Who has ever said all?
10-20 percent is a major contribution

And we need nuclear for the rest unless if course you want to keep burning coal
We need a comprehensive energy plan that is not......Drill baby, drill
And yet all you people say an unequivocal no to nuclear power
I don’t mind it as part of an overall solution
It will have to be the largest part but then again why not just go 100% nuclear and save our undeveloped lands for recreational use

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