Windy Davis - typical vicious and hateful left-wing android.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
So the truth keeps unraveling about another lying left-wing politician. There is absolutely no truth to this pathological liars life history, just a multitude of falsehoods to portray herself as the struggling leftist who has had nothing but a life of pain and hardships...but look at her now, she overcame, oh how strong and resilient she is. What is not included in her attempt to make us feel her *ahem*, uh...pain is, it's all a lie

It doesn't end there. Aren't Democrats and leftists supposed to be compassionate? The ones that are there for those who are struggling, oppressed and at a disadvantage? Oh, it is a wonderful propaganda piece, they sure talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.

I will say Windy (yes I am purposely spelling her name that way) Davis is far from dumb, she's a smart person. You see, I'm not going to follow the same path as leftists and think anyone with differing views is an idiot. Davis is indeed smart, and at the same time a typical very vicious, cruel heartless left-winger. Make no mistake about it, the following comments by Davis were no gaffes, but intentional vicious remarks in hopes if invoking a harsh response from Abbott in hopes the Democrat party's propaganda machine - the media would relentlessly attack him as being a sexist and typical anti-woman Republican.

"And I guarantee you that anyone (referring to Abbott) who tries to say otherwise hasn't walked a mile in my shoes"

"Greg Abbott is running scared and for good reason"

Can you imagine if a Republican directed these statements towards a Democrat who was a paraplegic? The Democrat Party's mouthpieces, the media would crucify that Republican.

These comments by Davis have presented Republicans with a great opportunity to accuse the Democrats of having a war on the handicapped.

Ahhhh, the left-wing's rising star now appears to be a fart in the wind as the truth of her long list of lies continue to unravel. In closing, considering Windy dumped her husband after he paid the last of her tuition for Harvard, and she abandoned her children, I'd like to offer a perfect theme song for Windy Davis's campaign for Governor of TX.

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The abortion queen didn't have a chance to start with and it's been all down hill form there. Couldn't happen to a nicer individual.
I think her statements are intended as a way of not treating him differently because of his disability. Like, for example, referring to a blind opponent and saying "My opponent doesn't see the difference between such and such." Isn't it respectful rather than cruel to treat people with disabilities the way we would treat anyone else? I believe that is her intention. Probably not the best idea in politics where every word is scruntinized and the worst case scenario is put on them.
These despicable yahoos seem to forget that their greatest "hero", FDR was also wheel chair bound.

Not only that, but he was deceptive, and tried to hide the fact.

And the son-of-a-bitch was also a chain smoker.
Not for anything a metaphor ceases to be a metaphor when it highlights another persons handicap or disability and I could care less which political party is doing it and why.


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Not for anything a metaphor ceases to be a metaphor when it highlights another persons handicap or disability and I could care less which political party is doing it and why.


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Well....cry and stomp your feet why donchya!

No problem. I have four of them.

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